Jim's Funeral on Love Actually commentary


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Oct 26, 2002
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I was watching the commintary to the movie Love Actully, and, if you've seen the movie, their is a part at the begening where Kira Knightly is getting married and a group of singers start singing while the curtain opens "Love, love, love, love, love, love" over again and than some trombonest stand up and play "All you need is love" than the trupets, than the electric guitar. Really "goose-bumpy" part, than the guy says (doing the comintary) "this was inspired by Jim Hensons funeral, I was their and it was one of the most moving expierences in my life, while they carried Jims cascet out, Frank Oz stands up with Jim's Kermit puppet and starts to sing, one voice, than about 50 puppetiers stand up, each with one of their puppets and goin in the singing, than Big Bird walks down the middle isle and finishes the song" I wanted to cry, I NEEEEEEEED this on video!