Looking for SS Ernie & Bert Routines


Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
Sesame Street: Ernie & Bert Skits

I've been trying for YEARS (since at least 85) to find a copy of what I can only call "The Rhyming Game".. I have looked at every Sesame Street "music" release I can find and it's just not there.

I can remember some of it (if this helps):
B: Ernie Stop It!
E: Bert, Bop It!
B: Ernie please!
E: A dog has fleas!

then at the end, when Bert is finally getting into it, Ernie walks away going "Okay, Bert, I'm finished.. bye" and Bert is left by himself... and the skit ends with Bert turning to the lamp and saying "Hey there lamp, that's a nice shade" and when he gets no response he says "Not the same thing."

Also, any of the skits with the Tweedle bugs or the one with the Pepperoni Pizza and Grape Juice (Sharing) would be much wanted as well.

Being extremely new to this, I'm not sure what I have to 'trade' people. I believe we have copies of the original muppet shows from when they were being rerun on Nickelodeon in the mid-90's, but I would have to really dig and hope it didn't get lost when we moved.
