Mid 90's Toons! (Tick, Rockos, Eek the Cat, Critic, Catdog, Family Dog)


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I've grown to not hate Power Rangers and respect its fan base (it's huge) years ago... but Fox's best shows were Eek and Tick and all that other weird stuff. Somehow I remember Digimon coming in 1999, then they just went overkill 2000 to 2002 when the network ended. Sucks the kind of Kid's anime we get over here. I'm ultra thankful for Ultimate Muscle, but to this day, I'm still ticked the show never found a real audience. Kids should have been taking Kid Muscle lunch boxes to school and wearing dMp shirts. I still don't get Beyblade's popularity as a cartoon. Toy, maybe... but cartoon, no.
Its like Pokemon. I always and will always hate Pokemon. But I acknowledge there's a massive college aged(and a lot of cute nerd chicks at that) who *squeee with glee* at it. So I respect it, and will even do fanart Pokestyle for geek girl pals.

I was briefly into MUSCLE stuff in 1986, didnt even know it was Japanese or a show. I just carried around those little orangeish pink toys around...was my gateway to WWF wrestling at the time. Man I miss the 80's.