Minor Muppetz' TMS outline: Don Adams

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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It's been awhile since I last wrote an outline. Anyway, this outline takes place in the second season.

Cold opening/ Dressing Room
Scooter tells Don Adams that there are thirty seconds untill curtain, and that he has a phone call. Don adams talks into his shoe.

Kermit introduces Fozzie bear.

Opening Number: Comedy Tonight
Fozzie Bear sings while he slips on a banana peel, steps on a rake, gets blown up, sprays sheltzer into hs face, and gets a pie thrown into his face.

Statler tells Waldorf that there should be some good comedy now that the bear has done his act.

it's time for Don Adams.

Don appears in a tuxedo and tries to conduct the orchestra, but his pants leg gets caught on a floor board, ripping his pants. Also, Floyds guitar strings break as floyd plays ("it's a new bass, and was too cheap", says Floyd). Zoot also gets a cold, causing his music to sound awful. Finally, Animal comes and attacks Don. (Nigel obviously doens't appear in this number, and neither does Crazy harry, but the other orchestra members seen in the opening an dclosing are there, including Rowlf and Trumpet lady).

Muppet Labs
Bunsen has invented new ways to use the phone. He invents a cactus phone, which stings Beaker, a meat cleaver phone, which slices beaker, and a dynamite stick phone, which blows up in Beaker.

Crazy Harry asks Bunsen if he could have a dynamite phone. Don tells Bunsen that he should make an edible phone because he is hungry.

The Swedish Chef
The Swedish Chef makes a pizza. he puts a spinning wheel on the pizza, causing it to be sliced into eight pieces. Green Hunchback Frackle, Boppity, and Behemoth come and eat the wheel.

Don is not hungry anymore. His spoon rings.

U.K. Spot: Tea For Two
Sam and Mildred have some tea as they sing tea for two. However, the tea is too hot for sam, causing him to blow fire out of his mouth. When sam learned that The swedish Chef, with some help from Crazy harry, made the tea, he is not surprised.

Talk Spot
Kermit wants to talk about Don Adams most famous role, maxwell Smart, but Don wants to talk about the muppetshow.

Statler and Waldorfs chairs ring, but they don't know how to answer their chairs.

Bunsen has invented an edible telephone. beaker "talsk" into it, but Animal eats it before the phone conversation can be done. "tastes like chocolate", says Animal.

Don runs for president against Sweetums. Don offers to clean up the universe, give everybody a free, clean car, and decrease violence. Sweetums offers to beat up on poor people, start more fires, and eat police officers. The newsman announces that sweetums won. Sweetums got 1,200 votes while Don only got two votes (from Kermit and Sam The Eagle). Thog, Doglion and Timmy congraduate Sweetums.

Statler and Waldorf wish that they could have voted. Who would they have voted for? Nobody (they just wanted an opportunity to vote).

Closing Number: The Blue Danube
Rowlf plays the song as Miss Piggy dances. Her shoe rings during the middl of the closing number, so Don comes out and dances. Miss Piggy is not happy with this and karate chops Don.

Good Night
Kermit and Don Adams are joined by sweetums, rowlf, fozzie, and beaker.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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If you are wondering about who I would have as the performers of some of the characters, then...

Green Hunchback Frackle would be performed by Dave Goelz.
Boppity would be performed by Richard Hunt.
Behemoth would be performed by Jerry Nelson.
Doglion would be performed by Jim Henson.
Timmy would be performed by Dave Goelz (although I probably wouldn't have him talk)
Mildred would be performed by Richard Hunt (in fact, for my outlines, unless I say otherwise, always assume that Mildred is supposed to be performed by Richard Hunt in any scene that isn't a first season At The Dance segment. In any At The Dance segments for the first season, always assume that she is performed by Frank Oz unless I say otherwise).

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I love it! The ringing, er, running gag, is priceless! Don't know how to answer thier chairs- that's brilliant.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Since it was reported that Don Adams died today I thought that it would be a nice tribute to bump this thread so that people who haven't read it can read it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I loved Don Adams as Maxwell Smart and he is sadly missed.
He is an excellent choice for a guest star. If I ever do an outline of my own I'll include a sketch parodying the Get Smart TV series.
You are a wonder with these outlines minor.