Muppet Whatnot professional rebuild


Feb 21, 2009
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I thought others might find this amusing. I rebuilt my FAO Muppet Whatnot using more professional methods and materials. See all the images at this link:

View Muppet Whatnot character rebuild images here.

Some history:
In the fall of 2008 I came across the Muppet Whatnot Workshop at FAO Schwarz in New York. It reinvigorated my interest in puppetry, something I was significantly involved with for many years in my youth. I used this puppet in an absurd and over-produced music video (4:35 long, and p.s. it’s got some implied adult themes as part of the humor)
I love my Whatnot character, but it’s just a toy with it’s shortcomings. As an exercise in my puppet building skills and because I wanted to use the character more but wish he was built better, I set forth to recreate a new and improved model.
It took about a week to complete in my free time and involved patterning all the structural parts and the fleece coverings, dyeing fleece in two matched colors, assembling the foam structures, and hand-sewing everything to hide seams. I hit a few minor obstacles and learned a few new things…

Anyone else built a puppet inspired by their FAO Muppet Whatnot or made upgrades to theirs?