My First Foray into Filming my Puppets


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2004
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Hi all! This is sort of a shameless plug, but also a chance to let other people see what I've been working on.

Awhile ago, I started building puppets, when I was 18 I built my first full body costume puppet. It was a hit at Halloween. I later started building more puppets, not too many though, in the little free time I had. Some friends of mine persuaded me to just turn on a camera one night and just start improving. It was a lot of fun and I loved it!

So, to check out some of my silly attempts, along with some friends, you can go to

I'm currently developing a short series format to go on youtube, hopefully will have something done soon, in between exams and working!

Thanks! And I'm always happy to hear from anyone!