My Kidnapper, I Thee Wed: Coffee’s Story


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Just A Corny 80's Movie
Isn't it?

An ivory owl perched itself onto a thick branch, upon a very large oak tree in the vicinity of an impressively large school. The doors swung open as a disorderly horde of students escaped the calm of the quiet and into the world outside. In the flurry of activity, mismatched eyes fixated on none other than a girl in the crowd, a peculiar one.
She seemed particularly pleased at the few notes she kept thumbing over, unaware of the darling animal that watched over her so intently. Her enthusiasm was hard to lessen as this was her last year in high school. This opportunity that her eccentric drama teacher had presented to her had delighted her to no end. Yes, it was a small part, but an important role nevertheless!
She finally had enough reputation to hitch a secondary lead role in her school’s popularized play, and this year, it was The Little Mermaid. She made it as Ursula, a malicious sea witch who tricks Ariel into a twisted game. Perhaps she was not as thick as she needed to be for the part, but it was the voice that managed to earn her the part.
On the way home, she was reminded of her parents’ absence, as she browsed through her tidy schedule. “Coffee’s going to do this! Yes!” She cried dutifully, passion lacing her words. She tucked her belongings into her backpack and continued her small journey home.
She made it within 20 minutes.
Not bad.
Coffee couldn’t remember what came next. But instead of practicing uselessly, she decided that maybe she’d take a rest from recital. She pranced down the stairs and into the kitchen, prepared the raid the fridge like the typical teen would. She had quite an appetite, but not so big as to eat last night’s leftovers, yesterday’s pudding or even the spaghetti trapped within a container. The only thing that caught her eye was a fat, creamy cheesecake, beckoning her to it.
“No, I must resist!” She cried, looking away. “I’m not worthy of your deliciousness!”
The cake seemed to stare back at her.
“It’s forbidden love, I say!” She excused. “I can’t be selfish and devour you with my teethy caress!”
The poor sweet thing did not last long.
They shared a heated romance that involved chewing and swallowing. All that was left was a mourning plate and a weeping spoon.
She made her way to the modest-sized living room to browse her collection of movies.
It was a difficult decision to make what with the amazing film assortment ranging from Steven Spielberg to Tim Burton. It was quite extensive since her father, when not working, enjoyed being a couch potato or just a critic.
“There you are! Oh, YES!” She cried, taking the tape from out of its box and into the VCR.
She plopped onto the couch, smiling lopsidedly as the credits rolled down the screen for her to read. She sighed at Sarah’s reaction to her stepparents’ scolding. It really gave teenagers a bad image, seriously. But she had to admit, the girl was rather gorgeous—no wonder The Goblin King fell in love with her.
Just the thought of the ever delicious David Bowie made her flutter her curly lashes. She tilted her head to the side and sighed. “Mmm, I wish he’d take me away right now.” She mused playfully. “Well, just what would you ask him, Coffee?” She asked to herself, flashing a thoughtful look. “Hair? Of course! I mean, how on earth can it stay like that? A wig, maybe?” She questioned. “Hence the giant hair, I hereby title him ‘Sir Poofy’.” She declared randomly.
She did not realize how far into the movie she'd gotten until she saw the dashing villain point his gloved hand at the golden ticking clock floating over the bloodshot horizon, near a dead tree.
Gray claws scratched against her window, getting her attention as soon as she had heard it. The scraping got louder the nearer she went. "Gee, you sure seem desperate if you're coming by, huh?" She cooed.
The owl ruffled its silvery feathers and basked itself in the light of the stunning glow. Coffee stepped back, fearfully. Luminescent sparks shimmered around its form before a brilliant, sudden flash of light swept it out of existence. She blinked at what she thought to be a psychotic break. "From this day forth, I will stop drinking Coca-Cola for as long as I live. Coca-Cola is bad. Very, very bad."
A figure sat on her bed calmly, one leg crossed over the other. His leather-gloved hands drummed the table nearby, partially covered by what looked like black armor all over his thin body. He tilted his head, his mane of golden-blonde hair falling all over his face. He smiled at her menacingly and stared with one blue eye and one brown.
“Wow, the psychiatrist lady was right when she said my imagination would take me so far as to create unnecessary delusions of grandeur!” She exclaimed, cupping his high-cheeked face into her soft hands. “So real looking…” She murmured.
He lowered her hands. “I’m very much real.” He said nonchalantly, throwing his head back for a hearty laugh, which frightened her to a large degree.
“You are so not real!” She cried.
“If I were part of your imagination, I’d say it to be astounding.” He commented.
“Um, look, imaginary friend…I’m old now.” She started, “Go away.”
“Did you not wish yourself away to my Labyrinth?” He asked.
“It wa-s-s-s an innocent-t-t-t joke.” She stuttered nervously, toying with her tie.
”Tsk, tsk.” He said. “You must learn to not say such things lightly.”
She blinked.
Jareth smiled, appearing next to her, holding a glass object. “I could give you power beyond your wildest dreams . . . the ability to control my Labyrinth, create and destroy as you please . . . and be my queen."
Her expression was unchanging.
“No thanks, mate.” She said, walking off gingerly.
“I believe you have no choice, foolish girl.” He grabbed her wrist.
"I believe you have no choice, foolish girl." She mocked girlishly, wiggling her hips while waving her hands somewhat aimlessly.
He rose a thick eyebrow. Amused he was.
"You're listening? GREAT! So to make this fair--let me solve the Labyrinth." She suggested from out of the blue. "Like you did with Sarah!" She cried.
"I admire your child-like charm, but you need more than mere hope to solve my Labyrinth. You see, it has grown, changed. Things never stay the same, and the same things never stay. It is a dangerous world--a very, very dangerous world." He said, his voice soft as a flute. "Mother dearest won't be there to nurture you if you ever get cut up by the madgibber or the twittersnatch..." He loomed over her, stiking fear into her heart.
"Better the madgibber than you." She said wide-eyed.
"Fine. If you fail to solve my Labyrinth, you will commit yourself to me for all eternity. No ifs, ands, or buts." He said, smiling innocently.
She wasn't sure if she wanted any part.
"Yes, but I'll be getting home in no time, you slimy git." She said, giving a false smile.
He chuckled. "I'm charmed. You will make an interesting queen. " He said. "With oddness comes a great imagination, hmm?"
Mom, there is a man in the living room who thinks he’s Jareth and looks like David Bowie!” She cried, struggling. She dug her nails into his gloved hand, whimpering at the pressure he added. After thrashing about like a wild animal, she fainted.
He released her.
You have fourteen hours to solve my Labyrinth, dear girl!
Wake up soon! The time is ticking! Time waits for no one, you know!
Her world shifted into the Labyrinth.
Hopefully this was all just a bad dream.
After this, she would no longer fawn over fictional men, and no longer call herself a "fangirl" of anyone or anything.
Stupid fangirlism got her into this mess.
No matter how immature the notion seemed.
Guess not.
Blurbs| Well, well, I made my first Labyrinth-oriented fic.​

Hey, the plot may look typical, but don't be fooled.​
If you're worrying over a Mary-sueish character--don't be.​
She isn't as Mary-Sueish as she seems in this first chapter.​
Coffee Briggs is imperfection at its best...just get to know her through the the story, and maybe you may just get inspired on just how flaws make a person so unique.​
I never specified her appearance in this chapter...huh, dork alert!​
She has a petite frame, oval face, big black eyes, small nose, thick pink lips, has a pixie haircut with black piecey bangs that cover just a bit above her thick dark eyebrows.​
You could say she looks like a young Audrey Hepburn.​
That in itself was an accident as I was making the character.​
This story is actually suposed to be humorous.​
There won't be too much drama, that I promise.​

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Huggles Squeaky. Another great start. But what's with all the "Block Quotes"? You managed to get in a stab of a mention of one of my fave Disney movies... And I can see you've invested some of yourself into Coffee, that's good, cause the character has some realism to her and you'll hopefully continue to write her as comes naturally. BTW: There is indeed humor in this first offering... Sir Poofy. Cheesecake romance. Man who thinks he's Jareth... Oh Squeaky...
*Huggles again. Post more!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Yeah, attack of the weird block quotes!
XD Fear them, Eddie....FEEAARR! :wink:
Kidding! <3

Awwwwwwwww, Rabbit...thank you so much! <3
*Snuggles her best MC friend*
WOW! Thanks! I was SOOO afraid she'd end up Mary-Sue!
You comforted me loads! <3

Note: You are my best friend too, Eddie. ;3

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ha! To quote Mai Valentine from Yu-Gi-Oh... "Dork. Of course we're friends."
*Snubs Squeaky-Weaky.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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A Meeting [Prt. 1]

Coffee awoke to the unpleasant smell of heated dust. The scorching air burned her ear the moment she raised half of her body to a comfortable sitting position. Her bangs tickled her forehead as she turned her head in confusion. She wondered if any of this was really happening. If it was, then she had better get a move on.

“You got beat by a girl,” She screeched, “remember that!”

She rose slowly to full height after shouting a string of curse words to the ever omniscient Jareth and noticed her palms were covered with sunset-red dirt. To worsen her condition, so was her uniform. She smoothed out the stain with some difficulty. It wasn’t as successful as she hoped, but it could have been much worse.

She walked timidly down the path to what she assumed would lead her to Goblin City. It was enormous, even from afar. “I can’t believe it.” She moaned, falling on her bottom, similar to a mewing child who had no intention of going to school.

She felt dreadful for having challenged Jareth to a game that he knew all too well. She was ignorant of its state, its creatures, or even its alliance. “What am I going to do?” She complained feebly to herself. The more time she spent sitting, the more misery persuaded her to give in.

The girl stood up again. This time a little more determined. “I’ll sing my way there!” She declared, puffing her cheeks with what she thought could intimidate anyone on the planet. Sadly, the expression made her look all the funnier.

Her trembling figure signified her insecurity. Her fears muffled her singing to a stop as she jerked her body all over the place. Her surroundings were too alien for her taste. She even felt a lot more vulnerable the further she traveled. This was something she had always dreamed…but now that she was living it…she wanted to just disappear. This was too much adventure for her to take.

“In my world everyone’s a pony, and they all eat rainbows, and poop butterflies.” She quoted, trying to humor herself with its bluntness. She made her way through a couple of bushes, and entered another path. At least this one had walls, she thought. Could it be she found the Labyrinth?

“Those creatures are extinct ‘ere, Miss.” A little voice corrected.

“Ew.” She said.

“Yeh, I’m glad ‘bout that meself.” The voice agreed.

She spotted a peculiar looking worm emerge from the wall’s opening. The creature sparked her fancy, and thankfully, her familiarity. Wide moist amber eyes gazed into her black ones, as if to greet her.

“This a staring contest?” It asked, tilting its furry head to the side in amusement.

“I can’t believe it’s you…it’s really…you!” She cried, trying her best to suppress a squeal.

“You? Aw, no…I’m just a worm.” It started with a chuckle, “There ain’t such a race called a ‘You’ in this place.”

“No, silly, I mean…you’re the worm who first talked to Sarah when she made it here!” She explained.

“Come inside and ‘ave a nice cup of tea—we’ll chit-chat on the way in.” It offered.

“Lead the way.” She said, petting it's head.

“Thank you, m’love.” It thanked, guiding her through the wall.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yaey! And so it begins... :scary:
*Snuggles Claudida not caring about homework to be done, it can wait until the morrow.


*Laughs at the song about the ponies... Hillary would probably find it funny, or not.

Clock ticking... You're running out of time. But so are we all.
*Runs past en route to another story.
I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date.
No time to stop or sigh, say hello, goodbye.
I'm late I'm late I'm late!
*Runs past to find Nora in her own topsy-turvy land of strange yet not altogether-there familiarity.

*Gives the Claudia Monster a chocolatey chippy cookie.
More please! :insatiable:


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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I read the first part! Reading the second part. Um, cheesecake encounter? I've been there. >< I love how she's WATCHING Labyrinth in it! That's great! Jareth sounds really mean. But Coffee is super cute and quirky (like someone else I know... :wink: ) so keep at it and I will keep reading. <3


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Hobgoblin's Hand [II]

The Hobgoblin’s Hand was a popular tavern in Goblin city. It was not popular just for its shabby theme, but for the fights that stirred within. The passing of a fresh fight was evident by the rows of broken glass that had been scattered about on the floor by the drunken creatures that dwelled miserably in the pub. The smell of burning cigars clung to the air, as if it had been there forever. The mumbling of the mad were no louder than the goblin’s that rocked back and forth in the corner.

Coffee swooped up her new friend into the palm of her hand as she stepped over the layers of broken glass. The sound of faint crackling sounded softly beneath her shoes. Her eyes were quite sensitive to the thick smoke, causing them to burn, and turn a bright pink color. Her nostrils were given the same rough treatment, but with the added bonus of the smell of alcohol. This made her question the actual intentions of the coy worm.

“All ‘opular pubs are like tha’ at times.” He assured.

They entered the backroom without any trouble from the drunks. However, the smell clung to them wherever they went, so, they were unsuccessful in escaping the stench that was second hand smoke. Concerning the smell, it was a miracle the little worm had not been bothered by it at all. Perhaps the little thing had worked there for so long, his senses had lessened with the passing time.

“Do you own this pub?” She asked.

“Yeh.” He answered with a chuckle.

Coffee placed him on the oak wood table carefully, expecting him to pour out delicious details on how exactly she’d reach the castle—through which routes? Any shortcuts at all, she wondered. The little worm mustered a tot, charming smile as he admired her expectant expression. The silence between the two began to alarm her greatly. She did not do well in peaceful silence. Her mind kept bugging her to hack the truth out of the troll-like worm. The impulse to do so was ignored. She had to be patient, understanding, solemn, enduring….


“We ‘ave just the batch o’er the kitch-“

“Carrot cake!”

“None of those I’m ‘fraid…”

“Stop the silence!”

“No one ain’t quiet here, m’dear…”

“It burns!”

“I take it silence ain’t no treat for you, eh?”

She nodded after six minutes of nonsensical screaming. Her cheeks reddened from her daring act of stupidity. It was her discomfort for the quiet that made her utterly hysterical. The thought of staying still frightened her.

“No…no it isn’t.” She admitted awkwardly. It was clear she had issues with enduring pauses.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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... And it is obvious this girl has a talent for writing... And keeping us in suspense for whenever she deems to grace us with an update. For she knows we love her and her stories. Quiet huh? Nope, only Death owns that here. Order up! Oh uh, I'll take an, eh, forget it... Wouldn't even dare enter a place like that. Only through fiction of course though. Interesting, so you plan to have a secret entrance to the Labyrinth through this pub? Reminds me of the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon/Nocturn Alleys. Good stuff Squeex, please... Post more!