Need Spanish-speaking help

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I need to know how to say "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen" in Spanish. It's for a TMS outline guest starring Desi Arnaz.

I know "Buenos Noches" is good night, don't know if it's also good evening (or if that's "Buenos Tardes"). I know "Senor" is man and "Senorita" is girl, or woman possibly? "Senora" is woman but I don't know which would be used here, or if there are other words that would be used in a more formal setting. Any takers?

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm taking Spanish II right now, and I believe "good evening ladies and gentlemen" in Spanish would be "buenas noches señoras y señors"

If that's not entirely accurate, I'm sure Count can modify it to be completely accurate.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah... Will modify, but here in a post of my own.
Dave, first of all, happy birthday!
If you need help with the Spanish translations for your current outline, drop me a PM or E-mail and we can chat.

As for the questions posted here so far...
"Good night ladies and gentlemen" would translate into "Buenas noches damas y caballeros".
At least, that's the formal way to say it. The way Snowth provided is for a looser more informal or more familiar sort of setting.
You can use either, it's up to you.

"Señora" is indeed "woman", but if you're planning to have Animal chant that then it'd be better in the more generic "Mujer! Mujer! Mujer!" form.
"Señorita" is accepted for "girl" or "Miss" or "young lady" in both stern and sweet talking scenarios.
"Señor" is Spanish for "sir" or "mister".
"Buenas tardes" is "Good afternoon", though it gets a bit tricky as evening hours are translated into afternoon hours.
Example: 7:50 PM would be "las siete y cincuenta de la tarde".
Nighttime hours don't start until either 8 or 9 PM.
Additionaly, all hours are translated into plural when giving the time of day except for the hour of 1 o'clock which is spoken as singular.
Example: 4:45 PM, "las cuatro y cuarenta y cinco de la tarde" or "las cinco menos cuarto" (quarter till/to five); 1:13 PM, "la una y trece de la tarde".
The word "evening" translates into "atarceder".

Would recommend you write the outline with everything Spanish you want to include first. Then either run it by a spellchecker or submit it to someone who speaks Spanish fluently, either a friend of yours offline or someone here online, to go over whatever Spanish accentuation's needed. That's the hard part about Spanish, learning that words have to be writen with accentuation marks and the rules as to when to know if a word should be accentuated.
Hope this helps, looking forward to reading it. Oh, and your outline writing partner's back on the forum, check out his Peter Paul & Mary outline.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I have a writing partner? I've collaborated with a few people but never had one permanent writing partner, not for TMS outlines, anyway. I do have a regular writing partner for other things, my best friend.

Kermit opens the show with his standard "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen" but in Spanish. It's set in Season One, when a foreign guest star still warranted a location-specific intro, i.e. "Bon soir, bon soir, madames e monsieurs!" in the Charles Aznavour episode. That's what I'm going for, and that's the only Spanish I need for the episode.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh OK... Then you're good to go.
Yeah, the guy known as Traveling Matt, who led the rebellion against words with C's in them, to replake them with K's instead.
From the outlines of yours I used to read, I got the impression you consulted each other for the TMS outlines the two of you used to post, either jointly or individually.

Oh well, look forward to the new TMS outline script.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Yeah, I do consult Travelling Matt from time to time, we bounce ideas off one another.

So "Buenas noches damas y caballeros" is how Kermit's intro ought to read, then?

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole