Oh yeah...Muppet Meetups are here!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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As i mentioned in another thread, i've been "out of the mc loop" for awhile so i apologize for sitting on this and not announcing until now...but i figured someone else would have picked up on it and spread the word...but just in case (or as a reminder)...

SInce MuppetFest was such a blast getting to meet everyone, i thought it would be great if people had some opportunites to have smaller gettogethers with some local Muppet fans. Meetup.com is a site that came about this last year where people who have the same interests can connect. One thing about the internet is that it's great in bringing together people worldwide who share common interests but sometimes finding local people to interact with can be a bit frustrating because you're talking with everyone on a global scale! There had already been a meetup created for Farscape fans so i thought "why not one for Muppets?"

So i created one for fans of Muppets/JHC - http://muppet.meetup.com - it may take awhile for enough people in a given area to sign up to make a worthwhile meeting (right now the peopole who've discovered it are a bit scattered and i don't think there's more than two people in a given region) but hopefully now that i'm TELLING people about it, it will take off - it would be nice if some communities can start having meeting by December - the MF anniversary!

...of course Phoenix AZ fans are especially encouraged...i often feel like i'm a bit alone out here in the desert! I mean it's great in that there's more pizza for me but still, the conversations get kinda one-sided.

Dr. Bombay

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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That sounds cool!

I have met people from the Bewitched Boards. It's so much fun! We decided to meet in each person's area so we could see the sites. We've been to Reno, Vancouver Canada, and Los Angeles where we got special permission to go to the WB studios where the house where Samantha and Darrin lived is. They don't let the general public go there but we know people who know people.

Having Muppety fun with others would be cool too! I was so hoping to go to the unveiling of the JH statue this month so I could meet some people from here.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hey DW!

Tom posted it a while back (I think it was Tom), and I signed up for it, but it's a no-go here in Memphis. I doubt it'll pass over here very well; folks around here aren't very supportive of anything, and they're lazy.

Like me...zzzzzzzzz:sleep:

Chilly Down

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hey, D.W.! Thanks for the link! My ol' buddy Kev's a little confused: I don't know who might have posted this before, but 'twasn't me.

A few questions:

1) I had to nominate a place where we would meet. Are we still counted as part of the group in our area even if we don't all pick the same place?

2) This site already has a date and time picked: Oct. 11, at 4 p.m. Nothing wrong with that--but who picked it? If there are other Muppet fans in our area, seems like we ought to know who's organizing it.

3) They told me my info was saved, but then wanted me to pay money and subscribe. I didn't. Is my info saved anyway? That's great if it is--but if so, why would anyone subscribe anyway?

Seriously, though, I hope this leads to more Muppet fan meetings--we need more of those. Thanks for the heads-up!!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Chilly Down said:
My ol' buddy Kev's a little confused:
:sleep: A LITTLE confused? You don't know me that well, do you! LOL!! That's the understatement of the day. Now, where am I again...? :zany:


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
:sleep: A LITTLE confused? You don't know me that well, do you! LOL!! That's the understatement of the day. Now, where am I again...? :zany:
you're at work, probably, while you're supposed to be working...

hows that?

I would do these things, if I were allowed...maybe when I can drive....


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Meetup.com is programmed to self-regulate once a Meetup is created...the fact that it does everything on its own automatically sometimes makes things a little interesting...

1) I had to nominate a place where we would meet. Are we still counted as part of the group in our area even if we don't all pick the same place?

This is essentially a "vote" - when you pick a meeting place, Meetup will choose the one that gets the most votes as the meeting place for that month. You vote on a venue each month - so whichever one is chosen this month may not be the same one in the future.

2) This site already has a date and time picked: Oct. 11, at 4 p.m. Nothing wrong with that--but who picked it? If there are other Muppet fans in our area, seems like we ought to know who's organizing it.

Again - one of the quirks about Meetup being self-automated. It picks the same day of the week each month and the same week within the month. I went with the second Saturday of the month to mirror MuppetFest...and 4 pm seemed like a convenient time. However - if the people in your area decide on something different to better suit yourselves, that's something you can work out between you (this is something i've done with another Meetup in my area...the people here found the particular day of the week doesn't work for us so we changed it to the weekend).

3) They told me my info was saved, but then wanted me to pay money and subscribe. I didn't. Is my info saved anyway? That's great if it is--but if so, why would anyone subscribe anyway?

Paid subscriptions is something new that Meetup recently came up with. You don't have to subscribe to be a member of or take part in the Meetups - it just gives you extra advantages like the ability to nominate your own venue choices etc. I haven't found any need to subscribe to Meetup...i've done well enough with the basics.

Another automated thing that's a bit annoying is that Meetup will cancel the Meetup for the month if less than five people vote on a venue or confirm they'll attend. Again, this is where you may want to circumvent what Meetup inflicts and get in touch with the other people around you to make your own plans. In Phoenix, there's only been four people signed up for the Annie Lennox meetups and we haven't broken that fifth member just yet...but that hasn't stopped us from saying the heck with it...four's good enough for us!

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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sarah_yzma said:
you're at work, probably, while you're supposed to be working....
It's SO scary how well my friends here know me...

I've got a Memphis, TN, Muppet Meet-up filed; but, there've been no takers. :frown:

I'm the lone Muppet Fan in Memphis. Lawd He'p Me!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
I've got a Memphis, TN, Muppet Meet-up filed; but, there've been no takers. :frown:

I'm the lone Muppet Fan in Memphis. Lawd He'p Me!
Maybe you need to organize a "Muley Meet-up" instead? :stick_out_tongue:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Buck-Beaver said:
Maybe you need to organize a "Muley Meet-up" instead? :stick_out_tongue:
I--never thought of that. Hmm. There would be Muley, Me, and maybe my pal Lin since he is Vice President of Mule Operations. So, that'd be 2 more than what are signed up now for the Muppets Meet Up.