Old Piece of Toast Sells for $450

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Hi, everybody. Any Beatles fans out there? I've been meaning to post this for a while. This is something my sister told me, who is the biggest fan of the Beatles I know. She's studied all of their music (group and solo) and has almost every book written about them.

Anyway, she told me something she read about George Harrison that happened in either 1962 or 1963. When Beatlemania had just hit, the Beatles went into a bar/restaurant in London (if I remember right). Anyway, George sat down and ordered something with toast on the side.

A few minutes later, someone managed to reach out their hand and swipe the toast from George's plate! There was another person with him who was in on it. The two of them ran out of there and got away. They managed to convince people they had a piece of toast that belonged to George Harrison. They might have had a photo of them stealing the toast, but I'm not 100% positive about that.

So, the guy took the toast home...and put it in the freezer...and he waited.

In the mid-eighties, a piece of toast was auctioned off for $450 that was supposedly George Harrison's! Yeah, the guy kept it in the freezer that whole time! And at another auction, someone actually had complete, still on the sticks, never opened boxes of Yellow Submarine popsicles from 1969! Seriously!

Now these stories sound weird, but if you were sitting in a restaurant, and Frank Oz ate at the table next to you, and upon leaving, he dropped a muffin or a cookie or something like that, what would you do?

a. Pick it up, dust it off, and say "Hey, you dropped this! It's okay, I wiped it off!"
b. If it's a cookie, you jump up on the table, and in your best Cookie Monster voice, you shout "This song's for Frank!!! He the BEST!!!" And you sing "C is for Cookie" and eat the cookie like Cookie Monster in front of everybody in the restaurant.
c. Take the cookie or muffin home and put it in your freezer.

Probably most of you would pick "c". You also get points if you choose not to freeze it, but to have it bronzed. (that's what I'd do).

Convincing John


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Oh... it was a Beatles fanatic thing...

For a second I actually thought someone bought it just for the sheer heck of it...

"Wow!!! Lookie what's on E-bay... a moldy 30+ year piece of toast... I might as well bid as much as I can, since I don't get out much."

Imagine what would happen if he actually bit it... it could fetch 1000!!!

I've heard of people buying up old boxes of cereal with permiums inside, but the popsicle thing is weird... talk about your serious freezer burn.

Reminds me of the Simpsons Season finalie, where Flanders stockpiled old Beatles related sodas, and Bart and Milhouse get sick drinking it...


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Convincing John said:
Now these stories sound weird, but if you were sitting in a restaurant, and Frank Oz ate at the table next to you, and upon leaving, he dropped a muffin or a cookie or something like that, what would you do?
how about option d. leave it there and say you saw frank oz and go about your business. it's just a cookie, not a thousand dollars he dropped on accident!



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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Wow. That toast thing is pretty gross. What fans won't do... I have a friend who went to Maine and ate at a restaurant Stephen King frequents. She is a huge fan of his, and as they were leaving she pocketed the silverware. She said who knows, he could have eaten off of it at some point! :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'd chose an option D too... I'd just pick it up and put it on the counter and say. "He dropped this on the floor.." if anything I give the janitors a break.

However, if he dropped something like a pen, a wallet, or something else he'd forget, I'd try to catch up to him and tell him he dropped such and return it. It's the right thing to do!

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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ryhoyarbie said:
how about option d. leave it there and say you saw frank oz and go about your business. it's just a cookie, not a thousand dollars he dropped on accident!

Yeah, you could do that, too. Sometimes just seeing one of your favorite celebrities in the flesh is enough. :smile: And yeah, if he left his wallet or something else behind I'd certainly give it back! But a muffin...hey, I know! How about option "e." Take a photo of it, put the muffin on the restaurant counter to help out the janitors, send the photo to Phil, and he can use it as an pop-up icon for the Message Board! LOL:stick_out_tongue: Then that way everybody can enjoy it!

Actually, I believe if I ever see any celebrity at a restaurant (or another public place), I'd just let them be. They get bothered enough. I'm just happy to be at a place where they were. Just to go somewhere that one of my favorite celebrities was at one time is enough for me. For you Weird Al fans, I've been to the Albuquerque Holiday Inn! (Not the same time Weird Al was, though).

Another restaurant story. Near where my brother works, Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard on Star Trek; the Next Generation) ate at the restaurant next door. And sure enough, a fan came up to him with a camera. Stewart had to shoo the fan away so he could eat in peace. Poor guy. :frown:

It doesn't take much to please me as far as contact with a celebrity. I have gotten two emails from Jerry Nelson (which I've since printed out and kept with my Muppet stuff) and Bill Cosby waved at me during one of his performances I went to. That was over three years ago, and I'm still smiling about those things! I don't know what I'd do if I actually met one of my favorite celebrities...besides smile, that is!

But yeah, the toast thing is weird. I know that not long after the toast incident, the Beatles were riding in their limo and Paul rolled down the window just enough to flick out a cigar stub. Instantly, about a dozen people jumped on it and fought over it! I remember reading that the one who got it had a bloody nose.

It all depends on what kind of fan you are, I suppose. We could talk on and on about "What would you do if you met..."

Convincing John

Smy Guiley

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2003
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I got an email once from Eddie Deezen! He's very nice and apparently answers all of his email. For those of you that don't know, he's made quite a living playing a nerd. He was in "Midnight Madness", "War Games", he was Eugene in "Grease", and now his voice pops up on numerous cartoons including "Dexter's Laboratory" (HA-haha...HA-haha, haha) and "Kim Possible" (I heard him on that as a Taco Restaurant manager). I was led to his site on a whim one day and he happens to have the HARDEST Beatles quiz on it. (Apparently nobody's ever gotten every question right!) He's quite a fan. Actually, he plays a huge Beatles fan in "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", a very funny movie about some fans trying to get in to the Ed Sullivan Theatre in February 1964 for the famous appearance.

Well, that's my brush with greatness!

That, and the time my band opened for Bif Naked once, but she was extremely unapproachable and weird.


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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ryhoyarbie said:
how about option d. leave it there and say you saw frank oz and go about your business. it's just a cookie, not a thousand dollars he dropped on accident!

I'd choose E: Keep the cookie because it's clean and eat it later when i was hungry for it, and keep the thousand dollars.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
I'd choose E: Keep the cookie because it's clean and eat it later when i was hungry for it, and keep the thousand dollars.
Uh-oh, we now have two option Es! :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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I had an interesting celebrity sighting in a restaurant. My mom and I ate lunch a few years ago at our local Cracker Barrel. The place was almost deserted, but right near us was a group of four guys. I glanced over at them and couldn't help but notice the one guy looked a LOT like Jamie Farr (Klinger from M*A*S*H). I kept glancing over at him, and my mom noticed and she thought he looked a lot like Jamie Farr, and his voice carried and we thought he sounded a lot like Jamie Farr too. We didn't want to go over and bug him so we didn't, but on the way out we asked the girl at the register if she knew whether that was him. Turns out it was! She had recognized him when she went to take his order and acknowledged recognizing him; he snapped at her rather harshly. He later apologized and just told her he wasn't feeling well and didn't want to draw attention to himself. What's more, he was with William Christopher, who played Father Mulcahey. The two were touring with a production of "The Odd Couple" and both had pneumonia :concern: so they went straight to the drug store after leaving the restaurant. So I didn't talk to them at all (I feel bad I didn't recognize William Christopher; according to the M*A*S*H quiz he's the character I'm most like :stick_out_tongue: ). But it was still kinda cool eating lunch in the same room as them. Now, if Gary Burghoff (Radar) had been there, I don't know if I would have been able to restrain myself...