Planned but never finished

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I thought I'd start a thread concerning henson productions that were planned but were never made, or at least weren't completed.

Here are some of the things that I know of:

An italian Film (without muppets or creatures)
a Dinosaurs movie
The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made (has also been referred to as The Muppets Cheapest Movie)
The Muppets leave Hollywood
The Muppets Go To Camelot
Muppet haunted House (has also been called Muppet Hauted Hotel and Muppet Scary Movie)
Muppet Time machine

TV Shows
Tales of the Tinkerdee series (only two pilots were produced)
The Zoocus
a Wizard of Id series (only a pilot was filmed)
Hey, Cinderella series (only a pilot was made)
Puppetman series (only a pilot was produced)
Island of the Lost Muppets (was this planned as a series, a special, or a mini-series?)
Muppet High
a live-action Little Mermaid series (only a pilot was produced)
an enviromental series
A new muppet show (one announced in 2000, another one (or possibly the same one) announced to air on Fox in 2002)

Snow White
Muppet Halloween Special
Johnny Carson and The Muppet machine
The Muppets Income Tax Special

The Storyteller (in 1996)
more Muppet Show videos from Jim Henson Video
re-releases of all of The best of The Muppet Show videos and DVDs, which would have been released by Columbia, as well as an additional 5 volumes.
more Mother Goose Stories videos and DVDs.
The Ghost of Faffner Hall videos and DVDs.

Palisades Toys
Sal Manillia action figure (sculpted, but not released)
Veterinarians Hospital figures (sculpted, but not released)
a Cow pack-in
Gobo Fraggle figure (sculpted, but not released)
Muppet Babies figures (kermit and piggy sculpted)
more Megas (including Kermit, The Swedish Chef, Rowlf, Rizzo, Pepe, and Bunsen)
The Electric Mayhem and Rowlf minis.
Muppet Stage playset
Angus McGonacle figure
Electric Mayhem bus playset
Happiness Hotel playset
Planet Koozebane playset
Veterinarians Hospital playset

Sabbaba Toys
Pigs In Space plush


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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How 'bout a Henson game show pilot for children called "Attention Earthlings a.k.a. Defend Your Planet!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2002
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Wasn't there a plan at one time for some TV series or something involing a band titled 'Screaming Edith'?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I recall The Muppets Go Camelot being mentioned in an article about from around the time that Muppets From Space was released. That article mentioned that Columbia Pictures and Jim Henson Pictures had a few ideas (or possibly scripts) for Muppet movies that they were interested in, including this title, The Muppets Leave Hollywood, and Muppet haunted House. Muppet Haunted House is the only one of those that has consistantly been mentioned as being planned, though it still hasn't been made.

Unfortunately, Columbia chose not to release any of those movies. I know that Columbia and Henson originally had a deal to make 15 movies from Jim Henson Pictures over the course of five years (1997-2001), with three or five of them being Muppet movies, but Jim henson Pictures ended up only releasing three movies with Columbia. A few years after the contract was up, Jim Henson Pictures actually released another movie, Good Boy, but MGM was in charge of this one, not Columbia.

I wonder why Jim Henson Pictures didn't release Kermit's Swamp Years or It;s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie.

I also remember seeing a website that mentioned that The Jim Henson Company bought a script from a fan that was going to be made. This was titled The next Muppet Movie. I'm not really sure if that was true or not, as there were never any official news articles about it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2004
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wow, I didnt know that a live-action Little Mermaid series (only a pilot was produced) was taped. I remeber hearing somthing about Jim Henson planning one! I HOPE to god it makes it on the Little Mermaid SE dvd next year (Oct 2006). and I hope that Muppet haunted House gets made too! Come on Disney! :smile: :big_grin: :big_grin:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I first read about the planned Little Mermaid series in an article about Jim Hill (I know, i know, most people around here dislike him...) that was part of a series of articles (which Jim Hill didn't even finish) about how Jim henson planned to sell the company to Disney.

These articles talked about things that were planned but not produced. He mentioned that for this series, Disney wanted to cash in on the success of The Little Mermaid, which did a lot better than Disney had expected. Disney ordered a live action pilot featuring puppets made from Jim Henson creature shop. The pilot was made, but after Jim Henson died Disney didn't get to own The Jim Henson Company and like with many other things that henson planned for Disney this show didn't make it past the pilot.

It was mentioned in those articles that this series was a well-kept secret. I don't know why it wasn't mentioned anywhere else before. It wasn't mentioned in Jim Henson: The Works.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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here's some more

Here are some more things that were planned:

For Disneys MGM Studios theme park, there were plans for The great Muppet Movie Ride (a muppet parody of The great Movie Ride), Gonzo and Rizzos Pizza Place (hmm... somebody considered having Gonzo and Rizzo paired together before Jim Henson died, before Rizzo was popular, and before The Muppet Christmas Carol?), and an entire Muppet section of the park (which ended up becoming a New York City section).

Disney also planned a series of books called Miss Piggy Mysteries, which were canceled after Jim Henson died.

Jim Hesnon also wrote and illustrated an unreleased Kermit book called Watermellons I Don't Know in the early 1960s.

There was an atari game called Miss Piggys Wedding, which wasn't released because Atari went out of buisness (or something like that).

I've also read that a company planned on making a book about Jim hensons dark side, which wasn't released because of disagreements with Jim Hensons family.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2003
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a_Mickey_Muppet said:
wow, I didnt know that a live-action Little Mermaid series (only a pilot was produced) was taped. I remeber hearing somthing about Jim Henson planning one! I HOPE to god it makes it on the Little Mermaid SE dvd next year (Oct 2006).
you wlll never see it, it was considered to horrible to be realeased.Eisner was quoted as saying that he wanted all copies burned, lol

i saw it , it was awful, horrible, horrible premise for a show.