Playhouse Videos with different theme music

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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As far as I know, most of the Playhouse Video compilations included an instrumental version of the opening theme at the beginning, and the season five version of the closing theme at the end. But I know that some of the videos had different-sounding theme music.

I saw he Kermit and Miss Piggy Story on YouTube a few years ago (it seems to have been removed since), and that video seems to have a romantic music version of the theme at the beginning and end. Children's Songs and Stories was recently uploaded on YouTube (for soem reason the uploaded titled it "The Muppets' Songs and Stories") and that video contains a music box verison of the theme. And Rock Music with the Muppets opens with an instrumental version of Tenderly (though that segment does not appear at all in the video), but I'm pretty sure it has the regular closing theme.

So, are therer any other videos in this collection that use a different-sounding version of the theme music (or even different music)? It won't surprise me if Country Music with the Muppets contained different opening music.