Pricing for 1965 Ideal Kermit Puppet?

Ted Wioncek

New Member
Jul 22, 2012
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Hello All!

I have been a fan of the Muppets ever since I saw Kermit on the Jimmy Dean TV show.

My parents bought me the 1965 Ideal Kermit (red turtleneck shirt) in 1965. I was thinking of selling my Kermit but I will not sell it unless I can get top dollar. A toy dealer offered my $500. years ago. No box. Any idea how much it is worth today?

I also have my collection of 1959-62 Pelham marionetts, including Pinochio, Jiminy the Cricket, Blue Fairy, and Geppetto.

I also have several Effanbee 1938 Charlie McCarthy dolls.