Prog Rock (Roger Waters and more)


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Oct 6, 2008
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I missed out on his Dark Side Of The Moon tour back in 07, which really cheesed me off but as of late I keep on hearing rumors regarding another Roger Waters tour. I still think it's awesome that you're a fan of his *cyber hi-five*. :smile: As much as I love David Gilmour, after Roger left the Floyd I somewhat lost intrest in the band. I mean, they were still quite good, but I felt as though they lacked depth in the songwriting department and began to follow trends. Roger's voice is quite emotive, kinda vulnerable-sounding in a way. I wanna hug Roger, too. x33 He's simply a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Are you a fan of any other progressive bands? It's cool enough you like PF, but it's so intresting to meet prog fans (it's a dirty word here, *lol*). It's all too awesome that you actually know 13th Floor Elevators, let alone like them! :excited: They're fly. BD
*cyber hi-five*
Yeah! We should join that Roger Waters fan club called Reg now. Except that I have to save up for the Roger tour!

For the record, I love Syd Barrett with or without Floyd, and Roger Waters with or without Floyd.

Yes, David Gilmour is an amazing guitarist, but while they made some good songs after Roger left, I have to agree with you overall, because if you compare The Final Cut to the first one they did without Roger, "A Momentary Lapse Of Reason...well, I think AMLOR pales in comparison! Of course, I used to think I felt that way just because I'm biased towards Roger's insights and songwriting. Well, maybe so, still. Because Roger is so deep and thoughtful and everything.

And even though DG doesn't like The Final Cut (aside from a few songs) his powerful guitar solos sound like he feels the same as Roger does, and understands! So DG's very good that way, lol.

Glad you agree on hugging Roger and his vulnerable voice - or else I'd feel a bit awkward, but would still stand by my words! :smile:

I respect progressive bands, but not familiar with too many, though I've seen clips of early Genesis concerts with Peter Gabriel dressed in crazy costumes!

LOL I know a lot of people either think Prog is a joke, or too pretentious or both. I have the first Genesis album, but though Peter Gabriel was there, I don't think they were officially PROG until the next album, Trespass. Actually, on the first album, there are a few nice early Bee Gees style ballads. Cool stuff...

And yes, the Elevators (from Texas) were ahead of their time! Their bio book "Eye Mind" explains how they made psychedelic music first in America, before the west coast, and so, before it was fashionable. (They started about the same time as Syd's Floyd did in England, but I doubt they heard them, even though "Rollercoaster" sounds like "Lucifer Sam." But Syd, Roger, Rick, and Nick win that round, hands down! Easy for me to say, too, because Roky didn't write "Rollercoaster", the jug player in the Elevators did.)

To me, even if the Elevators only made "You're Gonna Miss Me" (written by Roky, and with his AMAZING voice!) they would have a place in history. Roky has had a very difficult life, and I wish it had gone better for him, but he's got a new CD coming out soon, you can't go wrong with his solo albums "The Evil One" (circa 1980 with horror rock to please any hard rock fan, I feel) and the aforementioned (in the other thread) "Don't Slander Me" (recorded around 1982 with great hard rock and ballads)!

Trying to think of more Prog...well, I like the Yes songs I've heard on the radio....feel free to mention more Prog here! Actually, I have another cool Prog topic ... I'll save it for now...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Oh, my... *now officially worsips Yorick*

I doesn't know where to start. O_O x33 I'll start sharing my oinions with everthing you said, yays. xD I was not familiar with Reg, but I am a member of a Pink Floyd forum and As for the Roger tour... gah, I sure hope it happens! I won't have any money for it, not now anyway, so I warned my folks, ha. xD I love Syd, too. He is amazing. Such a shame about his health and his passing in '06... now he was one musician I would've loved to have met. :frown: Last last year I went to this massive record market, and I saw a bloke holding an original copy of Barrett! The re-released one is 36 bucks around these parts... hrrrmm.

Dave is amazing. And underrated guitarist, and he had an amazing voice (doesn't sound to bad now, either). He's a good bloke though, shame about the 20 year old spats Roger and he had *lol*.

Genesis are win! Though to be honest, I haven't explored they're stuff all that much. I've heard their earlyish Peter Gabriel stuff and I have Foxtrot, but I have yet to have listened to much of thier other stuff. I must hear Gabriel's new album though... I've heard some good things about it. :smile: I love his outfits, too. Peter Gabriel+foxes head+red dress=*drool*. <3

Yeah, a lot of the 13th Floor Elevators stuff was re-released somettime last year (around april?) and I would love to get my hands on it. I LOVE all those wacky psych gems. :3

I ADORE Yes. Lol, I wish they played them on radio here! The only thing they'll play on a classic rock radio station is "Owner of a Lonely Heart", but they wouldn't be caught dead playing any of their proggy stuff. Wouldn't want their reputation shot now, would they? <.< >.> XP I got into Yes because I've listened to Rick Wakeman since I was, like, 7. He's the bomb, great to see him still at it.

Great to meet a prog fan. C'mon MC, don't be afraid- make prog an undirty word around these parts! Take a stand! Get out your warlock cloaks!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Your comments on Syd were most excellent. I can't argue with any of that! As for the price of "Barrett" on vinyl, that's why I never quite got into the collecting of vinyl...even though I would love to, it'd cost so much. So I've stuck with CDs, but I realize CDs are becoming extinct

My favorite DG vocal is on "Not Now John" (of course, from The Final Cut:big_grin:) along with Roger. He really belts it out on there, and of course ya gotta love his "Goodbye Blue Sky" part that goes "Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh"...although for some reason, even as a crazy fan of Roger's writing, I don't know if I ever was sold on the "d-d-d-did you" openings of the verses in the song. (See? I'm all over the place; the "favorite things" thread would have been ruined, ha!)

Genesis - I never thought Peter Gabriel would do a covers album...not that that makes it bad, mind you. Yea, I was cracking up, and thinking "how cool" when I saw a clip of Peter Gabriel wearing the fox head and dress! And then, the later clip (I think on the "Lamb" tour? But I'm no expert) where he had that BIG UGLY thing on...and the others saying how it really was too much for them, since Peter couldn't even get the mic near his mouth with that suit on...great stuff! :wisdom:

The other Prog topic I had to mention was the band Saga. But I know nothing about them, except a member who used to be in it called Peter Rochon did the music for a FAVORITE halloween cartoon special of mine - "witch's night out" - but I can't find out how to email him and ask him if he would make his soundtrack to that show, and "the gift of winter" available. I'd buy 'em! But I don't dare email another member of the band Saga to try to get in touch with him. I don't want them to feel like chopped liver.

I think it was a 13th Floor Elevators box set with all the albums (3 studio, one live) and bonus discs, and bonus tracks, of course. And even though Roky wasn't on much of the last album, "Bull Of The Woods", it's still one of my favorites, and I'm glad the guitarist Stacy Sutherland had a chance to record some of his songs, and his singing, since he's sadly not around anymore. Also, his song "Nobody To Love" (with him singing lead, and Roky singing harmony on chorus, it sounds like) is really good...I just can't hear all the lyrics on the version I have. Maybe the new release is clearer) but the vibe is so great, regardless!

As for Yes, I haven't even heard "Owner of a Lonely Heart" lately, but I used to hear "Long Distance Runaround" and even though I knew it was Yes, I always pictured Sting singing.

**Yorick ducks and dodges the tomatoes thrown by Kiki**

And one time I saw like, EVERY Rick Wakeman solo album in the used bin at a music store, and thought, "Did a Wakeman fan just decide they've heard enough? Or did they burn copies and then sell the CDs because they're low on cash? And I hoped no one died and left their family to sell the albums." But all those thoughts happened a LOT faster than it took to type it just now.

Hooray for warlock cloaks! Or actually, maybe I need a gnome costume, since I love Syd's song The Gnome on the first Floyd album :smile: great song - I can picture Roger Waters playing his happy little nifty bassline to the song too...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Aww, thanks for the compliment. :smile: It's funny we're talking about Syd, because just yesterday (when we started this conversation) I was doing my inspiration pages for my folio and I have almost two pages dedicated to "Syd era" Floyd. To me his colourful lyrics are just... so... visual. And childlike, too (not childISH- heehee). :smile: I grew up listening to CDs, cassettes and vinyl. I've only downloaded about 4 songs in my whole life! I haven't really gotten my rocks off to downloading yet, and I have dial-up internet so it takes forever *lol*. But I do have an iPod... and yes, I do make the songs mp3 so I can fit more on... but boy they sound compressed! I'm fortunate enough to live in an area where record shops are easy to come by- they're all over the place! I'm very lucky that way. They're either really expensive or dirt cheap. At my closest one you can get a really good record for a tenar, and you get a lot of pleasure out of it. But there are places where you can get an awesome record in good condition for $3! Because of this, I have become very tight. x33 CDs are great, because they're so convieniant (sp? xD), I don't get why people bag them all the time.

David Gilmour has amazing vocals, very soft. "Not Now John" is a fabulous song, as is "Goodbye Blue Sky". Have you seen the movie adaption to The Wall? Gerald Scarfe's animation to that song is *amazing*, very surreal. I've heard a cover of "Goodbye Blue Sky" by a band called Snowbird, who is fronted by a female. It's rather beautiful, but also has that errie feel about it. It keeps faithfull to the original, though.

OMG the Slipperman! is that the costume you mean? Don't ask how I know that. xD That's hilerious that he couldn't even get the mike to his mouth because of that wreched costume, it looks pretty impractical, lol. That's prog for you though, eh? x3

I've never actually heard of Saga. What era are they? I'd love to keep my eyes peeled for them, though- I'm always willing to hear something proggy. They sound like a pretty cool band. I must ask you, though: are you a fan of Emerson Lake & Palmer? I had to ask. Most people I know either love 'um or hate 'um (yes, even prog fans).

I really wanna get the 13th Floor Elevators boxset. There's this little music store which sells stuff like that, and there's also a boxset on 60s nuggets (1964-1969?) which includes 'um. Once I have the moolah, I'd love to invest in some boxsets.

As much as I like "Owner of a Lonely Heart" (It's catchy! :big_grin: But so is leprosy...), to me it seemed like one of those songs recorded for a more "poppy" audience... people who wouldn't be caught dead buying a progressive (in the words of Mr. Wakeman: "...the music equivelant to hard-core porn", *lol*) record. Y'know, I actually quite like your observation there, comparing Jon Anderson's vocals to Sting's. And know that you've mentioned it, I can actually see where you're coming from *lol*.

Poor Rick... I always see his solo records in cheap bins *lol*. His solo stuff is actually really good, I'm just guessing it's just there because they're so common (or at least /were/, because my Dad told me once that everyone he knew owned a copy of "The Six Wives of Henry the 8th).

Lol, I wanna gnome costume. x3 I have a cape though!

The Shoe Fairy

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Prog prog prog prog wheeeee!
I like progressive music, generally heading toward the metal side of things.
Bands I like:Opeth, Porcupine Tree, Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Agalloch, Battles(although they are more Post rock/experimental), Katatonia, Ihsahn and many more. If anyone wants some prog at it's absolute extremity, look up Moving Gelatine Plates and give them a listen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Porcupine Tree. Porcu-freakin'-pine tree. I can't believe I missed their concert... ;___:

The Shoe Fairy

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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But I didn't and now my docs smell dodgy and have moshpit scuffs and I got an awesome shirt and and and yeah :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Poor Rick... I always see his solo records in cheap bins *lol*. His solo stuff is actually really good, I'm just guessing it's just there because they're so common (or at least /were/, because my Dad told me once that everyone he knew owned a copy of "The Six Wives of Henry the 8th).
That's the thing, many times I've seen albums I know are so so GREAT in a used bin, so I never use an artist's quantity in the used bin as an indicator of their quality! :big_grin:

Lol, I wanna gnome costume. x3 I have a cape though!
"He wore a scarlett tunic
a blue/green hood
it looked quite good."

You described Syd's style quite well: Not childish, but childlike...and so visual - right on! Very cool that he's mentioned as a substantial part of your project! By the way, I just realized, even though I said:
As for the price of "Barrett" on vinyl, that's why I never quite got into the collecting of vinyl...even though I would love to, it'd cost so much. So I've stuck with CDs, but I realize CDs are becoming extinct
I realized I worded it wrong, ha. I should've said, "I don't collect every album by an artist I love on vinyl"...but if I see a vinyl album by a band I like for a dollar at the flea market, I'm getting it! And I've got a lot of great music that way!

As for poppier songs by prog bands (mostly in the 80's, right?) that reminded me how some long time die-hard Moody Blues fans were less than happy with their 80's hits - but I like them just as much as "Tuesday Afternoon" and "Nights In White Satin" myself.

And I must say, I saw the Moody Blues in concert in 2004 and they were AMAZING! They sang as good (or better!) than ever, and I loved every single song they did, whether I knew it or not. They really know how to pick a setlist, I tell ya!

Mp3's and their compressed sound: Yes, the funny thing is, as much as I don't notice the differene if I play it on the computer (though I admit I never have tried a wav and mp3 of the same song back to back) I have heard how bad it is to stick with mp3's overall, I do believe it! As for vinyl vs CD's, I have heard this comparison: "Listening to vinyl is like looking at an original painting in a museum, and hearing a CD is like looking at a picture that was taken of the painting." Something like that, said by another absolute favorite musician/singer/songwriter of mine. But again, personally, I don't notice...which is funny, because as mad about music as I am, you'd think I would. Oh well!

I didn't find the Snowbird Floyd cover on youtube...but I found the part from The Wall movie, and yes, I saw the movie, and must say Gerald Scarfe's very talented! I will say though, that I'm glad I heard the album before I saw the movie, so I could have my own visuals before I let the movie made them for me. I'm still glad the movie exists - same for The Final Cut EP movie with 4 videos! - but glad I heard the music without visuals first.

Genesis - Slipperman does ring a bell! Ha!

I believe Saga started in the late 70's - although I think an earlier version of the band, with a different name (and style?) started in the early 70's..I think Mr. Rochon (who I have never even seen a picture of!) was in that band, too, but left after an album or two in their "Saga" stage.

I planned to mention Emerson Lake & Palmer, actually, but forgot. At the moment, all I know for sure is that I like the downbeat (lyrically) Greg Lake song for Christmas! I think I have heard ELP, but ... got a youtube link to suggest? Rather than me just randomly choosing...that can be less than practical at times, for knowing what a band is like at their best. (Even if you hate them, maybe you can pick their "least bad", ha!)

Worst part about the Elevators box is it's out of print, so the price will go higher since fans want it, heh. It might be cheaper to get the albums separate (though the rare tracks would be missing, of course) but either way, I think Easter Everywhere is the best representation of them (sound wise and song wise)...


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2008
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If anyone wants some prog at it's absolute extremity, look up Moving Gelatine Plates and give them a listen.
I shall do that, thanks! Is this a good example?
I realize I did what I just said not to do in my last post about ELP, ha.

Looking them up showed me a link on the side to The Soft Machine, who I know played on the same bill with Syd's Floyd, and even on his solo albums a few times (Robert Wyatt, on drums at least) and Kevin Ayers has a solo song about Syd, and Syd plays on a song of his...(plus both Robert and Kevin have some really cool solo stuff! Very original!) Robert with David Gilmour have played together, too. Again, I say all this, but admit I know very little overall about the band, together or solo.
Here is the Soft Machine:
Kevin solo:
Robert solo:
And I know some of this won't count as prog all the time, is different!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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But I didn't and now my docs smell dodgy and have moshpit scuffs and I got an awesome shirt and and and yeah
-.- Way to rub it in, lawl. I shall go, though. Like... next time. If thar is a Next Time. O_O But there has to be. I'm guessing they played a fair bit of material from The Incident, eh? They Had To Have played "Time Flies", that song is amazing. Rather Floydy, actually (think Animals era, with songs like "Dogs" and "Pigs").

That's the thing, many times I've seen albums I know are so so GREAT in a used bin, so I never use an artist's quantity in the used bin as an indicator of their quality!

"He wore a scarlett tunic
a blue/green hood
it looked quite good."

You described Syd's style quite well: Not childish, but childlike...and so visual - right on! Very cool that he's mentioned as a substantial part of your project! By the way, I just realized, even though I said: I realized I worded it wrong, ha. I should've said, "I don't collect every album by an artist I love on vinyl"...but if I see a vinyl album by a band I like for a dollar at the flea market, I'm getting it! And I've got a lot of great music that way!

As for poppier songs by prog bands (mostly in the 80's, right?) that reminded me how some long time die-hard Moody Blues fans were less than happy with their 80's hits - but I like them just as much as "Tuesday Afternoon" and "Nights In White Satin" myself.

And I must say, I saw the Moody Blues in concert in 2004 and they were AMAZING! They sang as good (or better!) than ever, and I loved every single song they did, whether I knew it or not. They really know how to pick a setlist, I tell ya!

Mp3's and their compressed sound: Yes, the funny thing is, as much as I don't notice the differene if I play it on the computer (though I admit I never have tried a wav and mp3 of the same song back to back) I have heard how bad it is to stick with mp3's overall, I do believe it! As for vinyl vs CD's, I have heard this comparison: "Listening to vinyl is like looking at an original painting in a museum, and hearing a CD is like looking at a picture that was taken of the painting." Something like that, said by another absolute favorite musician/singer/songwriter of mine. But again, personally, I don't notice...which is funny, because as mad about music as I am, you'd think I would. Oh well!

I didn't find the Snowbird Floyd cover on youtube...but I found the part from The Wall movie, and yes, I saw the movie, and must say Gerald Scarfe's very talented! I will say though, that I'm glad I heard the album before I saw the movie, so I could have my own visuals before I let the movie made them for me. I'm still glad the movie exists - same for The Final Cut EP movie with 4 videos! - but glad I heard the music without visuals first.

Genesis - Slipperman does ring a bell! Ha!

I believe Saga started in the late 70's - although I think an earlier version of the band, with a different name (and style?) started in the early 70's..I think Mr. Rochon (who I have never even seen a picture of!) was in that band, too, but left after an album or two in their "Saga" stage.

I planned to mention Emerson Lake & Palmer, actually, but forgot. At the moment, all I know for sure is that I like the downbeat (lyrically) Greg Lake song for Christmas! I think I have heard ELP, but ... got a youtube link to suggest? Rather than me just randomly choosing...that can be less than practical at times, for knowing what a band is like at their best. (Even if you hate them, maybe you can pick their "least bad", ha!)

Worst part about the Elevators box is it's out of print, so the price will go higher since fans want it, heh. It might be cheaper to get the albums separate (though the rare tracks would be missing, of course) but either way, I think Easter Everywhere is the best representation of them (sound wise and song wise)...
Ah, thanks, I shall keep that in mind. ;3 I'll prol'ly end up buying the CDs seperately regardless, perhaps next time I take a trip a record shop somewhere, perhaps sometime at the end of the week.

Oh, I actually *love* ELP, which is... odd. Like, I just don't know anyone who really likes them, let alone any females like myself. :3 Generally speaking they're stuff is for a certain aquired taste, but since you're a prog fan you just might like them. I'd like to recommend you an album, but it's hard. Trilogy is fabulous if you ask me, "The Endless Enigma Pt 1" is an amazing epic (literally. Well, we are talking about prog, right?) song. Their 1973 album Brain Salad Surgery (which has a fantastic HR Giger cover *luvs me some Giger*), in my opinion, is one of the most obscure albums that I have ever heard, which is weird coming from me, because even though I'm young I've listened to some pretty weird and sometimes almost unknown bands in my time. It's very unusual, even for 70's prog. You *may* have heard of the song(s) "karn Evil 9" -well, actually, were are parts 1 and 2- (that's the short name :wink:), so here's a Youtube link: I'm sorry if the link isn't that... great, quality-wise or what have you, I didn't give it a look beforehand because Youtube crashes my internet. :stick_out_tongue: It doesn't even work -_- (The reason why I'm not looking at those links you posted at present- sorry! But I will get around to it :smile:). They also performed a version of "Pictures at an Exhibition" (also the name of an album of their's): . "Knife Edge" is also a good song: I'm sorry if it's not your cup of tea, I don't make any new friends recommending ELP generally *lol*. But if you like the sound of tortured moogs, well... you're gonna love 'em, heh.

Ah, you've got me intrested about Saga now, I shall keep them in mind, thanks!

Yeah, I agree with you about listening to the actual Wall album before viewing the film. I love the animation... it's good to get the context before seeing the movie. I showed it to my friend once (who isn't really a Floyd fan) and she didn't *miiiiiind* it, but she couldn't quite grasp onto the concept. I'm sorry you can't find Snowbird's version on Youtube, I suppose they're a pretty hard to come across, even on the net. Do you want me to email it to you sometime? I can't at present, but when I get back to school I'd be more than happy to.

Yeah, I listen to mp3 on my computer as it takes up less space. Sound-wise AIFF's are prol'lo the best, but they take up more room. I'm an audiophile... lol, it's my Dad's fault I'm like this. =PP he's the same. Vinyl is good, but it's a physicial thing (duh) so it takes up a lot of space. And CDs are great, too.

I wish I could see the Moodies live, they're would've sounded so good- lucky you! I wish Australia got intresting tours like that, though I guess I'm pretty fortunate, living in an area which has amazing concerts -sometimes- and great gig venues (half of them I can't go to now... lol). I like their 80s stuff, too!

I must ask... you do like Mike Oldfield?