Question about Count


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Does anyone know why for the past three seasons his cape changes from being green to being purple and vice verca?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Not rully... Maybe he's been shopping at different outlets to expand the range of coloring in his wardrobe. Rully don't bother me that much... Besides, they can always switch back to the classic green at any time.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2002
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I've never seen his cape purple, except when illustrators incorrectly color it. When has it ever been purple?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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One example is The Street We Live On, particularly when he's actually in Elmo's World. Another example is the season 37 premiere where he teaches Abby Cadabby how to count to ten.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Since this is a thread about the Count, may I ask a few questions that have been on my mind lately? I think it is safe to say that (atleast by now) The Count is considered to be a pretty major Sesame Street character. He is very well-known and pretty popular. How come his presence in a lot of the Sesame Street films and specials has been so minimal? This question actually came from me viewing Don't Eat the Pictures for the first time in forever. I'm not even sure if I have ever seen it because I didn't remember anything about it before. I absolutely loved it, but noticed the Count's role in it. He is there with everyone at the museum and has a few lines, but he hardly does anything compared to everyone else (atleast compared to every other Muppet in the special) He was seen at the very beginning and the very end, but nothing in between. He was the only one not shown looking for Big Bird and didn't even have a song. Atleast Bert and Ernie had a little scene in the middle. At first I thought that maybe he had a minor role because he was new and they didn't want to give him too much, but wasn't he around for a while before that special was made? Then I thought about other Sesame Street projects that gave him similar casting.
Christmas Eve On Sesame Street--He is only at the very beginning in the ice skating sequence and only had a few lines, and that wasn't even the puppet, it was the big full sized costume version with a mouth that doesn't move! He was also in the group during "True Blue Miracle", but was never seen after that. He was the only one who was there but not really given much attention too.
Follow That Bird--This was a little different. For the first time, I think his role has grown and given more purpose, but was still pretty small.

My main question is, what was the point of putting Count in Don't Eat the Pictures, if they aren't going to use him? Is he just hard to write for? Is he only a one-joke guy and it gets old after a while? What is it? Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Hmmm. I thought the writers were doing pretty good with the Count recently. After all, he did have a few street scenes last season. As for this season, they made quite a bit of new material and he appeared in the season premire. Though you also have to consider the fact that Jerry Nelson's not in the best health, so it's hard for him to perform the Count all the time.

As for CESS, that is unusual. The puppet Count did show up in the "True Blue Miracle" song, but he didn't say anything. Makes me wonder if Jerry was available to perform him at the time. He might have just looped in the voices for Snuffy and the costumed Count. I'm just guessing on that though. Another possibility would be, that they couldn't think of a way to write him into that special.

There were quite a bit of movies/specials where the Count has a bigger role such as "Elmo Saves Christmas" and "Follow that Bird." There were probably quite a few others as well. I'll try to think of more.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Daffyfan2003 said:
Hmmm. I thought the writers were doing pretty good with the Count recently. After all, he did have a few street scenes last season. As for this season, they made quite a bit of new material and he appeared in the season premire. Though you also have to consider the fact that Jerry Nelson's not in the best health, so it's hard for him to perform the Count all the time.

As for CESS, that is unusual. The puppet Count did show up in the "True Blue Miracle" song, but he didn't say anything. Makes me wonder if Jerry was available to perform him at the time. He might have just looped in the voices for Snuffy and the costumed Count. I'm just guessing on that though. Another possibility would be, that they couldn't think of a way to write him into that special.

There were quite a bit of movies/specials where the Count has a bigger role such as "Elmo Saves Christmas" and "Follow that Bird." There were probably quite a few others as well. I'll try to think of more.

Actually, his role in Elmo Saves Christmas was more significant. But I am just talking about all the stuff in the 70s and 80s where he didn't do much in the specials. Though he was the only character in the specials that was there but hardly did anything to contribute to the storyline (CEOSS and DETP). If Jerry Nelson was unavailable to perform The Count or the writers didn't know how to work in the character, then why have him? That's my question. He was almost pointless. All the other Muppets there had a purpose or a larger part of the special.