Questions about the Prawn, Okay


New Member
Jan 13, 2003
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Could ANYBODY describe to me, in detail, the inner workings of Pepe? Like, how does the mouth and neck pivot independantly? Is there a trigger grip thingy or cable type mechanism? How is the jaw mounted and how is it pulled closed? Are there springs at work in a muppet like this or is it maybe rubber or elastic based? And does anybody know if the Muppet workshop in LA now or still in NY since the new re-aquisition? I would appreciate ANY info anyone can disclose for I have been trying to build a Pepe for quite a while and have nearly finished it several times before eventually ripping it all apart due to uncertainty about it's (slight) inaccuracy of movement. I mean who knows, i could have been close to on target who knows how many times, but, when (anal)yzing his movements, things will bug me like, "but, his head doesn't seem to bounce that much when the mouth opens." I know. I am a freak. But I have a feeling after lurking around here a while, some of you may be too! :wink: Boy, I do seem like quite the chatter box looking back at this message! I guess thats what happens when you lurk around without ever saying anything, then decide to participate with the keyboard. So before I scare anybody off, I think I'll just shut up for now and thank you in advance for any info you may be able to share about this d@mned puppet thats been haunting me for way too long, Okay.


Artt :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Does Pepe's head pivot? I don't think I've seen that. I don't actually know how he is built, but my guess would be a relatively simple mechanism custom built by the Muppet shop. The easiest way to make a Pepe would be to purchase a fish hook remover from Wal-Mart or a fishing supply store and use that for the control. They cost about $5 each. The head wouldn't be able to pivot though.

For a good primer on making mechs for puppets you can check out Michael Brose's mechanics tutorial.