Republicans Want To Get Rid Of PBS and Sesame Street


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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``Dick Cheney and the Republicans have decided to go hunting for `Big Bird' and `Clifford the Big Red Dog' once again," said Representative Edward J. Markey , a Malden Democrat who led the successful effort to reverse the cuts last year. ``PBS is right at the top of their hit list -- always has been and always will be, until they can destroy it."

House Republicans yesterday revived their efforts to slash funding for public broadcasting, as a key committee approved a $115 million reduction in the budget for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting that could force the elimination of some popular PBS and NPR programs.

Wasn't Laura Bush on Sesame Street? Sesame Street has been instrumental in trying to unite warring ethnic countries, not divide them. They want to cut $115 million out of things like PBS, to do what...go send it to invade more countries?

Sesame Street and PBS is sacred to me. I like most people grew up on years of Sesame Street and I still occaitonally watch it, along with other great PBS shows. It is one of the greatest media gifts we can give to future generations. Not a legacy of war, partisanship, and the scaling back of civil liberties.

Now 5 years ago Muppetfest was postponned due to the attacks of September 11th. It was at this time we all said "hey, whatever you guys gotta do". But now they are bankrupting America to prosecute their war,
and to want to pretty much put the kaibosh on Sesame Street and the other priceless programming is too much.

I have always believed that no matter how evil, corrupt, messed up things are around the world, that it's Jim Henson's vision of world peace, laughter, joy and sillyness that made the world right. To threaten to take a big piece of that away is just wrong. There is a new documentary coming to theatres and dvd this year called "The World According To Sesame Street", and it shows how Sesame Street is uniting people of warring countries way more than our government is. Instead of blowing people up and inciting more indignation, the people at Sesame Workshop are jumping through hoops to get partnerships with funamentalist and moderate Islamic nations, and doing co partnerships with Israel, Palestine and Jordan...and are now helping in war torn Serbia.

We all want to support our government. We all want a free Iraq and Afghanistan...but to threaten what I feel strongly is untouchable innocence and such a great asset that has touched the lives of millions and educated to many, is just flat wrong.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry... But I have to agree with you on this one Corey. Congressmen, and moreso Republicans, have to be the dumbest F*s in the world. They can't get it through their thick heads to stop reviving plans to drill for oil in the Alaskan wildlife and to leave PBS and Sesame Street alone, hasn't their budget been slashed enough? Oh excuse me, Mr. Ralph Nader, but where else do you pretend Sesame get the money to produce/fund their budget if not from commercial sponsorship?

If this does go through, then we'll have to get Kevin Fozzie Bear on the horn and start up the letter campaign again.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2005
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Election year rhetoric. Same old ideas that they know will appeal to their core supporters. They don't really care if it passes or not. They just don't want to risk re-election by coming up with new ideas.

Kimp the Shrimp

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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Stop this Leftist Rhetric It takes Democrats and Republicains to approve the budget

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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You're right Kimp... There are bad guys in every walk of life, not just one set group.
But it doesn't help when they keep coming with stupid cuts that solicit this kind of rise out of truly dedicated fans.

Kimp the Shrimp

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Nov 30, 2004
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Kimp the Shrimp

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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Here's Kevin's Letter from last year

Dear Congressman/Senator,

I'm a supporter of your's, having voted for you in each election because I do have faith and trust in your services to our fine city/state.

Recently, I've become aware that on June 9th, Congress has voted to cut funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which is a very sensitive issue for me as that directly affects PBS.

For many years PBS has offered educational programming and cultural documentaries for everyone in every age group. Cutting funds for the CBP could ultimately end with PBS, home to Sesame Street and other shows, closing shop!

I'm sure that you would not like to see that happen, as, (when you were a kid, I'm sure you watched) (I’m sure your kids watch) Sesame Street, or Electric Company, or any of the other fine programs that not only entertained us, but also educated us. There have been studies that proved that children who watched public television's educational programs grew up smarter than kids who didn't.

Whatever I can do to help in this matter please let me know, but please do everything within your power to cancel or reverse the vote to cut CPB funding. We want the children of today to be smart and inspired, and CPB has provided both for kids for many years. It would be a shame to let that whither away on the floor of Congress where the education and inspiration of America's children should be the first priority.

Thank you for your time.

Kevin L. Williams

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Problem is... Don't have anyone to write to in Congress... Gotta leave this up to all of you guys who live in the States and have representation with a vote that counts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yeah when I say Republicans, I don't mean your average conservative...I mean the right wingers. As even my conservative republican friends can't believe they want to do away with PBS.

I'm not of any political party or ideology, so if it was liberals and democrats wanting this I'd be just as unhappy. But ultimately it may just be hot air.

I wish the world could see truly, what Sesame Street has done in the name of cultural understanding and worldpeace. People think Sesame is a joke, but it's actually a pretty profound teaching tool and cultural phenomenon that trancends race and culture.