Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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*casually sits back and laughs because #independentlife*

Yes, I know it's a hash tag. I'm only gonna use them one in awhile.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I'm just going to say it . . . I've no doubts that the south is full of racism . . . but a lot of southerns either don't see it that way, or they simply don't care.

Take the Confederate flag, for example: I know @dwayne1115 will attest to this, but most southerns who fly or display a Confederate flag don't even do it because they think it's a symbol of racism, or the oppression of blacks, or anything like that . . . to them, it's a symbol of history and of the so-called "Southern Pride" that we're so famous for. Even many of the liberals and progressives down here would argue that as well, like history buffs and what have you . . . and heck, I once saw a black man driving around with a Confederate decal on his car, no foolin'. Southerns are very prideful people - they love to show that pride off, and for some, that means waving that very controversial flag around.

Now, with that said, I will also add that something has been increasing down here in the south like you wouldn't believe . . . and you know what that is? Interracial couples. There almost won't be a day that goes by down here in everyday life where you won't see at least one black man and one white woman engaging in some P.D.A., not to mention you'll sometimes see a white woman in a grocery store with a buggy bearing at least one little kid with brownish skin and "kinky" hair. Even my own niece has dated a couple of black boys, and she lives waaay out in rural country where you'd think the people would frown upon such a thing, but the thing of it is, interracial couples are really increasing down here. And hardly anybody bats an eye at it, except for maybe really old fuddy-duddies who see it as going against the balance of nature . . . like my dad: he hates interracial couples. Then again, my dad also hates gay people (sorry, Jamie).
There are so many things in our culture that started out as racist. This includes symbols, organizations etc. Even Planned Parenthood has some major racist roots! That's the thing about the confederate flag. The actual original one was different, but the one we know now has been used in an insidious way. Most people think it's not harmful and for them it's not, but for people of color, it's a signal of pride in ugly history. I have no doubt that many folk don't feel a bit of racism when they fly it, but some will always be attached to it no matter what. How southerners feel about the south is the same sort of pride that sportsfans have about their football team. It runs deep. As for your dad, it's okay for some people not to like me. I get it. I don't like it, but I come from that environment and got along with a lot of people just like that. I was kind of in a situation to be forced to, but because of that I learned that people are more than just one thing. If someone is anti-gay, there's no way I could ever be their friend, but I can still be friendly if they're respectful to me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Hate groups like that are not confined to the South. Anywhere there's people, anywhere they can spread fear, there they will be.
Even in my college days in ultra-liberal Noo Joisey, I occasionally saw flyers for the White Aryan Nation. Most of the time i dismissed them, thinking they wouldn't have enough backbone to show up anywhere. If they showed up on campus they'd be run out on a rail.
But just the fact people have hate like that in their hearts is disturbing.
There are plenty of hate groups in Cali. It's probably because we have good weather. That's why everyone comes. :wink: