Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


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Mar 27, 2012
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Kicking the Trump administration out of restaurants is not something I would do. It plays right into their hands, but I understand the angst. People, like the Homeland Sec and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, continue to obfuscate the truth or to outright lie while they facilitate a president who does terrible things. This is not about a mere difference of political ideology. Not at all. This is about ripping families apart and putting brown kids in cages without any plan to ever reunite them. Without some kind of pressure, this behavior would have continued. If I'd been a restaurant owner, I would have inserted myself right next to them at their table and talked their ear off while calmly naming every single lie they told on the issue until they relented, incriminated themselves, or left while having a friend record the whole thing. Calm is key! Anything else plays into the misleading narrative of today's republican party that Dems are the outrageous ones. We're just clumsy. The conservatives playing politics with semantics, changing the conversation, or remaining completely quiet, those are the real outrageous people. If Obama had done anything like this, I wouldn't have let it go until it was addressed. In fact, the few sins he had during his 8 years, I did just that. Republicans tend to have more of a herd mentality. The most visible ones don't typically like to stray from the pack for fear of being seen as a R.I.N.O.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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He's got a point.

Just like it's not okay for places like Chick-fil-A to not serve food for someone just because a person is LGBT, it's not okay for someone not to serve food just because they have a Make America Great Again hat or whatever.

I've read stories like that and honestly, it's made me furious.

I mean ****. I could refuse service for someone because they could be wearing a shirt saying "all white people are racist" or "I'm voting for Hillary because she's a woman!" Or "You are physically white and you should be ASHAMED!" blah blah blah, you get the point. But no, point is, service is service no matter what. Political views or clothing is not something going against the business or disturbing the peace. It's just people having immature temper tantrums.
Chick fil A was always SERVING gay people. They, however, gave millions of dollars to organizations with the primary purpose of making life hard for gay people. These organizations' horrible deeds included facilitating parents forcing their kids into torturous camps to de-gay them (that doesn't work and leads many of them to suicide), to keep gay people from gaining equal rights, to keep gay people from being able to get married, to keep gay people from inheriting the complete property of their partners after death, to keep gay people from having job and housing protections, like everybody else has, under the law. The FACT is they've tried to hide it, but they still do! Their CEO has even gone so far as to claim all the ills of America on the existence and acceptance of gay people. I get what you're saying and I'm very much against the behavior of these restaurant owners, but you're mixing things up. THIS IS NOT THE SAME THING BY A LONGSHOT. Also, none of these things happened until thousands of brown kids were separated from their parents and PUT IN CAGES. That's the difference here - and trying to make it look like a simple Dem vs Republican issue is misleading. That, of course, is not helped by the actions of these restaurateurs. That really has mixed the message up even more than you have with thinking that the problem with Chick fil A was about not serving gay people. Oh, they'll take our money - - - - and then use it to try and destroy our quality of life or just to destroy gay lives in general. NOT hyperbole.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Nobody is saying these incidents aren't really actually happening. And no one is saying that they aren't happening at an increasing rate. The hyperbole lies in the fact that you would have one believe that EVERY single conservative white person is a racist pig.
I don't think even MOST republicans are racist, but too many are okay with staying silent (or completely downplaying) the racism of other republican leaders in order to achieve some kind of agenda. That's always been the issue with MOST of the democrats. The rest are wingnuts who are easily led. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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If the Left really wants service not to be refuted on grounds of people being gay, black, Jewish, Muslim, Hispanic, Asian, or disabled, then they need to make a point and not refuse service because someone works for Donald Trump.
That's not the same thing as racial prejudice (unless you count artificial orange as a race). But I agree that behavior undermines everything these people would like to achieve.


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Feb 14, 2007
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@jvcarroll where exactly does the story of Chick-fil-A come in with them doing all this to gay people? I know the owner is very conservative but this is actually brand new to me now that you bring it up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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@jvcarroll where exactly does the story of Chick-fil-A come in with them doing all this to gay people? I know the owner is very conservative but this is actually brand new to me now that you bring it up.
OMG! How did you miss this? It's been in the news for years. Here's a recent article. And it all of this comes from an earlier controversy as evidenced by this wiki page. There are plenty of articles to support it, but it chops it all up nicely. It doesn't, however, adequately address that they're still supporting "charitable organizations" that force gay conversion camps on gay kids. Shameful stuff. No one should be eating there. It's not mere politics. They're supporting organizations that abuse kids because they're gay and lead them to kill themselves. But, the people eating there can get a big helping of diabetes from their bigot chicken. I really don't mind. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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DC restaurant apologizes after expelling transgender woman for using women's bathroom

This happened the same night as one of the restaurant debacles. This is what we should be focusing on. Real prejudice. But because a couple idiot restaurateur behaved badly, people are now confusing political differences with tearing brown families apart and caging kids in warehouses. These are only the brown families, mind you. White undocumented immigrants are being treated far better. What I like about this particular article is that there's been some sort of resolution. Yay that. By the way, The Hill leans right. This is a changing world. Bigot Trump and his ignorant followers are just the pushback for progress made. Make no mistake. PROGRESS IS COMING. Just slow.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Yeah, and it was also the subject of debate here at MC, because apparently JHC severed ties with Chick-fil-a as far as toy lines and such are concerned (which I never knew they had), with JHC issuing a statement that Chick-fil-a's views and practices go against the views of and practices of JHC and that they no longer wish to do business with them.

I remember, because Jamie (and I think a couple of others, but I can't remember whom) kind of reproached me about my stance that I go to Chick-fil-a to eat delicious food, not to discuss politics, religion, or sexuality, as another example of turning a blind eye and not caring about a sensitive issue.

But really, this is something @Fragglemuppet and I were discussing on Facebook recently: if we boycotted every business over practices, views, or ideals that we don't agree with, we'd have nowhere to eat, nowhere to shop, nowhere to go. Do I like that Hobby Lobby directly endorsed Trump during the election? No. Do I like that Hobby Lobby keeps getting busted for shady and unethical business practices? No. Do I like that Hobby Lobby chooses to embrace hate and bigotry? No. But a majority of my art and craft supplies come from them, and there's really no other options for me in that department: Michael's is out of town and has a limited selection anyway; Jo-Ann is good for shopping for (simple) fabric and foam, but not much else; there's another hobby shop out of town as well, but their selection continues to dwindle to next to nothing, and has for a number of years now. So, what else can I do?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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OMG! How did you miss this? It's been in the news for years. Here's a recent article. And it all of this comes from an earlier controversy as evidenced by this wiki page. There are plenty of articles to support it, but it chops it all up nicely. It doesn't, however, adequately address that they're still supporting "charitable organizations" that force gay conversion camps on gay kids. Shameful stuff. No one should be eating there. It's not mere politics. They're supporting organizations that abuse kids because they're gay and lead them to kill themselves. But, the people eating there can get a big helping of diabetes from their bigot chicken. I really don't mind. :wink:
To answer your question on how I didn't know - I've only first heard about the resteraunt in 2015 and have only eaten at chick fil a once (2016) and I only just found out about the controversy early last year. (Yes, I'm usually late on alot of stuff).

As for people eating there.... Well, I'm forever guilty of having a love for chicken, and I won't lie when I say they have some **** good chicken. I don't support their homophobia but I would still every now and then pull up to a drive thru and get some food there.

I'd never eat inside however because I don't like sitting inside fast food resteraunts unless it's taco Bell (you all know my love for it - particularly @D'Snowth and @Froggy Fool, am I right? :wink: ).


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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DC restaurant apologizes after expelling transgender woman for using women's bathroom

This happened the same night as one of the restaurant debacles. This is what we should be focusing on. Real prejudice. But because a couple idiot restaurateur behaved badly, people are now confusing political differences with tearing brown families apart and caging kids in warehouses. These are only the brown families, mind you. White undocumented immigrants are being treated far better. What I like about this particular article is that there's been some sort of resolution. Yay that. By the way, The Hill leans right. This is a changing world. Bigot Trump and his ignorant followers are just the pushback for progress made. Make no mistake. PROGRESS IS COMING. Just slow.
Really? I had not heard that. How many white undocumented immigrants are crossing the border from Mexico? Would like to read a link on this if you have one. TIA