Sesame Street commercial-sponsored by X


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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I thought of the GREAT SS sketch! Maybe this should be a commercial featuring Big Bird, Luis, Maria, David & Sam the Robot, and this would be the 70's classic Sesame Street style. I'll find out what you think of it. Here it is...

(Big Bird walks down Sesame Street. David runs out of Hooper's Store and grabs Big Bird's arm for a big announcement)

David: Hey, Big Bird...Big's awful! Just awful! When I was working at Hooper's Store, I've had a strange feeling that I saw a huge robot that ate all of the mechanical stuff at Hooper's! And he went to Hersheypark in Hershey, Pennsylvania that he ate all of Hershey's best chocolate candy! Man, I hate that mechanical robot!

Big Bird: Gee, sorry to hear that, David! We gotta do something! We gotta get rid of that filthy mechanical beast here on Sesame Street before he shows up. I better find him...(Walks down to the Fix-It-Shop. Maria runs out of the Fix-It-Shop in horror.)

Maria: Hey, Big Bird! It's been an awful day on Sesame Street! When I was working with Luis, we saw a huge robot that ate all of the broken toasters! And he ate bikes and everything else in our shop that was made by metal! Just awful!

Big Bird: Gee, that's terrible, Maria! We gotta search for the robot that has done wrong things you and David have mentioned! I think it's the same robot that has done it. Oh, here he comes now! (Sam the Robot enters slowly) (Yelling, at Sam) Hey, robot, what are you doing here? HUH??!! Why did you eat all of the good chocolate candies from Hershey's and all of the mechanical stuff like toasters?

Sam the Robot: I always like to eat toasters, metals, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, candy and X! (Eats Hershey's chocolate bars) Mmmm! Rectangles!

Big Bird: STUPID ROBOT!!! He doesn't even know that Hershey's chocolate bars were really shaped like rectangles! And he doesn't know that X is the letter of the alphabet! We all know that X is the letter that was after W and before Y!

(Luis exits the Fix-It-Shop)

Luis: That's because he never pays any attention on our needs.

Maria: And Big Bird, you should figure out how you can stop him!

Big Bird: I know! I know! Hey, I've got an idea! I'd better check out what's inside the robot's tummy by using an x-ray machine!

David: Good idea, Big Bird! X-ray does begin with X!

Big Bird: I'll go get it! (Rushes to get the x-ray machine. He picks the x-ray machine.) Okay, robot! I'd better check you right now! (Checks Sam's body. There are toasters inside his body) A-ha! He has done it!

David: But Big Bird, our commercial is over! (To TV viewer) Our commercial has been brought to you by the letter X! (Sam eats part of the X, Big Bird grabs it.)

Big Bird: Hey, you stupid robot! Stop eating that letter X, you FILTHY BEAST!!! (Sam, of course, swallows the part of the X) (Crying) Ohhhh, I'm upset!!! I'll never find another X!

Maria: Don't worry, Big Bird! We'll help you find it!

(Big Bird, Maria, Luis and David exit to find other X's. Ending music plays, and Sam leaves slowly)
