Sesame Street Fan Fiction


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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What stands out about my fan fiction is that I wrote them when I was and silly enough to believe they could actually be used on Sesame Street. I submitted them numerous times until the Children's Television Workshop gave me a polite letter of rejection.

Take a look at a Sesame Street episode that could have been:

IT'S NOT EASY BEING ORANGE (Part one) :grouchy:

By G.B.

(It's a typical day on Sesame Street. Then, suddenly Telly
Monster appears, dressed up and carrying a suitcase).

Telly: (Looking up at the TV viewers) Oh, hello. Telly here.
Welcome to Sesame Street. This is my first day as a salesperson. I'm
selling a new brand of shampoo. You know, shampoo is that special
kind of soap that we wash our hair with. Ohhh...I am so nervous!
What if nobody wants to buy any? Oh, that would be terrible! (Telly
buries his face in his hand out of anguish, but then looks back up
with a little renewed hope) Oh well, I'll try my best. I've got to
go door to door and ask people to buy some. (Telly moves along to
Oscar's trash can and speaks in a worried voice) Oh oh!....Oscar's
trash can is my first stop!

(Telly knocks on Oscar's can. Oscar, as usual, comes out abruptly
and angrily).

Oscar: (rudely) What do you want?

Telly: (nervously) Oh, hi, Oscar. selling some
shampoo and I if you'd like to buy some.

Oscar: Shampoo!? Telly! Grouches don't take baths! What's the
matter with you?

Telly: But...but, Oscar, everyone has to take baths!

Oscar: Not us grouches! Now go away from my trash can and stop
bothering me! (Oscar goes inside his can and slams the lid closed)

Telly: Oh no! My first house and I blew it! I'll never be a

(Scene fades out)

(Open back to street scene).

(Telly is still standing by Oscar's can and fretting when suddenly
a dignified looking man comes along. He could be a live actor or
another muppet)

Man: (To Telly) What's the trouble, my good man?

Telly: Oh, it's terrible, mister! This is my first day on the
job as a salesperson and I failed to make a sale on my first try!

Man: Well, that's no reason to give up, my boy.

Telly: It isn't?

Man: Of course not. I've been a salesperson for a year now and I
know that you have to keep trying in the sales business. In fact, you
have to keep trying with anything you want to do.

Telly: Gee, mister, I...guess you're right. By the way, what are
you selling?

Man: I sell sugar.

Telly: Oh. I'm a shampoo salesperson. I hope you have good
luck. Thanks for your encouragement. (Telly goes off screen)

Man: Good luck to you too. (The man then turns to Oscar's trash
can) Well, here's my first stop. (He enthusiastically knocks on
Oscar's can. Oscar angrily opens the lid, Oscar has a glass of
lemonade in his hand)

Oscar: Now who are you and what are you bothering me about?

Man: My friend, you look like someone who could use some sugar.
Would you like to buy some?

Oscar: (furious) What is this!? Salespeople bother Oscar day?
First Telly comes around trying to sell me shampoo and now you come
around trying to sell me sugar! Well, grouches don't like anything
that smells good like shampoo or tastes good like sugar!

Man: (In a friendly sales voice) Oh, come now, my friend, I see
you're drinking a glass of lemonade. Surely you must put sugar in

Oscar: Ding dong, you're wrong. Grouches like to drink their
lemonade sour with no sugar at all!

Man: Oh, you just don't know how good it is with sugar. Here,
let me give you a free sample. (With that, the man tries to pour some
sugar from his bag into Oscar's cup)

Oscar: Hey! Don't! (Oscar resists and the two of them struggle
until the glass of lemonade and the whole bag of sugar both spill on
Oscar's head. Oscar just stands there with everything on him, staring
furiously at the man. The man timidly tries to apologize)

Man: Er...uh...sorry, my friend. Uh...don't worry about paying
for that bag of sugar; it's on me. Er...I's actually on
you...but...(Oscar grows more enraged by the minute as he starts
trembling with anger)

Man: Uh...goodbye! (The man makes a hasty retreat. Then, a
bunch of muppet dogs and cats come and start licking the sugar that's
on Oscar. They may even start saying, "Yum, sugar.")

Oscar: Hey! Cut it out! Grouches hate being licked by cute,
cuddly animals! Now, I have to take a bath and get this sweet stuff
off of me! (Oscar looks on and calls out) Hey, Telly! Come back
with that shampoo! Come baaaaaaaaack!

(Scene fades out).

(Open back to street scene)

(Telly is now pacing nervously outside of Oscar's closed trash
can. Gordon approaches)

Gordon: Hi, Telly.

Telly: (nervously) Oh, hi, Gordon.

Gordon: Uh, Telly, is something wrong?

Telly: Oh, Gordon, I'm nervous. You see, today's my first day as
a salesperson, selling shampoo. At first Oscar didn't want to buy my
shampoo, but then he changed his mind. So now, he's in his can,
taking a shower with the shampoo I sold him. I'm hoping he likes it!
If he doesn't, he'll demand his money back and I won't make my first
sale! Oh, I'm so worried!

Gordon: Relax, Telly. If Oscar's finally decided to take a
shower, I'm sure he'll like whatever shampoo you sold him.

Telly: Oh, I hope so, Gordon, but I wish he'd hurry up and finish
so I could know for sure! (Telly anxiously knocks on the can)

Telly: Oscar! Oscar! Are you finished yet? Come on out!

Oscar: (from inside the can) Keep your shirt on! I'm coming out

(Oscar emerges out of the can and, to Gordon and Telly's shock,
his fur is no longer green, in fact, he is now completely orange)

Telly: Ohhhhhh nooooooooooooo!

Gordon: Er...Oscar...

Oscar: (not yet aware that he is orange) Now look, everyone! I
only took a bath because I got sticky, sweet smelling sugar on me!
I'm still a grouch!

Gordon: Oh yeah, you're still a grouch, but...

Oscar: But what?

Gordon: Well, Oscar, do you have a mirror in your trash can?

Oscar: Yeah! So what!?

Gordon: Well, why don't you just take it out and look in it?

Oscar: Why should I?

Gordon: Oscar, believe me, you will be interested in what you

(Oscar reluctantly goes down and gets his old, beat up hand mirror
and looks at himself. At the sight of his orange fur, Oscar screams
and drops the mirror)

Telly: Oh, this is terrible! My shampoo turned Oscar's fur
orange! Now he's going to want his money back!

Oscar: Arggghhhhhhhh! I'm ORANGE!

Gordon: Well...yes, Oscar...

Oscar: But, I haven't dyed my fur orange since my hippie days in
1969! I wanna be green again!

Telly: (Hopeful as he looks at one of his shampoo bottles) Wait
a minute, Oscar! It says right here that if this shampoo should
happen to turn someone's hair or fur orange, it'll wear off in two or
three days!

Gordon: You see that, Oscar? You'll soon be back to your old

Oscar: (upset) But, I don't wanna wait two or three days! I
wanna be green again now! And...and...if I have to be orange for two
or three days, I'm gonna just stay hidden in my can for that long!
(Oscar is very upset and embarrassed as he quickly goes inside and
shuts the lid)

Telly: Oh no! Oscar's unhappy because he's orange and it's all
my fault!

Gordon" Don't worry, Telly. We've just got to find a way to
cheer him up.

Telly: Yeah, good idea! (slight pause) Uh...Gordon? Do
grouches like to be cheered up?

Gordon (pausing for a moment) You know, Telly, that's a good
question.. (They both look on, somewhat confused as the scene fades



Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Sesame Street Fan Fiction continued

IT'S NOT EASY BEING ORANGE (Part two) :grouchy:

By G.B.

(Open again to street scene).

(Gordon, Susan, Bob, and others stand around Oscar's can. Gordon
is holding a bag of trash in his left arm as he knocks on Oscar's
trash can lid with his right hand).

Gordon: Oscar, come on out.

Oscar: (from inside the can, sad) Go away.

Gordon: But, Oscar, I've got a big bag of trash for you.

Oscar: (still from inside can) I'm not interested.

Grdon: (looking at the others) This is worse than I thought.

Susan: Oscar, come on out. There's nothing wrong with being
orange. (Everyone standing out there agrees).

Oscar: (abruptly coming out of his can) That's easy for all of
you to say. None of you are orange!

Bob: (looking back at two characters characters off screen)
Uh...That's not exactly true, Oscar. (calling to them) Come here,
you two.

(Zoe and Frazzle enter on screen)

Zoe: Take it from me, Oscar. Being orange is great!

(Frazzle says something in his monster tounge)

Bob: What's that, Frazzle?

(Frazzle says some more things in his language)

Bob: Oh, yes, I almost forgot about that. (turning to Oscar)
Oscar, Frazzle was just reminding me of a time when he felt
self-conscious about being the only orange monster in a group of blue
monsters. At first it bothered him, but he got over it. Tell him
about it, Frazzle.

(Frazzle begins talking to Oscar in monster language)

(This scene fades out as we enter the "Furry and Blue" musical
sketch with Herry, Grover, Cookie, and Frazzle)

(Right after the "Furry and Blue sketch ends, we open back to the
street scene as Frazzle finishes talking to Oscar).

Oscar: Well, that may work out allright for monsters, but I am a
grouch and grouches are supposed to be green.

Gordon: Oscar, don't you remember? Being green is not all fun
and games. In fact, we've heard on good authority that it's quite a
bittersweet experience.

(Fade out once again from street scene and enter sketch where
Kermit The Frog sings, "It's Not Easy Being Green")

(Open back to street scene after Kermit's number is over)

Gordon: So you see, Oscar? If being green is so hard, it might
be nice to get a little vacation from it.

Oscar: Bah! Monsters! Frogs! Nobody understands that it's
different for grouches! I can't stay out here like this! I've got to
go put on some kind of disguise!

Susan: Now, wait a minute, Oscar. Don't start that. Let me tell
you one more story. One time Bert had a purple hand and Ernie
overreacted so much...

(Fade out again of street scene and enter the sketch where Bert
got purple paint all over his hands, couldn't get it off, so Ernie
dressed him up in winter clothes to disguise it even though it was

(Open back to street scene after Ernie and Bert sketch)

Susan: So, Oscar, do you see how much trouble happens when you
let your feelings get out of control?

Oscar: What do you mean, "trouble"? That was a great idea that
Ernie and Bert had! I'm going to get a disguise right now! (Oscar
quickly goes into his can and slams the door)

Susan: Well, Gordon, I guess no one can reason with a grouch.

Gordon: (hopeful) Except maybe...another grouch.

(Fade out street scene once again)

(Open back to street scene. Gordon, Susan, and Bob walk to
Oscar's can)

Gordon: (Knocking on Oscar's can) Oscar. Oh, Oscar.

(Oscar comes out of his can, wearing funny nose and glasses, a
giant top hat, and an overcoat. Gordon, Susan, and Bob can't help but
bust out laughing at the sight of this)

Oscar: So! First all of you tell me that there's nothing wrong
with being orange, but now you all laugh at me because of it!

Gordon: No, no, Oscar. We're not laughing at your being orange;
we're laughing at you in that silly outfit.

Oscar: Well, laugh all you want, but as long as I'm orange, this
disguise stays on!

Susan: Well, look Oscar, we've called someone over who might be
able to make you feel better.

Oscar: Who?

Bob: Your girlfriend, Grungetta.

Oscar: What!? And they say grouches are mean and rotten! How
could all of you do this to me!? I can't let Grungetta see me with
orange fur! She'd break up with me!

Susan: Oh, don't be silly, Oscar.

Gordon: (looking off screen) Oh, here she comes now.

Oscar: Oh no! Is my disguise on straight!? I gotta cover up
every bit of my orange fur!

(In Oscar's panic to get his disguise on straight, the whole thing
accidentilly slips off. Oscar tries to duck down, but it's too late.
Grungetta comes along and sees Oscar with his orange fur)


Grungetta: (grouchy voice) Oscar! What's the matter with you!?

Oscar: What do you think!? I'm orange! I used some of Telly's
stupid shampoo and now I have orange fur!

Grungetta: (grouchy voice) So what?

Oscar: Well, I've gotta be this way for two or three days!

Grungetta: So what?

Oscar: Doesn't it bother you!!?

Grungetta: (loud and grouchy) Why should it bother me!!? You're
still a grouch aren't you!!?

Oscar: Well, yeah...but...

Grungetta: You still love trash, don't you?

Oscar: Of course!

Grungetta: You still like to scream at people and tell them to
get lost, don't you?

Oscar: Definitely! But...

Grungetta: Then why should your being orange bother me, you

Gordon: You know, Oscar, she's right. Nice people are nice no
matter what color they are and grouches are grouches no matter what
color they are.

Oscar: (happily) You're right! I'll always be a grouch, orange
or green!

Susan: That's right, oscar.

Bob: Of course.

Oscar: that case....ALL OF YOU GET AWAY FROM MY

(Gordon, Susan, and Bob laugh, make a few comments about Oscar
finally being back to normal, and walk away, shaking their heads in
amazement. Grungetta stays at the can as she and Oscar exchange

(Fade out in street scene)

(Open back to street scene)

(Oscar's trash can lid is closed. Telly nervously comes along and
knocks on the lid)

Telly: Oscar? Er...Oscar... Are you still mad at me?

(Oscar opens the lid and, to Telly's shock, Oscar is no longer
orange, but green once again)

Oscar: Of course I'm still mad at you, but grouches like to be

Telly: Oscar! You're green again!

Oscar: (sarcastically) Very observant of you, Telly.

Telly: (happily surprised) I thought you'd have to
wait two to three days.

Oscar: Well, I met up with the Amazing Mumford and he waved his
magic wand for me.

Telly: And that changed you green again!

Oscar: (somewhat annoyed) Well, actually, first he changed me
purple, then red, then blue, then yellow, then silver, then puce, but
finally back to green again.

Telly: That's great, Oscar!

Oscar: Yeah, but believe it or not, I actually kinda miss being
orange. Anyway, I guess your career as a salesperson is finished.
Heh! Heh! Heh!

Telly: Oh no, Oscar, haven't you heard? Orange is in! (calling
off screen) Oh, Big Bird! Snuffy!

(The camera flashes on an orange Big Bird and Snuffleupagus)

Big Bird: Hi, Telly! Love your shampoo.

Snuffy: Yeah, oranges have more fun.

(Oscar, dissapointed at Telly's success, says "Bah!" and goes in
his can. Closing music starts playing.

Telly: Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter (add
letter) and by the number (add number)

Big Bird and/or Snuffy: And by the color orange.



Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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puce: A deep red to dark grayish purple.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2002
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Hey GeeBee, remember when you put that script (and the other one) onto and somebody gave you an enthusiastic reply about it?

That was me. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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MuppetDude said:
Hey GeeBee, remember when you put that script (and the other one) onto and somebody gave you an enthusiastic reply about it?

That was me. :stick_out_tongue:

Hi, MuppetDude! Thanks. I remember now! I didn't know anyone from Yesterdayland was on here. Cool!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Cool Fan Fic GeeBee! Why don't you sometime read my Sesame Street: The Movie fan fic on FanFiction.Net sometime? :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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Why exactly didn't they like this idea?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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ssetta said:
Why exactly didn't they like this idea?

Well, I was trying to enter a very closed system in the Children's Television Workshop (Sesame Workshop today). They don't ask for any submissions and seem to feel that they have everything they need to make the show work. This is essentially what they told me in their letter after I had sent the scripts numerous times. I'm not sure if anyone even actually read the scripts. They might just automatically dismiss any outside work. I think it's a big mistake to be that closed to new ideas. I would have been perfectly willing to have my stories modified in any way that they saw fit, but they just seemed to have a set policy.

Ah, well. There were a couple more scripts that I sent in with those two that I mean to share with everyone soon. Then, I'll start writing more fan fiction just for the fun of it. Now, that I know there's no chance of it ever being used, I can make up stories about the past with Mr. Hooper, David, and all of the good old days. That's one consolation. lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Courage-Bagge said:
Cool Fan Fic GeeBee! Why don't you sometime read my Sesame Street: The Movie fan fic on FanFiction.Net sometime? :stick_out_tongue:
I read that and really enjoyed it! Great script!