Sesame Street Trivia


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Has everyone seen or taken the multiple choice test on the Sesame Street Trivia page on this site? It's great, but there is at least one item that could be classified as a "bad question". When they asked what happened in Kermit's Newsflash when Prince Charming kissed Sleeping Beauty, two of the choices are "she changed into a frog" and "he fell asleep." Only "changed into a frog" was correct, but the truth is that there were two Sleeping Beauty newsflashes: One where she changed into a frog and another where the Prince fell asleep. Thus, that question should be reworded or omitted.

Does it really matter in the big scheme of things? No. But, I'm studying to take a multiple choice Social Work exam for the State Licensing Board soon and I'm riddled with anxiety, so I'll be looking to point out ways to make any test more manageable for a while. :smile: