Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith Novel


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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I got the novel the day it came out, and I finished it last night. I'm very proud of what this movie will bring. This truly is the tragic part in the six movies. I mean, you may know what happens to Yoda, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and other characters in a general way... Yoda leaves to Degobah, Obi-Wan goes to Tatooine to keep a distant eye on Luke, and Vader becomes Palpatine's killing machine. But to read exactly what happens to them all, it's quite sad. I felt bad for Anakin as, throughout the book, Palpatine turns Anakin against his Jedi family by convincing him that they are uncaring people who are filled with no passion. And the Force knows Anakin tried doing the right thing, but the more Palpatine talked, the more Anakin swayed to his side. When Palpatine revealed himself, Anakin almost, almost kills Palpatine. But he easily gets Anakin to put his saber away. After some talk, Anakin runs back to the temple, and tells Mace Windu. He organizes a team of Jedi to go to the Senator to take him down.

In the book, it shows what was said in the office right before it got crazy; the audio of the conversation. It kind of cuts off, then the Senator takes care of three out of four of the Jedi... leaving him versus Mace Windu. Anakin shows up before he's killed, and Mace begs for Anakin's help, saying it will fill the prophecy of the chosen one. Finally, Mace was able to strike down Palpatine himself, but just as he was to end the Sith reign, Palpatine jumps up, and sends his whitish-blue lightening toward Mace's wrist, the one that holds his saber, and cuts through him with the power of the dark side. He is then thrown over, and falls to his death. After Mace dies, Anakin is brought back into the Supreme Chancellor's room, where he is officially labelled Darth Vader, and it is here that Vader commits himself to the Sith. Anakin's first reason to become a Sith Lord is because of his nightmare about him killing Padme, and when he shared this with Palpatine, he told him that the Sith Lord Plagueis had the power to save anyone from death, except himself. Palpatine proved that when he slayed him in his sleep many years before.
This book also depicts Yoda in the light that, I think, everyone would like to see him as. Yes, he does fight Darth Sidious, but as the fight is going on between the Sith Master and the Jedi Master, Yoda realizes that he just doesn't have it to beat Palpatine. He sees that the Sith have evolved into something stronger, and the Jedi have stayed with the same teachings for many millenia. As you would know, he does get away. Actually, when he's with Bail Organa, Obi-Wan, and Padme's twins aboard the Tantive IV he almost ends up taking Leia with him to Degobah. But Bail states that he and his wife wanted to adopt, so he takes her. The rest is history.
This is truly going to be the best one of the the new trilogy. Episode 1 is my least favorite, but I really liked Episode 2. This one, I believe, will be the best.