The MuppetCast - Show #54 - <Insert Clever Title>


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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I really couldn't think of a catchy title for this week's show. Maybe someone here can help with that, after hearing the new episode!

The "Make Something Cool" contest is still ongoing. Let me know if you're planning to create something for this contest by going over to this week and either voting Yes or No in the "Are you making something?" poll. I just want to get a general idea of how many submissions to expect. You still have plenty of time!

This week features a look at one of Jim's true masterpieces, The Dark Crystal. In true MuppetCast review fashion, there are many elements of the movie used in the review, but I also decided to mix in another ingredient. The World of the Dark Crystal is a wonderful making-of feature which tells the story of how all of the things you see in the movie came to be. It's a fantastic featurette (which you can find both on DVD and on YouTube, so go look for it and watch it this week), and it fit perfectly with the review I was putting together for the podcast this week. So along with my voice, you'll hear people like artist Brian Froud, Frank Oz, and even Jim himself talking about this wonderful fantasy world and its creatures.

Also, since Earth Day is coming up (April 22 I believe), the montage this week features a few "earthy" songs.

Questions/Comments can be emailed to, called in at 614-364-4270, or posted right here on the good ol' Muppet Central Forums. Either way, let's talk!

Have a good one!

PS - Count, I did get your emails. You're a good man and a good friend!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hiya hiya hiya... So you need a title? Try some of these out.
Think Gelfling.
Conjunction & Conservation.
Earth Electronic Energy.
The Shining Crystal.
Nature's Juhl.
Party at the Podling's!
Hobbits' Cousins.
Crazy Castle Crystal.
I got a million of 'em... Ha-cha-cha-cha-cha!

Loved the review. Would very much like it if you could review either Labyrinth or Monster Maker, the latter is highly cherished to me as I hold it as one of my true inspirations.
The musical interlude at the riveryou mentioned is your fave musical segment... Reminds me of two other similar musical numbers, Blue Bayou sung by Linda Ronstadt and Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid. Both just sucker me in.
The moment where Jen figures out which shard is the one he seeks... Music and magic created by a pipe/flutelike instrument? Hmmm, now what other Henson character does that remind me of... Probably an important Fraggle or something.
Good to know even Teri Angus listens to the show. Too bad Fozzie couldn't contribute anything. Just as well, he's needed for the upcoming MR release.
Caught the sitcom reference... You're getting sneaky with some of these.

Overall, another good show and I wait for next week's to be just as great.
And extra points for ending with the very end of the Rainbow Connection reprise from TMM.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Uh... Wheresa that creative edit Steve?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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You (hopefully) won't be able to hear it, Count. It was in one of the voicemails in this week's episode.

Dr. Bombay

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Just listened to this today and I enjoyed it. I was glad you used the Dark Crystal novel to shed some light on some things.

I also just like "The Dark Crystal" though when I was younger we would always request it be rented. I find that as I'm older, though I appreciate more the work put into it and all, I don't enjoy watching it as much. But still, it is a very important part of not only Muppet history, but I think movie history.

It's also a great part of my family history as to this day we always quote lines from the movie, or really just the way the Skekis say "Gelfling?" and "I am EMPEROR!":scary: My brother has a Yorkshire Terrier that looks just like Fizzgig when he growls, though we usually just call him Sir Didymus:smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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Yeah, Yorkies tend to be a lot like Fizgig. I'm with you, I don't really watch the movie so much, but I really REALLY appreciate what Jim and crew went through to see that it was made. It needed to be made.
Apr 7, 2008
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Hm....last message didn't seem to go through so let me try again.

*insert old fogey voice here* I haven't done this new-fangled forum business before!

I would be in the "like" rather than "love" category for "The Dark Crysyal." However, I think that's partly because I saw it roughly 50 trillion times in 1st and 2nd grade. I think it was one of the movies that kept being played on HBO.

Although I didn't realize until listening to the podcast that I tended to use my imagination to make up for the more confusing parts. Like I gave the Skeksis my own names. "That green guy" "banana nose." And the garthim were "those scary electronic spider things."

I never noticed that Augra said she'd hand over the gelflings to the skeksis. But I like the idea...makes her character more ambiguous and intriguing. I also think, as they were definitely going for a more mythic feel, that there should be a Judas moment. A Lando Calrissian "I'm sorry the Empire got here just before you did" moment. :wink:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Okay then. Thought the edit had something to do with the thread. BTW: When I heard Kira speaking, for some reason I kept picturing Krysta from Fern Gully instead.
Apr 7, 2008
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Which reminds me...I was a tad disappointed that you didn't include the Kira calling out her animal friends sound byte. I used to LOVE imitating that scene. If you need a gelfling voice for your next awards show, let me know. :stick_out_tongue: