The sesame show

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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If you think you have spelling errors, why don't you look back and check them? just wondering....


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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What on earth...

Sorry. It's probably good, and I may have giggled once, but I don't Sorry...

Dwo shwoom

Active Member
Feb 10, 2006
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sorry, tried giving a sense of scriptive style to the first chapter, as if a lazy low paid translater did it. I'll try giving a more less style like that in the second


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ahhh! I see! Cool. It really did give that style. :stick_out_tongue:

I just didn't realise it was done on purpose. *giggle*

Dwo shwoom

Active Member
Feb 10, 2006
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Chapter 2 is heeeeeeerrree...

due to problems with freewebs, i'm posting the last several chapters here..

Chapter 2

*The sesame show
*scene 1-
*big bird sleeps in again, cue Mrs dibberts,
*Mrs. dibberts: Hey, big bird!
*Big Bird: whuh!?
*Big Bird: ..oh..mrs. Dibberts! happy you woke me up today, I'm pretty bad at waking myself
*up in the morning

"What the?" says bb in curiosity.
"its a laptop..."

*elmo is tumbling arou- oh CRAPljsdhfiosnd.,z/?////
*boss, elmo and bb are escaping.
*send in the angry mob.
*sir, they're inside this building
*darn, and nodody has a crowbar?
*no, and all the pitchforks are painted clay.
*well, we better plan!

"We better get out of here, fast!" elmo saying franticly
"could we get out that door over there?",
"Maybe, lemme see.", stepping toward the door, elmo turns the nob, and what lies outside is
past the inclosed studio. "Wait!" bb grabs elmos hand, "where are we?", "all will be
explained!", "(I hope)" bb thinks to himself. walking out, they take a stairway down,
suddenly, a radio sound from a chopter is heard, "Stop, You are under arrest!", a rope drops
from the plane, policemen surround elmo and big bird, one grabs big bird, while another ties
up elmo with a rope, "the bots are secured!", "Bots?" before he could finish he was knocked out, some time later bb woke up to these words
"well, Well, look what the cat dragged in!" are probably the most convincing words big bird
has heard since he woke up earlier, "No, look what the 'Lion' brought in!", waking up, big bird focused
his eyes on the two figures, they where sitting on the bottom bunk of a jail bed, they
appeared to be old men, maybe in their 90's, they seemed to enjoy corny jokes, hence the
snorting outloud, "Oh, where's are manners?", "with our retainers!", they laughed again,
"No, Really, I'm statler!" said statler, "and I'm waldorf" said waldorf. "Now lets get ready
to look.. SO OLD!", more laughs. "yes, aherm.." statler cleared his throat, "No more Teen
Girl Squad for us". "so, sleeping beauty, enjoying the truth?", "what truth?" bb asks in
curiosity. "Oh, Your red furry friend never told you, did he?", "well, No." bb admits, "then
he's not really your friend then". "NO, Thats not true!" bb complains. "come on guys, he's new to all this, couldn't you lighten up a bit?" said a easygoing voice, in the next cell over, a figure appeared, wearing nothing but pajamas, the figure was male, no taller than elmo, his iris's looked like they had boomerangs shot through them, and he had dark green ruffles around the neck, he sounded kind and calm, relaxed as a cat. "wait...Kermit?" bb said suprised, "B-big bird?" kermit replied, "I-I cant believe its you, how did you get here?" kemit said suprised, "Wel-" bb stopped, a strange object floated into the room, it was a holographic tv, and on it appeared a face, the face as twisted as the jail itself.
"heloooooo.." said the face, he had a hat on, so it was hard to tell what color of hair he had, "enjoying your beautiful day in the rehab center, Are we not?", "Well, if it's so bad as trying to kill yourself, lemme help you!" a drill came out of the screen, it came toward big bird, frantic, he fell on the floor, "TeeHee, always gets the new inmates, but Really, My name is Shwoom, DWO SHWOOM, HAHAHAhaHaha...KAck, *cough* *cough*, And enjoy your last day of being here, ON EARTH....HAHAHAHahAHAhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....."