The Sesame Street Library Video Collection Volume 11

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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(The title appears on-screen, as "volume 11" fades onto the screen)

(Big Bird is in his nest area, with a microwave turned on)

Big Bird: (noticing the audience) Oh, hi, there. I just got this new, magical microwave. I just turn it on, and in a few minutes, something magical will come out. Yeah. Hmm, but I'm tired of waiting. Why don't you all go to the movies while I wait?

(cut to the following sketches: Ernie gets emotional at the movies, The Remembering Game, and Sesame Street News: The Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe)

(Big Bird is still waiting for the microwave to go off. A "ding" sound is heard)
Big Bird: Oh, boy! It's finished! Now, let's see what is in here. (opens the door. There is an eleven inside) Oh, the number 11. I should have known. (sighs)

(cut to the following skits: It's a Lovely Eleven Morning, Pinball Number Count #11, Eleven Cheer, and Mad Painter #11)

(Gordon is in the courtyard, showing a box to a group of kids)
Gordon: Hey, kids! This is a box.
Kids: Wow!
Gordon: What do you think is in this box?
Kid #1: A diamond ring.
Gordon: No, not a diamond ring.
Kid #2: How about some string?
Gordon: No.
Kid #3: How about an eleven?
Gordon: No, we're not going to go for that cheap joke again.
Kid #4: Is it a cookie?
Gordon: Who are you, Cookie Human? Anyway, I'll show you what is in this box. (Gordon opens the box, and takes out a W) This is a W.
Kids: Oooh....
Gordon: And now here is Kermit the Frog to talk more about this letter.

(cut to the following skits: Kermit's W lecture part 1, The National Association of W Lovers, and Kermit's W lecture part 2)

Oscar: I would like to take the time to show you my dirt collection. Here is some dirt. (points to a small pile of dirt on the crate next to his trash can) But would you like to see a bigger pile of dirt? You would? Okay, here it is. (the camera moves back, revealing a big pile of dirt on the ground, which goes up to the top of Big Bird's doors)
David: Oscar, I can't believe that you put that much dirt in front of the door.
Oscar: Yeah, beautiful, ain't it?
David: Uh, I don't think so.
(Big Bird opens his door, spilling the pile of dirt onto the street)
Big Bird: Oh, sorry.
David: (angered) Big Bird! Look what you've done!
Oscar: Hey, don't be angry.
David: Say what?
Oscar: He's made the street more beautiful.

(cut to the following sketches: The geefle and the gonk, Lefty attempts to sell Ernie a stop sign, You've Gotta Learn, Simon Soundman eats at Grover's resturaunt, and The People in Your Neighborhood, concernign a garbage man and a grocer)

(Mr. Hooper is running his store)
Mr. Hooper: Well, it's a slow, quiet day at Hooper's Store. Not very many people have bought anything here. I hope that buisness isn't like this for the rest of the week. What'll I do? I am the only person in the store.
(several peopel suddenly go into the store, all talking at once)
Mr. Hooper: Now this store is full of people. Now I am too busy!

(cut to the following sketches: Starfish, I'm Square, Kermit and Grover demonstrate the word "yes", and Ernie attempts to borrow a vacume cleaner from Herbert Birdsfoot)

Big Bird: And now, I would like to talk to you about the letter X. X begins words like, uh, uh, hmmm... what does X start?

(cut to the following skits: Harvey Kneeslapper's X Marks the Spot joke, Sherlock Hemlock's X Marks the Spot song, Ernie goes on an X treasure hunt, and Cowboy X)

Oscar: Well, it's time for my favorite part of the show, the end. Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the letters W and X, and by the number 11. Now scram!