This is the final straw...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Enough is too much.

Ever since Obama won the election, the GOP has been the BIGGEST bunch of sore losers on the face on this planet, and ever since the president took the oath of office, they've stopped at nothing to try and go over his head in order to continue with their regime of driving this country, that they claim to love and serve so much, into the ground.

They've done everything under the sun, from forming radical groups like that Boston, I mean Alaska, I mean whoever Tea Party, to campaigning lie-filled platforms saying that his ideas for Health Care does more harm than good, to basically standing in his way and preventing him from doing his job, then when he can't get the job done, they turn right around and point fingers and say he's a bad president for not living up to his promises, yadda-yadda-yadda.

But now this... starting in 2012, the GOP is forcing all Democrats in the U.S. to be required to show a photo ID when it's time to vote, while they score free passes into voting booths.

You know that this is? More proof that the GOP doesn't stand for Grand Old Party, it stands for Nasty Attacking Zealous Incoragable Stinkweeds... I mean seriously, what are these people, politicians, or fascists? I mean, why don't they just go ahead and force Democrats to sit in the back of the bus, and go to separate public places as if there were signs that read "Liberals Only"?

Yeah, they wanna take my picture for an ID? I'll strike a pose for them... a simple one-fingered pose.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Seriously?? Isn't that unconstitutional? Snowth, can you cite where you read that please??



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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It was in our local paper, not sure if there's anything on the web that I can cite, but I can definitely look.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
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I very much doubt that DEMOCRATS are the ones that are being forced to show IDs while REPUBLICANS don't because how would they know? Besides, if you're a legal citizen, you should have an ID with you at all times anyways. I don't really see what the big deal is but I try not to talk politics on forums. Gets too messy.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Even my most conservative friends have realized the Republicans are completely anathema to the dynamic human spirit, love and compassion. Why they obsessively hate Muslims when they want to enforce a theocratic version of Sharia law is beyond me.

Then again I don't care much for how spineless and corrupted the Democratic party has become. But even though I've called Obama a puppet of wallstreet, even he is saying how the Republicans want to cripple America:

I think talking politics is good. People in coffee shops throughout the Middle East and Europe talk passionately about politics all day long, but in America it's somehow taboo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Even my most conservative friends have realized the Republicans are completely anathema to the dynamic human spirit, love and compassion. Why they obsessively hate Muslims when they want to enforce a theocratic version of Sharia law is beyond me.

Then again I don't care much for how spineless and corrupted the Democratic party has become. But even though I've called Obama a puppet of wallstreet, even he is saying how the Republicans want to cripple America:

Couldn't have put it better myself.

It's like we have 2 right wings, The righter than you think Democrats and the even further right Republicans. It's like liberalism somehow died when we got health care.

I can't say Obama's great or anything, but if you look at the stuff the right wants, it's just disgusting. We can't even get federal aid for hurricane victims now because it's ALL the sudden important to reign in spending, while we're STILL blowing a fortune in the Middle East, giving all this money to big corporations that are investing it in other countries instead of using it to create jobs, and worst of all, giving John Bohner a pay check. I swear they just tried to pass another raise... something they DON'T deserve from all this gridlock/acting like spoiled fat Eric Cartmens garbage.

It's clear they will do ANYTHING to win. Look at the fake Tea Party Patriot garbage, completely sponsored by Fox News and various corporations who just want the right to be re-elected so they can get even more, even bigger unfair tax cuts and even more deregulation so they can have even more money to blow on prostitutes and Eyes Wide Shut/Speed Grapher style underground romps. All the right and their company men have to do is pay that fat slimeball Frank Lutz (satan's own marketing firm) to give cute little cuddly names to dangerous stuff, and give horrifying terms to stuff that we actually need. He;'s the one that came up with "Government take over of health care" and I'm sure he's the little cancerous tumor that came up with "Class Warfare" for extremely small tax increase on greedy corporate morons.

Here's the thing... the ID crap proposed by the Right ISN'T about the illegal immigrants (the ones that the right lets Wal*Mart and the rest ship over secretly so they don't have to pay minimum wage),,, it's about stalling for time, making sure that we have another Ohio, and making sure psychotic throwback/Bush Clone Perry or slimy oil haired Neo-Con(vict) Romney get elected, so we can give the rich MOAR MONIES when we're going into Iran so they don't have to work on the economy ever again.

Seriously, I don't care if Obama is a wall street banking ho... these other guys are frightening, and only the rich support them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Thanks for posting that article, Heralde. Odd. I actually didn't realize other states DIDN'T already have a mandatory ID showing at the polls; they do here. Here it supposedly keeps all them eye-legals out...yeah, whatever. (I'm betting the ones who do want to change national policy all have apps for citizenship put in, at the very least...not sure why they think a drug mule would try to vote...)

Another Congressional pay raise? I say MINIMUM WAGE FOR ALL POLITICOS and a complete and utter BAN on big business lobbying, period!



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It's clear they will do ANYTHING to win. Look at the fake Tea Party Patriot garbage, completely sponsored by Fox News and various corporations who just want the right to be re-elected so they can get even more, even bigger unfair tax cuts and even more deregulation so they can have even more money to blow on prostitutes and Eyes Wide Shut/Speed Grapher style underground romps. All the right and their company men have to do is pay that fat slimeball Frank Lutz (satan's own marketing firm) to give cute little cuddly names to dangerous stuff, and give horrifying terms to stuff that we actually need. He;'s the one that came up with "Government take over of health care" and I'm sure he's the little cancerous tumor that came up with "Class Warfare" for extremely small tax increase on greedy corporate morons.
Heh, you been tuning into Alex Jones? :smile: It's funny, the same right wing politicians who always above gay rights in the senate and congress seem to keep being outed as closet homosexuals. Wasn't that Haggard guy with a dude and a bunch of meth?

Probably out of all the memes and tropes the right wing pushes onto people(health care is bad! climate change is a hoax! Obama is a commie Muslim who wants to kill granny! rebuilding cities cost money which is socialism!) the WORST has been the normalization of war

Millions of American kids have been taught that modern war is totally ok.
Both liberal and right wing dummies are told "oh war is good, were out fighting the good fight against those evil Muslims"...people dont think about how many innocents have been slaughtered and maimed by America, Israel, NATO and the EU...and how much money has been wasted. Just totally evil.

Freaking even SESAME STREET put out several war propaganda PBS specials, going so far as to dramatically alter the canon of Sesame Street with some of the Sesame monster kid's parents.

Jim Henson opposed war. And now we find out that the Sesame Street theme song was used during torture sessions by the military in Iraq. And the RAND corporation, who was behind the Vietnam war, embedded itself with Sesame Workshop. Aint no **** way Jim would allow all this madness

The same Republicans who want to kill Big Bird and PBS...oh ya gotta love the lulz.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Probably out of all the memes and tropes the right wing pushes onto people(health care is bad! climate change is a hoax! Obama is a commie Muslim who wants to kill granny! rebuilding cities cost money which is socialism!) the WORST has been the normalization of war
The funny thing is, the same people who were trying to paint the health care plan are death panels are now CHEERING at the prospect of death in these nonestop debates. Rick Perry sentenced hundreds of people to death! YAAAAAAY!!! Ron Paul almost suggesting that in a hypothetical situation, someone who never needs health care up until a major disaster should be free to die! YAAAAAAAAY!!!

I don't care how much the current guy kept us in the wars he said he was gonna get us out of or that he's a Wall Street stooge... these guys are getting scarier and scarier. They're exact cartoonish stereotypes of what they hate Liberals painting them as. I think SNL was soft on them. but getting Kristen Wiig to play Bachman? GENIUS! After all, like I said about her Lola Bunny character on The Looney Tunes Show and everything else on SNL, Kristen can old play crazy people.