those first season letter claymation skits

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Let's discuss the first season claymation segments for various letters of the alphabet, which Jim Henson worked on. I know that he provided voices in the Q, S, and U segments, and the Muppet Wiki talk page for University of Maryland includes all first season show content pages, which list pretty much every sketch from the first season, and mentions claymation segments for the letters E and Z (the E page is the only one that refers to them as "Henson Claymation").

Interstingly, on those documents, "DUMP" is written beside the E segment, while the others have something written that I can't quite make out. So I guess those claymation bits were only shown during the first season. I haven't seen them listed in any post-season 1 pages, and I don't recall seeing them as a kid.