To misspiggy5260, MuppetLover2000, Collgoff, muppetfan24/7, and GopherCoffee


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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We're clearly not getting anywhere here, so I think it's time we actually make this a little more public, and more direct here in getting our message across.

To those mentioned in the thread title... you guys don't seem to grasp the message that this isn't a chatroom, this isn't a shout box, this isn't a Facebook feed or anything like that, this is a message forum, which is not the same thing. The threads on this forum are not the place for you to drive discussions off topic for your own little side conversations, that's what the PM/conversation feature is for, for you to do just that, privately.

We've tried explaining this to you, multiple times, and yes, this is exactly why your posts continually disappearing, yet, none of you seem to be grasping the message, which is why this needs to be addressed and really brought to your attention once and for all.

Now, misspiggy5260 and MuppetLover2000, we understand you two are kids, and wanting to have some fun... there's nothing wrong with having fun, that's what the Muppets are all about, however, we do have a little problem with what are considered 'meaningless posts", where you simply post a bunch of "Yeah", "Ok", "Me too", "So do I", "Lol" over and over and over again... as we've said before, if you like a certain post but have nothing to add to it, that's what the "like' button is for, to put a curb on such on or two word posts. If there's something more you want to say, you can say it, but if all you're going to post is "Yeah", "Ok", "Lol", whatever, just click the like button instead, okay?

muppetfan24/7 and GopherCoffee, you guys have confessed that you like seeing your names on the forum, because you feel like you've contributed to the forum... but when you just post excessively throughout the forum just for the sake of posting, that's not really contributing, and posting for posting sake is generally frowned upon around here. Likewise, as mentioned earlier, if the two of you are going to be conversing with one another, take it to your PMs, rather than drive a thread off topic with your own conversation, throwing the discussion off for everybody else.

So please, take others into consideration, and think about what you're doing; if you want to contribute to a discussion in a thread, then by all means, feel free to do so, but if you're going to be talking amongst yourselves, then do so privately.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Please understand that this was not done to embarrass, or make fun of you all. We want to encourage you all to continue to post here on the forum, but please take this post to heart. If you follow the advice in this thread you will find that you all will grow as forum members and as Muppet fans. For that I am sure.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
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I'm glad that someone has finally taken a stand for this. I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill, but, what D'Snowth and dwayne1115 have posted is 100% completely and absolutely true. There are a few more members that have been having the same problem as misspiggy5260 and MuppetLover2000, but I won't mention there names here.

Here's an idea for you all. Find each other on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, and then you can chat as much as you'd like, without disturbing this site anymore.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
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:mad: I've talked to some of these people within the past month about this. Looks like it went NOWHERE.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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Creating this thread was actually a great idea. It was getting on my nerves that the issue was being locked up within the confines of the 'Feedback' section and only being discussed between older members. The arguments being made here are fair and reasonable and there is no reason why this can't be resolved. Thank you for opening it up!

Now, could we actually have everyone have their say in this situation? If any of the mentioned members is reading this thread, please open up and post their opinion. Let's get this out in the open.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Applauds D'Snowths for taking the gumption to post this.

Excessive posting off-topic posts that lead nowhere, are a constant barrage of one-word spam-type replies, or just non-sequitor conversating between members is grounds for having posts deleted as "spam".
Also, please don't abuse the "Like" button by clicking it just to see your names attached to another person's posts (especially when they're posts of an older time-stamp like say four or five years or older) or to try to engraciate yourselves with the person whose posts you're clicking "Like" on as multiples of that nature in a row can be deemed highly annoying by the person receiving the likes.
In addition, don't bump older threads or hang around for the sole purpose of bumping old threads when no moderators nor staff members are around. That's just as bad a violation of forum rules as everything else mentioned here.

Thanks for this outlet Snowthmeiser.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Collgoff... Where do I even start...

Bumping old threads.
Continually posting nonsense threads.
Continually posting updates to the potential of the Fraggle Rock movie which will clearly not happen anytime soon.
Posting spammish one-line replies.
Throwing thread conversations off-topic with your spammish replies.

Frankly I'm wondering wwhy Drtooth hasn't posted here about her yet and how it is the forum administration hasn't permanently banned this member yet.

And while I'm on the subject...
Yes, conversations and posts made in a conversation "can" be reported, but I wash my hands on those reports because:
1 I'm not privy to the ongoing conversation, that's the business of the parties who have been invited to said conversation, and more importantly
2 There's no "Delete" option to delete a post made in a conversation or the conversation itself by deleting the first post therein.
But it's even more stupidly pointless to report your own conversation posts as spammish from your own conversations that you yourself started.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Finally Ed gets to speak freely an openly about the problems that have been bothering a lot of members. If nothing else good comes from this post, at least we have been able to clear the air.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2013
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Thankfully, none of the members D'Snowth called out in his post are intentionally spamming the forums and being a troll. We seem pretty troll-free at the moment, or so I think...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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You know, I honestly don't think any of the above mentioned members really intentionally post in a spamming matter, they just seem to have trouble grasping that we can do without excessive posting, and/or the overkill of one-word posts and such.