TV Guide Interview with Cookie Monster ... Interesting


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
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Saw this today:

TV Guide Online: What's your favorite kind of cookie?
Cookie Monster: Oh, that tough question! Me love all cookie! Chocolate chip, oatmeal, pecan sandy. Me equal-opportunity monster.

TVGO: What are your feelings on netheads dismantling cookies?
Cookie: Wha? Wha? Wha? Dismantling cookie? What they do that for? Cookie harmless. Cookie no hurt anyone. Why dismantle innocent, yet tasty snack treat?

TVGO: What's your second favorite food?
Cookie: Uh, that tough question. Me have to say... cookie!!!

TVGO: How do you keep your coat so lustrous?
Cookie: Raw cookie dough.

TVGO: Did you audition for Fox's new Muppet Show?
Cookie: Me did, but they turn Cookie down. Me did get job, though. Me playing part of shag carpet on That '70s Show.

TVGO: Any resentment of being branded a cookie monster instead of merely a cookie enthusiast or cookie aficionado?
Cookie: Monster is just me last name. But me thinking of changing it.

TVGO: We hear Oscar's a real grouch around the set. Care to comment?
Cookie: Yeah, Oscar pretty grouchy, but nothing compared to Elmo. Sure, Elmo seem sweet on outside, but eat seven boxes of his thin mints, and it a whole other story.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2003
Reaction score
That was funny, thanks for sharing!

Fox's New Muppet Show???