UK episodes


New Member
Aug 4, 2004
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I'm looking for copies of the UK versions of the episodes for a friend... everything except the episodes already on the DVD. Does anyone have episodes (in any format) that they would be interested in trading? I have the following children's cartoons to trade, as well as some 67 US Fraggle Rock episodes that I can obtain (list at the bottom):

Batman (90s/Beyond/Gotham Knights + all animated movies)
Dream stone [2nd gen, 5 eps missing],
Dungeons and Dragons
He-Man (old and new),
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors,
Justice League
Mysterious Cities of Gold,
Pirates of Dark Water,
Teen Titans
Ulysses 31,
X-Men Evolution

+ hundreds of eps of incomplete series - do ask if theres anything
else you're looking for.

101 - beginnings
102 - wembley and the gorgs
103 - let the water run
104 - you can't do that without a hat
105 - the thirty-minute work week
106 - the preachification of convincing john
107 - i want to be you
108 - the terrible tunnel
110 - dont cry over spilled milk
111 - catch the tail by the tiger
112 - the finger of light
113 - we love you wembley
116 - capture the moon
117 - marooned
118 - the minstrels
119 - the great radish famine
120 - the garden plot

201 - wembley's egg
202 - boober rock
203 - the trash heap moves
204 - red's sea monster
205 - uncle matt comes home
206 - boobers dream
207 - mokey and the minstrels
208 - all work and all play
209 - sir hubris and the gorgs
210 - a friend in need
212 - doozer contest
213 - reds club
214 - the secret of convincing john
215 - manny's land of carpets
216 - junior sells the farm
217 - fraggle wars
218 - the day the music died
219 - doomsday soup
220 - a cave of one's own
221 - wembley and the great race
222 - doozer is as doozer does
223 - boobers quiet day

301 - the bells of fraggle rock
302 - red handed and the invisible thief
303 - boober and the glob
305 - blanket of snow blanket of woe
306 - pebble pox blues
307 - home is where the trash is
308 - believe it or not
309 - wembly and the meanie genie
310 - the secret society of poohbahs
312 - gobos school for explorers
313 - scared silly
314 - the great radish caper
315 - born to wander
320 - the incredible shrinking mokey
321 - a dark and stormy night
322 - gunge, the great and glorious

401 - sprocket's big adventure
402 - wembley's wonderful whoopie water
403 - sidebottom blues
405 - junior faces the music
407 - perfect blue rollie
408 - a brush with jealousy
409 - wembley's flight
412 - space frog follies

503 - the voice inside
505 - the river of life
508 - mokey then and now
511 - the gorg who would be king
512 - the honk of honks
513 - change of address

Brian Damage

Active Member
Jun 18, 2004
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Heh, everything after the ":" brings a tidal wave of nostalgia...