Veggie Tales Totally Rocks!


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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(I wrote much of this in another thread, but planned on making a seperate thread for this topic after I saw a Veggie Tales tape for the first time this Christmas. It was the Viking one.)

The writing and humor of these is amazing. I cracked up. Any fan of Muppets should enjoy this stuff because that is obviously where they have taken their cue. Brilliant stuff - and I don't say that lightly.

Yes, the tapes have overt Christian values, but it really doesn't offend me. I don't subscribe to the entire theology, but I do share many of its values and it is handled in a classy way and you can expect that from the packaging info and title.

The animation is not top-notch. There is exposed geometry and virtually no texture. However, it is smooth 24-frame animation so it easily surpasses the quality of all television animation I have seen. It is more than enough for a direct to video kids' release, and I am incredibly picky. The characters have life, wit and personality.

There are some great songs too. I actually may become a collector of this series. I was planning to post about this, but totally forgot until you brought it up. I watched a tape with my niece and nephew on Christmas day and was blown away. Laughed out loud so hard I almost cried at one point. This is one of the best projects to come along in children’s' entertainment in a very long time. Would probably make my top ten list.

I don’t much like preachy projects of propaganda, but this really isn’t one of them. Totally and A project for what it is. Fun and funny project with good values and eye-popping college grade animation. It also made my niece and nephew,who were crying in stereo, pipe down for nearly an hour without me having to install an off button on them. For some reason, people frown on that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I, too, LOOOOVE those Veggies! Like you said, alot of the humor is rather Muppetish...Bob even kinda reminds me of Kermit @ times! (The way he's the leader & does his best to be so nice w/everyone, but freaks out when things go wrong!) Some of their earliest stuff I'm not fond of, but they seem to be getting better as their company grows. I enjoyed the movie, but I actually prefered their latest Christmas story. It takes place in 19th-century London, & there are some HILARIOUS scenes in it! Bob was even a semi-bad-guy at some points! (Bob's my fave character!) "You know what'll happen if the show fails, Milward? We'll go back to writing ad copy for dental wax! I'm not going back there, Milward! Nooo!"
I also am a big fan of Jeanne-Claude and Phillipe, the French peas! "You are not a mighty dill! You are just a baby gherkin!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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All I have to say is:


"I'm a cucumber, not a pickle"


(yeah, I'm a closet veggie tales fan too)


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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LOL! I'm glad to hear some replies. Thought I was the only one. I seriously may collect the series. Do you know how many there are?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I have no clue how many there are. I know there is a new movie in the works.

I am more into the toys (as usual). The talking plushes are too funny. Especially Larry!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2002
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We've just barely been getting into Veggie Tales at my home. My kids (2 & 1) absolutely love them and request them often. The writers are very influenced by Monty Python and readily admit it. Just look at their "Jericho" episode where they practically recreate the French Taunter scene right from the Holy Grail. However, I enjoy that they still remain original despite their obvious influences and homages.

I actually haven't really watched any episode, but I know them all by heart having heard them playing while I work at the computer over and over and over and over again.

The silly songs are great. I'm glad they can take a break from morals and lessons and just be silly once in a while.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I watched the Veggie Tales Star of Christmas this year. We thought it was ok, but nothing great. Of course, the religious thing went well with the subject (Christ at Christmas seems perfectly suitable to me), but of course, I wouldn't mind the moral content anyway.

I read an article about the guy who started Veggie Tales in People Magazine, and have to say that it is a sweet story, and reading it did increase my appreciation for the show.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Okay... I'll admit to a guilty little pleasure of mine. There's this college run radio station in Boston that every saturday and sunday plays kid's music (of note... they play a LOT of Muppet/ Sesame/ Fraggle music) and during the summer or so, they got the silly songs with Larry CD. They have played a few songs from it, and I must say they were quite funny, especially "I love my Lips" and "The Pirates who don't do anything."

At first I was kinda put off by the Christian values of the show (I am a Christian, just not a great follower, and I beleive in separation of Church and TV. In fact, I can't really get into Art Cloakey's Davy and Goliath for this reason.. I feel I'm missing out.) And when I saw the videos on sale (the boxes), I thought to myself... COME ON!!!!

I saw the preivew for the movie in theaters, and I didn't like it either (same problem with Jimmy Neutron, which I now like)

But now I am quite curious to see an episode or two... probably rent one, see the movie if it's on video.

I wonder about that "Cartoony cartoon"(drawn out.. not CGI) version in which Larry is a Superhero... anyone see that?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Drtooth
In fact, I can't really get into Art Cloakey's Davy and Goliath for this reason.. I feel I'm missing out.)
Heh, I loved the Simpsons pardy of Davey and they got some angry letters from that one.