Where can i find "Rainbow Connection" zine?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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In this day of everyone doing websites, the printed fanzine is something i really miss. Someone recently let me know about a new 'zine called "The Rainbow Connection: Richard Hunt Gay Muppeteer" - and of course i VERY much want to get hold of a copy what with my love of Muppet related zines, Richard Hunt, and gay studies.

I've tried doing a google search on the zine and its author, Jessica Max Stein and the only thing i've been able to find out is that she's been doing some presentations at bookstores (none in my area) but have had zero success finding out how/where i can obtain a copy or even contact info for the author - anyone else know anything? I want to get my hands on this so badly!


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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In this day of everyone doing websites, the printed fanzine is something i really miss. Someone recently let me know about a new 'zine called "The Rainbow Connection: Richard Hunt Gay Muppeteer" - and of course i VERY much want to get hold of a copy what with my love of Muppet related zines, Richard Hunt, and gay studies.

I've tried doing a google search on the zine and its author, Jessica Max Stein and the only thing i've been able to find out is that she's been doing some presentations at bookstores (none in my area) but have had zero success finding out how/where i can obtain a copy or even contact info for the author - anyone else know anything? I want to get my hands on this so badly!
Ooh! Let me know if you find it. That's a very cool idea that if done right I could support! :wink:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Wow! I work that day but can probably make it down there in time. Thanks!:flirt:

max riverbottom

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Jun 11, 2009
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Hi everyone! I'm Jessica Max Stein. Muppet Central was invaluable to me in writing the zine, and I'm so excited to be a part of the forums. I am indeed reading at a Different Light in San Francisco on August 23rd. You can get the zine there, online from Microcosm Publishing (microcosmpublishing.com), or from me at gaymuppeteer@gmail.com. Hooray for the Muppets! :wink:


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Apr 13, 2002
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Thank you for such a great evening, Max! I'm the blonde guy that gave you the Scooter. I know you will give him a good home. He's kind of old (nearly 10 years) but he's still in pretty good shape. He's one of my favorite characters. :wink:

* If you're still in town tomorrow (Monday) I'll be working at Action Figure Freddy's at 817 Mission and 4th from 11-7. It's a fun little shop that has a little bit of Muppety goodness too.*

It was such an interesting and memorable evening in many ways as only Muppets can bring out! I was sitting right next to Tough Pigs Creator Danny and we had a great time. :super:

Richard Hunt was such and important performer. I believe his absence to be part of the something missing in the Muppets these days. There's a certain kind of spirit only he had that still lives on today in many hours of film and television. I never knew he was so openly our or as audacious behind the scenes as it appears he was. I'll get into reading more of the zine in between customers in the shop tomorrow.

It was a wonderful evening. Sure, there were a few technical difficulties here and there, but what could be more Muppety than that? Max kept every beat flowing and interesting (even with the surreal juxtaposition of the Muppets with the less than discreet mature book store imagery in the fringes of the presentation) :eek:. It was all so much fun even after a busy day at work. I wish my partner could have fit it into his schedule.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Will someone e-mail me a PM or e-mail through my profile: I don't see where, in any of his work, he brought about being gay in his own life? Also, it kind of fits under the "not discussing personal life of performers on the site" rule, doesn't it? I suppose, as long as there is discussion of the discussion and not of his personal life then it works.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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A little more info

The zine does get a little more intimate with things that I won't go into here. I understand the line of discretion pretty well (better than Richard did my many humorous reports) so I'll encourage people to seek out the zine if they'd like to know more on that side of things. :wink:

There are several cited quotes throughout the zine. Apparently Richard's life was a well-known fact behind the scenes that wasn't hidden. Puppeteers have an inherent anonymity, but if Richard were in any other station of the entertainment industry these elements would certainly be a well-known fact.

It's Charles Kaiser's The Gay Metropolis that attributes information from Charles Gibson about his longtime relationship with Richard Hunt that got the zine author started. It's been a busy day in the store and I have a busy week ahead with a new figure design gig (yay me) so I won't be able to read through the zine for a while.

Richard's obituary only includes his death of complications from HIV, but 1992 was a very different time. The zine also quotes Richard's mother where she casually refers to him as being gay and also gives insight to the character of Placido Flamingo.

I would hope that this thread would not be censored in any way. I don't think there's been any salty language or invasive discussion to warrant that. I should be able to refer to an openly gay Muppeteer as being gay just as I should be able to mention that Jim Henson was a self-professed Christian Scientist in many of his beliefs. Going too far down either road is a bad idea and should be discouraged here.

:eek:I get down sometimes that some members become selectively touchy now and then about gay inclusiveness at Muppet Central. Not Kev, of course. It's that way in the world, of course, but MC should reflect the Muppets in being an ideal place for everyone. I've said this before in closed company, but I'll say it on the record here -

The Muppet Central logo, Flash graphics and many other graphic design images were composed by this out gay Muppet lover in the heart of San Francisco's tenderloin area. Muppet Central is inclusive by nature of its existence and members should recognize that extends to ALL people equally and fairly.

:flirt:I encourage everyone interested in Richard to pick up this wonderful zine! It includes nice sections about other performers too along with some very touching words from Frank Oz. The information will make you laugh, cry and just be plain proud of the Muppets.