Recent content by LegalizeAMs

  1. LegalizeAMs

    International skits on Youtube...

    We now have the Hebrew dubs of Inchworm, Surprise, Adding, Boy Teaches forwards & Backwards, etc.
  2. LegalizeAMs

    International skits on Youtube...

    Here it is, the German Surprise song: Klassische Sesamstrasse: Uberraschung (Unvollstandig)
  3. LegalizeAMs

    2 Classic Skits

    Oh yah, here are the two lost skits in my new channel: Bert and Ernie demonstrate Over, Around and Through (Complete English) [approx, 3:21] Cookie Monster and Beautiful Day teach Billy Monster about Here and There [approx, 3:22] They’re both in English so, yeah,
  4. LegalizeAMs

    2 Classic Skits

    But that’s a lot
  5. LegalizeAMs

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    I need 132, 135, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 159, 160, 163, 165, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 181, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 203, 209, 210, 216, 218, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 236, 242, 244, 245...
  6. LegalizeAMs

    2 Classic Skits

    Oh yes: Classic Sesame Street: Marty uses a chain to make shapes (Arabic) Classic Sesame Street: Sherlock Hemlock and L (B&W, Brazilian Portuguese) Classic Sesame Street: Sherlock Hemlock and V (Mexican Spanish) Classic Sesame Street: Granny Fanny Nesselrode Classifies Kittens (English) Classic...
  7. LegalizeAMs

    2 Classic Skits

    @YellowYahooey, @prickle747, and @PumpkinJ, what are these two Muppet skits are?
  8. LegalizeAMs

    International skits on Youtube...

    Okay, so here’s the TV Chair Showdown skit in Mexican Spanish: Classico Plaza Sesame: Enrique y Beto: TV de la sillo de Battalo (Incompleto)
  9. LegalizeAMs

    Wanted: Classic Sesame Street Episodes

    Why is the Season 2 B. Lou in This family?!
  10. LegalizeAMs

    Wanted: Classic Sesame Street Episodes

    I almost forgot episode 72, 292, and 218.
  11. LegalizeAMs

    Muppets Shouldn't Curse

    Home Alone (1990) Red Haired Brother: Kevin, yo such a DISEASE.
  12. LegalizeAMs

    International skits on Youtube...

    But where’s the German dub of “The “OP” Word Family Song (with Anything Muppets, from 1970)”?
  13. LegalizeAMs

    International skits on Youtube...

    Wow, a fun link of the full and incomplete Hebrew dubs are from YouTube!
  14. LegalizeAMs

    International skits on Youtube...

    SERIous about stone fox
  15. LegalizeAMs

    Ernie's Rock Hunt scenery

    An alternate take of “Octopus’s Garden” is found! Look in Paddy Dolan’s YouTube channel!