Hensonville City 2011


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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I see Prairie walking around the house looking for something and mumbling under her breath Prairie what's up? What are you looking for?
Prairie: looking in the kitchen sink ...mumbling ...Well it's not there..then out loud... I'm looking for the mayonnaise .
In the sink?
Prairie: Yeah. I checked all the sinks . You know what today is, right?
May 5.
Prairie: Cinco de Mayo. Remember what Robin did last year? Put a jar of mayonnaise in the sink for a joke and called it Sinko de Mayo? I'm going on a picnic with my family tomorrow and making sandwiches. So I was looking for mayonnaise to make tuna salad with . Now we have no mayonnaise! Where did that little fink hide that stuff?
Prairie? Look on the blackboard shopping list.
Prairie: mumbling milk, salt, pepper, wheat germ, mayonnaise? Awwww no!! And it's too late to go out now! Drat!!
What time are you guys going out?
Prairie: Ummm....about 1 I think.
Hensonville Market is open all night. So get a good nights' sleep., get up early tomorrow ,say about 7ish, have breakfast ,go to the market get the mayo , stick it in the freezer for a bit to make it cold then once it's cold enough start making your salad!
Prairie: Kathy you're a genius! Thanks!
I try. And I think I saved Robin's butt too.
Prairie: Yes, you did!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Robin comes into my room . Hi Mom! kissing my cheek
Hey buddy! giving him a hug How was your weekend in the swamp? And how are your parents?
Robin: My weekend was fun. And my frog parents are doing great. They both send their love My frog mom says Happy Mothers' Day to you and......he fishes out a wrapped package from his knapsack ........ she sends you this . She had made pistachio pudding for a recipe for Uncle Kermit's birthday. She wanted to see what it tasted like . Everyone liked it. But there was a lot left over So I told her you liked pistachio pudding . So she sent it home with me!
Ooohh...Yummy!! I'll put it in the fridge right away! I'll call her tomorrow to thank her! Better yet, when you Skype her tomorrow I'll thank her then.
Robin: Sounds good!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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My ringtone for Prairie (first few notes of the song "Little Things" ) goes off on my cellphone so I pick up
Hi Prairie!! How was bingo!
Prairie's voice....Awful! I don't mind not winning anything .But there was a really nasty lady there tonight that made Aunt Dusk upset .
Uh-oh...what happened....
Prairie: Well...Aunt Dusk loves to drink soda instead of water because the water here tastes so gross.....
Right....I can understand that.....
Prairie: So this lady that's a witch with a "b" goes like this to her *Prairie starts talking nasal* Any more sodas and you'll start looking like a heifer Duskee!! and started mooing .
Prairie returns to her normal voice Yeah I know. . One lady laughed .But the others stood there open mouthed! Oh Kath.... it was horrible! I'm glad I'm staying here overnight. Mom looked like she wanted to smack the lady with the mouth across the face. But she figured her sister could fight her own battles. That lady's no skinny Minnie!
Awww Prairie . Poor Aunt Dusk.
Prairie: Yeah...She kept up a brave face until we left. Then she started crying. Aunt Dusk isn't fat at all! Now she wants to get rid of the sodas in the house!
Prairie...tell her not to. What have I told you guys about opinions?
Prairie: They're like butts. Everyone has one and they all stink.
Right. Also here's another thing my dad told me that I might have told you guys. Don't let the idiots get you down. Thirdly, here's MY take on it. Did this poor excuse for a human have a newspaper for the Sesame Street Sun?
Prairie: No I don't think so.
OK then! Maybe she was jealous. But she still shouldn't have had said that. Give Aunt Dusk a hug from me & tell her what a sweet lady I think she is. And tell her if I find out she threw those sodas away I'll be mad!
Prairie laughing a bit OK...I will Thanks Kath...see ya tomorrow. Goodnight.
Goodnight Prairie.
(Something similar happened in my family)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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School is out for the summer for Robin and his buddies. They want to go swimming in HV pool . One thing though. They can't go by themselves because they're under 16. So I told them I'd take them (but I wouldn't embarrass them :wink: ) They were fine with that .They knew all the rules of the HV pool .So I knew I didn't have to say anything. Somehow along the lines between Robin , Bobby Nancy & Megan I'd been designated as "The Cool Mom" :cool: That made me feel good (sort of...I didn't want these kids thinking they could get away with everything . I told them that. Robin said "Mom. we know that you're no dummy. We don't do that stupid stuff. You already know that about me. Bobby , Nancy and Megan don't do it either. . What we mean about you being the cool mom is that Bobby Megan and Nancy can talk to you about anything before going to their parents and seeing what you think." So NOW I felt better!
Megan comes out of the pool and wraps herself in a towel.
Was the water cold?
Megan: *shrugging * : Kinda. Hey Kathy?
Megan: I...uh...I'm not sure if Robin ever told you. But my mom died a couple of years ago. So it's been just been my dad and me since then.
Awwwww. Meg...I'm sorry honey.
Megan Thanks nodding .. Stupid cancer .You'd think they find a cure for that sh...uh stuff already Anyway.....Nancy's mom is great . But can I call you sometimes? I see what a great relationship you have with Robin . And I already asked him . He said you'd be thrilled. I'd call Bobby's mom to talk but I'd feel funny . It's weird to tough to talk to my dad about girl stuff....
Megan...I'd be honored!! hugging her (what a sweet kid! making mental note to call Louise Kidd so we could possibly take Nancy & Megan out for a pampering session. But talk to Megan's dad first ) Hey Meg , if I'm not being too nosy what does your dad do for a living?
Megan: Car salesman . Why?
Just thinking of something. I just don't want him getting upset with you when you call me
Megan: Oh ...he wants me to have more woman influences in my life .He's met Robin . And he's heard how cool you are.
He does know that I'm not a frog right?
Megan giggle Yes... but I'll have you talk to him anyway.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Notice from Management.

Sorry I haven't been around lately, I've kept burying myself in longish and sometimes unfinished stories at the Three Candlesticks for like the last month or so. That and errands keep popping up or occasional family get-togethers. Keep safe and have a good summer. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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I'm in bed watching TV when my phone rings :
Me: Hello?
Voice on the other end excitedly...Kathy...Kathy...Kathy!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank Thank you!!!
Me: Megan? Is that you?
Voice on the other end: Yes!! Ooohh...I'm sorry! It's late isn't it? I'm sorry!
Me: No...I was awake! What was the thank you for?
Megan: Daddy LOVES the Herman and the Hermits CD box setthat I got him for Fathers' Day.
Me: Well tell him that he's not the only one wishes they were born in the late 50s to early 60s .
Megan laughing ..Yep..that's Daddy all right. You know...I also wanted to thank you for making me smile again. I haven't smiled this much since before my mom got sick.
Awww honey...you're welcome! I'm glad that the smile is back on your face. And I'm glad that I brought it back there. I'm sure everyone else did too!
Meg: Anyway....sounding like she's yawning ...I'm going to bed. I got up early to make Dad a special breakfast. And I'm pooped! So I'll talk to you soon. G'nite.
'Nite Meg..And thanks for the call! :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Something tells me it sounds like someone's into something good.

BTW: Did they record a song about those silly unicorns not wanting to board Noah's ark when the storm clouds were coming? :skeptical:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Something tells me it sounds like someone's into something good.

BTW: Did they record a song about those silly unicorns not wanting to board Noah's ark when the storm clouds were coming? :skeptical:
'The Unicorn" No that'd be The Irish Rovers I think .But not Herman & The Hermits.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks for answering that for me Kath. You know those silly unicorns replaced the hourglass? Means the charms rainbow doesn't have an item for its yellow band again. And exactly what power do they grant? Healing magic? That'd be better represented by their horns or alicorns, though these days an alicorn is the term used for a winged unicorn or unicorn Pegasus hybrid.

Eh, I'll keep the hourglass for time-turning purposes when needed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Thanks for answering that for me Kath. You know those silly unicorns replaced the hourglass? Means the charms rainbow doesn't have an item for its yellow band again. And exactly what power do they grant? Healing magic? That'd be better represented by their horns or alicorns, though these days an alicorn is the term used for a winged unicorn or unicorn Pegasus hybrid.

Eh, I'll keep the hourglass for time-turning purposes when needed.
Hmmm...mews to me!! And I just checked to make sure I was right about about the Unicorn song being by the Irish Rovers . I'm right.
Green alligators and
Prairie: Green what?
Read my lips Al-ee gay-tours
Prairie: Sorry..go on
Long necked geese
Humpty backed camels
And some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants
But sure as you're born
The loveliest of all
Was the unicorn!!