Which Sesame Street character should get a Greatest hits DVD next?

Muppet Frog

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Nov 11, 2004
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I don't believe I can recall a News Flash about a talking stick. What was the News Flash about?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I don't believe I can recall a News Flash about a talking stick. What was the News Flash about?
I don't remember it either, but it features Warren Wolf in place of Kermit, as Warren interviews Dr. Nobel Price who invents a device that can make one's voice higher, but it ends up being a microphone. I know that some fans say it was called the speaking stick, but the 40th anniversary book refers to it as the talking stick.


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Oct 7, 2002
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You know, a few hours ago, I was thinking, wouldn't it be great if there was a release celebrating all the recurring Muppet characters? I think I would call it "Character Celebration".
That would be a HUGE DVD set! WOW!
But it would be quite cool if it ever happened.

I would definitely agree about maybe getting some sequel releases for Ernie and Bert, Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Grover. I definitely would love to see The Best of Kermit on DVD along with maybe a follow-up compilation.
I would really love to see a true best-of release for Kermit on Sesame Street, including ALL his songs (I don't think there are honestly that many that they couldn't all be released in a 2 disc set or something.) I would also definitely want to see some of his sketches with Grover included (both lectures and at home sketches), full NewsFlash segments, and some Kermit and kid moments- definitely Kermit and Joey. Yes, I know it's been released before- but it's still classic. Kinda like "Bein' Green" has been released before- but you know it HAS to be included. (And it would be great to have the original version as well as the later version and the Lena Horne version.) Also, I'd love to have Kermit telling Bob that frogs live in apartments and eat pizza and singing "One of These Things" with Susan.
I would also love to see any Street scenes where Kermit may have been part of the main story. (I realize this would be fairly rare, but I'm thinking he's shown up at least a few times.)

Okay- beyond that, there are still other characters who need a "Best Of" release that have yet to get anything.
The Count definitely- the closest he's had is "Elmo Says Boo!" (which does involve Elmo visiting The Count in his castle in the framing story and a number of classic Count songs and moments.)
I agree about Herry Monster, Oscar the Grouch and Telly Monster as well.
I think relatively newer characters like Zoe and Rosita could about be due for such releases, but it's hard to think of a lot of classic moments with them specifically. (at least for me it is.)
Prairie Dawn would probably be easier to do since you could include songs like "All By Myself" and "I Think That It Is Wonderful" and her Sesame Street Pageants.
Maybe a "Girls of Sesame Street" release would work?
This could encompass best moments with Prairie Dawn, Betty Lou, Rosita, Zoe, Abby Cadabby, Merry, Rodeo Rosie, Meryl Sheep, Ruby, Deena and Pearl, Roxie Marie, Ingrid and Baby Natasha, Miss Sherry Netherland, the kids from Roosevelt Franklin's class and any other short- or long-lived female character I've forgotten about.

(I mainly suggest this since so many female characters on Sesame Street seem to have been fairly short-lived and it may be daunting to compile a good list of memorable solo songs and sketches for them, etc. They could do a similar "Boys of Sesame Street" release, but you would have an overwhelming amount of material there. Still, for such a release, I would probably focus on lesser known characters or recurring characters or long-gone characters like Sherlock Hemlock, Mumford, Dr. Nobel Price, Sam the Robot, Roosevelt Franklin, Hoots, Little Bird, The Busby Twins, Ferlinghetti Donizetti, Chatterly, Kermit, Don Music, Harvey Kneeslapper, Guy Smiley, Sonny Friendly, Colambo and anyone else I've forgotten.)

Maybe a set could focus on the "Around the Corner" characters as well and compile "Best Of" moments from those years.

And how about a "Best Of" release for Snuffy? Barkley maybe? (I imagine this one might could throw in other dog sketches and songs to make it more of a themed release- I can see Ernie and Bert getting a puppy on here and the "Cow Dog" song and others.)

Well anyway- there are some ideas in any case.:search::wisdom::insatiable:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I would really love to see a true best-of release for Kermit on Sesame Street, including ALL his songs (I don't think there are honestly that many that they couldn't all be released in a 2 disc set or something.) I would also definitely want to see some of his sketches with Grover included (both lectures and at home sketches), full NewsFlash segments, and some Kermit and kid moments- definitely Kermit and Joey. Yes, I know it's been released before- but it's still classic. Kinda like "Bein' Green" has been released before- but you know it HAS to be included. (And it would be great to have the original version as well as the later version and the Lena Horne version.) Also, I'd love to have Kermit telling Bob that frogs live in apartments and eat pizza and singing "One of These Things" with Susan.
I would also love to see any Street scenes where Kermit may have been part of the main story. (I realize this would be fairly rare, but I'm thinking he's shown up at least a few times.)
For a long time I questione whether The Best of Kermit on Sesame Street could even be rereleased as a main feature, as Kermit would have to be on the cover and his name is in the title. I figured it could easily be a bonus feature but wasn't sure if Sesame Workshop was allowed to include Kermit on video covers. But now that recent releases of non-Disney productions have featured Kermit and Rowlf on covers I guess it's not that big a deal. I don't expect Sesame Workshop to make a follow-up with new linking footage anytime soon (unless maybe they were to pull a "Best of Ernie and Bert" and leave Kermit out of the new footage).

I wonder if Sesame Workshop/Warner Home Video would even consider releasing a two-disc "Best of Kermit" release featuring the 1998 video plus many bonus skits. I figure you can fill two whole discs with Kermit material, but would a company consider doing this? Disc 1 could have the original video plus all the Kermit songs not included plus several Kermit skits not in the video outside of clip montages, and disc 2 can be filled with newsflash segments.

GonzoLeaper said:
The Count definitely- the closest he's had is "Elmo Says Boo!" (which does involve Elmo visiting The Count in his castle in the framing story and a number of classic Count songs and moments.)
I haven't seen that video, but I feel that "Learning About Numbers" is an honorary "Best of The Count". But The Count is long-overdue for a video like this.

GonzoLeaper said:
Barkley maybe? (I imagine this one might could throw in other dog sketches and songs to make it more of a themed release- I can see Ernie and Bert getting a puppy on here and the "Cow Dog" song and others.)
If anything additional dog sketches should appear as bonus sketches on a "Best of Barkley" release, though I don't know of many memorable Barkley moments that could be included. I wonder if it would be too much to have a dog-themed DVD release (there haven't been many videos focusing on one type of animal.. But we are getting a bug-themed release next month).


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Here's another one that I ironically, or perhaps fittingly, forgot!
What about Forgetful Jones? Surely there's enough sketches and songs to fill a "Best Of" release for him, Clementine and Buster! You could also throw in some of the Western sketches and songs in general if any filler bits were needed (like Sinister Sam, The Great Cookie Thief, The Dirtiest Town in the West, some Rodeo Rosie moments, etc.)
I'd love to see Forgetful Jones' attempts at acting under Kermit's direction ("Oklahoma" and going through the door) as well as "I'll Always Remember I Love You" and "What's the Name of That Song?"- I just watched that song the other night and that was just perfect for Forgetful Jones!
I could definitely see either a Western-themed release in general or perhaps specifically a Forgetful Jones release. And I've already got the name for the title- "The Best Stuff That We Forgot":smile:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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And I've already got the name for the title- "The Best Stuff That We Forgot":smile:
I think that title sounds a bit "odd" for a release. Maybe if it was a companion DVD to "40 Years of Sunny Days", or if it were a collection of the most obscure Sesame Street moments of all time (or at least the best ones). I think it would be best to give a Forgetful Jones release a title like "The Best of Forgetful Jones" or "The Complete Chronological Forgetful Jones" or something like that.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I've been thinking, one great but most-likely unlikely idea woyuld be "The Best of Kermit & His Sesame Street Friends", featuring segments where Kermit appears with other major Sesame Street characters. Maybe the plot could involve Kermit visiting Sesame Street to recall the good (and bad) time's he's spent with everybody, and maybe meet Abby Cadabby for the first time (though a pairing between Kermit and Murray would probably be funnier). Or maybe Kermit could come to the street as a reporter and ask everybody to talk about their favorite memories with Kermit.

It would probably be light on songs, since Kermit never had any numbers with other main characters (unless you count Elmo being in the background of It's Alive, though I wouldn't be surprised if they were to pull a "Best of Elmo 2" and include Do De Rubber Duck, Subway, or Everybody Be Yo'Self). Or it could include one of the Kermit-Don Music pairings (since those did include songs, though Kermit didn't sing with Don and the back-up singers).

But a decent line-up could include:
  • Kermit News: First Day of School
  • The Earmuff Salesman
  • Happy and Sad with Elmo
  • Kermit's Feelings Lecture with Cookie Monster
  • Kermit and Forgetful Jones: Telephone Demonstration
  • Kermit News: Reporter Game
  • Grover the Plumber
  • Two-Headed Monster: Listening
  • Kermit, Grover, and Debo: X
  • Kermit's Mystery Box
  • Oscar's Grouch Bus Stop
  • The Count's Elevador
  • Kermit's Mystery Box
  • Kermit and Grover: Here and There
  • What's Inside Herry Monster?
  • Kermit News: Cooperation
  • Don Music: Twinkle Twinkle

I don't know if Professor Hastings or Dr. Nobel Price would be remembered enough by fans for inclusion on such a release (though judging by the recent 40th anniversary book and DVD I feel like he's less forgotten than I thought). I don't know if the Miami Mice would be considered regular enough for Kermit's appearance in Miami Mice to be included, and I heard that Kermit appeared in a Leslie Mostly Show segment but Leslie Mostly is definately less remembered than the Miami Mice or Dr. Nobel Price.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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I think that title sounds a bit "odd" for a release.
Well, it was sort of a joke based on Forgetful Jones' oft-quoted line, "I forgot!":wink:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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But a decent line-up could include:
  • Kermit News: First Day of School
  • The Earmuff Salesman
  • Happy and Sad with Elmo
  • Kermit's Feelings Lecture with Cookie Monster
  • Kermit and Forgetful Jones: Telephone Demonstration
  • Kermit News: Reporter Game
  • Grover the Plumber
  • Two-Headed Monster: Listening
  • Kermit, Grover, and Debo: X
  • Kermit's Mystery Box
  • Oscar's Grouch Bus Stop
  • The Count's Elevador
  • Kermit's Mystery Box
  • Kermit and Grover: Here and There
  • What's Inside Herry Monster?
  • Kermit News: Cooperation
Dang it! I listed Kermit's Mystery Box twice! How could I have made that mistake?

Now that I think about it, if it had a "Kermit and His Sesame Street Friends" title, then I guess it would be a bit more acceptable to include segments where Kermit is just part of the gang, like Do De Rubber Duck or Everybody Be Yo'Self.

I wonder how well a "Best of" set representing a human character would sell. I'd like to have a "Best of Bob" or "Best of Maria" the most (out of all the humans Bob seems to have been in the most classic inserts that I either really like or would really want to see). A "Best of Gina" or "Best of Gordon" would be good as well.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I was thinking about this today... Those Twilight movies are really popular... Not really sure if the Twilight movies have led to studios making more vampire movies (I'm not always up-to-date on current movies), but maybe this would be the best time to release a "Best of The Count" DVD. Hopefully if they made a "Best of the Count" DVD it wouldn't have the same problems as The Best of Elmo 2 (or The Best of Ernie and Bert or Cookie Mosnter's Best Bites).

One thing that would make an interesting feature, though I don't really see Sesame Workshop or Warner Bros. considering this, would be a selection of bonus segments featuring other Jerry Nelson characters.