Does Animal seem to be more tame now a days?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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What's so amazing about Animal is just how primitive he truly is. Frank said that his character is basically 2 Demention or 1 demention. Sex, Food, Drums and Pain or something like that. lol

I was just watching this TV appearance, one of my all time favorites. I've had it on VHS years ago and transferred it to DVD a few years ago. Part of me was thinking that there's something about the characters when their original performers performed them and the replacements today as talented and great as they are, it's just not the same in my own opinion. I'm not sure if that was the right way to put it or not but it's like there's something about The Muppets around Jim's time and the original perfomers that had this special thing about them. I'm trying to say it without seeming negitive because I think the replacements again are very talented and doing a great job kepting them alive.

Anyway. Part of me is thinking right now focusing about Animal. He used to be so wild and out of control back in the classic days.

I just read this quote a minute ago from Frank "You Don't Mess With Animal, he eats glass man." lol

I tried to look up this clip online but I can't find it. Rats. I would try to go through my collection and try to upload it myself but I have this thing about copyright infrigment and you know..

One of the Muppet Video Series in 1985, Revue, Treasure or Moments...I can't remember. At the very end Kermit and Fozzie comment about the Rina Moranno spot with Animal and Kermit says "And like always Animal makes a mess of things". Animal comes running into the attic and just running around the place breaking everything and Kermit's trying to tame him. lol I'd love to see that clip again. One of these days, I might write to Disney ask if they can release those combos again. They were great. But because of Music copyright and all that, same reason why Seasons 4 and 5 are taking a long time. lol

I remember Floyd was the only one who could tame Animal. What did he use to say? "Back, Neil, Sit" and Animal would repete. lol

But yeah, to me it seems that Animal seems pretty tame now. It's a shame. I would love for him to eat another TV Dinner (Literally a Television Set) and go to his leisure delights of Alagator Wrestling again. lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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That anger management class I heard did wonders for him. "IN CONTROL" :halo:"NO DRUMS!!! JACK BLACK SAID NO DRUMS!!!"
LOL I did have that in mind for some reason. lol Still to this day, I'm still laughing at how Jack Black got the John Clease treatment in the new movie. When I first heard Jack Black was going to make a cameo in the movie I was thinking "Ugh No, this is a nightmare!" because I never really thought Jack Black was funny because most of his original work besides being an actor was very sexual blue humor I didn't find Amusing. Then when he was an actor, he was all over the place almost like "What's the world gone too." But when I went to the movie seeing The Muppets kidnapping him and tourchering him with bad jokes and strinking his head I was laughing thinking "Have I died and gone to heaven? Is this a dream or is this actually happening in the movie, YES YES YES!" cheering silently. lol

But yeah, Animal liked doing crazy things when he wasn't angry. Going hunting with a Bazzzoka. lol Well at least his soft side is still there with bunny rabbits. lol I think one of the final times Frank performed his Muppet characters was on the Muppet Show Season 2 DVD special features and there's a point where Animal says "BUNNY RABBIT!" then the interviewer says "Do you like bunny rabbits?" "Like Bunny Rabbit" "Do you want a big bunny rabbit?" "Small Bunny Rabbit. Pleeese" lol So cute. lol Even on the Jim Henson Hour Pitch Tape he was going crazy over the book of The Tale of The Bunny Picnic. lol

Vincent L

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Don't forget rabbit hunting, bowling.
I was listening to MC Radio, and heard Animal yell "QUIET!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Oh yeah, underhand bowling. lol Dancing with Carol Burnett and sneaking under her dress for a second, she hits him "You really are an Animal" "HAH HAH HAH HAH!" :halo:

Hayley B

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2012
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So far I think it was only for the latest movie. Maybe he'll comeback to his wild self soon. Especially since he went back to drumming. :halo:


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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I'd love to see more of his craziness. Like how he did with attacking the con man in Muppets Take Manhattan "BAD MAN!" lol And how he made a mess of The Muppet Show attic in one of the Muppet Video combos around 1985, Eating TV Dinners, and Singing Wild Thing altering the lyrics a bit. lol

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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One of the Muppet Video Series in 1985, Revue, Treasure or Moments...I can't remember. At the very end Kermit and Fozzie comment about the Rina Moranno spot with Animal and Kermit says "And like always Animal makes a mess of things". Animal comes running into the attic and just running around the place breaking everything and Kermit's trying to tame him. lol I'd love to see that clip again.
That's from The Muppet Revue.

And you can see that clip again now:

Duke Remington

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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I think one of the final times Frank performed his Muppet characters was on the Muppet Show Season 2 DVD special features and there's a point where Animal says "BUNNY RABBIT!" then the interviewer says "Do you like bunny rabbits?" "Like Bunny Rabbit" "Do you want a big bunny rabbit?" "Small Bunny Rabbit. Pleeese" lol So cute. lol Even on the Jim Henson Hour Pitch Tape he was going crazy over the book of The Tale of The Bunny Picnic. lol
Actually, those pieces are old. They were taped in 1999 and were intended to air on Odyssey as part of the promotion of "Muppets From Space". It was just before Frank officially retired from performing his Muppet Show characters.