TV Alert: Kermit and Miss Piggy on "Best in TV" ABC special September 18


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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- Try to avoid parts where one puppet has an extended monologue. The tendency in that case is to focus attention on that puppet and forget about the second one who often stands with its mouth open staring into space while the other delivers the monologue. If you're in that situation, practice the play well enough so you can focus on both puppets making sure each one appears lifelike.

- If you're doing the play live, practice it enough times so that the puppeteer has no problem switching voices between the two parts.

- Obviously, the person working two puppets can't make arm rod movements, but with practice another puppeteer can make any needed motions. Make sure you practice it well so both puppeteers know when and how the movement will be made.
How is your statement relevant to this thread? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
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Personally, I was ticked that Marge Simpson didn't get top 5 best Mom and the one from The Brady Bunch did. I kinda find Brady Bunch to be the most overrated thing ever that isn't Titanic.
Not watching the special but seeing the results of the best Mom seemed very antiquated to me as all the mothers there were pretty outdated stereotypes with not very good writing giving them much dimension. The two modern choices were pretty much just using the same stereotypes while changing the race to make them seem like they were different (Marie Barone is pretty much the Jewish mother stereotype changed to Italian and Clair Huxtable is pretty much the standard salt of the earth, caring for the children, never wrong mother figure). Marge Simpson should of been on the list, but I'm getting off topic. Yay for Miss Piggy and Kermit being in the top five. Boo Alf.

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Sorry for bumping this thread, but I saw this special, before I was a muppet fan, though I still think the muppets part was cool, it was nice to see all those TMS clips when they announced Kermit as #1 and it was very nice to see the muppets on TV.