Recent content by KalokiM

  1. KalokiM

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Wonder what it is about Red that's so appealing to babies? I also have to sing my son the Fraggle Rock theme tune if I want him to take medicine, no other song works. Odd child!
  2. KalokiM

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Haha, the best part is, that gif couldn't be any more appropriate! <hides goth clothes>
  3. KalokiM

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Hi, the sign up email said to come say hi, so hi! (How many times can I say "Hi" in one post?) I'm Kat, always loved muppets/puppets, used to have great fun making puppets and putting on shows as a kid. Now I have my own child I've been thinking of passing that on to him, and also it's a great...