The Classic Electric Company Memories Thread


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Another first season gem:
Morgan Freeman and Skip Hinnant come to Judy's house with a singing telegram.
Morgan blows on the pitch pipe, and away we go.

Your Rich Uncle Died, And Left You All His mmmm......

After some deductive reasoning, Judy gets money.

The Short Circus take it a step further. After trying m words like marbles, meatballs, macaroni, and mashed potatoes, they too conclude someone inherited money.

Douglas Grant holds out his hand, holding about 37 cents.

"But not too mmmmuch!!"

At least in 1971, 37 cents would buy you three cans of soda pop, and seven cents worth of penny candy.

Today you can't even buy a stamp.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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The OR machine.
Slow OR fast:
A snail crawls into the machine, and comes out the other side zipping and zooming leaving trails of dust in his wake (40 years before "Turbo").

Happy OR sad:
A girl walks in laughing her butt off, but comes out bawling her eyes out. This always bothered me, what happened in the machine to leave her tearing up a hankie? If I were her, I'd go back through the machine and be happy again.

The last example:
Clean OR...OR... OR...
A man walks in with an immaculate white suit, but comes out the same.
The machine fixes the problem making him DIRTY!!!! by blowing a ton of black soot on him.

The snail got the best deal.
There was also a third one in between Happy and sad and Clean and Dirty. A basketball player dribbling a ball enters the machine and the machine answers, TALL OR SHORT, and the basketball player comes out really tiny.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Letterman in: A Big Nothing. We see a bunch of kids gathered around Letterman admiring him and calling him their hero. The Spellbinder was watching and had an evil idea. He turned the H in HERO into a Z making ZERO. And Letterman got turned into a short round red number zero with eyes. "Well, Letterman!" cackled SB, "They say you're faster than a rolling O, so lets see how fast a rolling zero can go!" And SB kicked the zero off the hill causing him to roll down where an alligator in a lake was waiting to eat him. But one of the girls in the group drew a letter H in the air with her finger and used it to turn ZERO back into HERO. And Letterman got turned back to normal, just in time to close up the gator's mouth. Then he flew back up to thank the kids, while the Spellbinder tried to escape and ended up tripping and rolling down the hill where the same gator was waiting.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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There was also a third one in between Happy and sad and Clean and Dirty. A basketball player dribbling a ball enters the machine and the machine answers, TALL OR SHORT, and the basketball player comes out really tiny.
I thought there was another one, but I wasn't sure. At least the basketball player can switch sports and become a jockey. 8)


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Here's a beautifully animated TEC cartoon animated by Gerald McDermott.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Finley, Fenwick, and Fred.

In the first season, the cast threw a baseball around ("Carmela, to Brenda, to Hank").
Next season, a crew in orange coveralls help Judy move.
Finley (Skip Hinnant),
Fenwick (Morgan Freeman),
and Fred (Jim Boyd) take great pride in singing with revised lyrics and breaking Judy's dishes with their sloppy move.

Judy gets the last line of the song, "Here's the glue!!!" , and brings out a giant Costco- sized bottle of the sticky stuff.

Folks, if you (or your parents) ever hire a moving company, this is why you make sure they are licensed, insured, and bonded.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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"S & L" Does anyone remember this Electric Company cartoon? We see a guy looking at the entrance of a fancy new restaurant called the S & L. "I gotta try it," said the guy as he entered and sat at a table. He asked the waiter for their specialty. The waiter replied, "Our Sludge." The guy asked for it and the waiter brought in a plate with the word SLUDGE on it. "Have you got anything else?" asked the guy. The waiter took away the sludge and placed the word SLOP on the plate. The guy asked for something else and the waiter brought in SLIME. Then the guy asked one more time and finally, the waiter brought in the word SLAW. "What kind of slaw?" asked the guy. "Beautiful Slaw," replied the waiter. "I'll take it," said the guy. The waiter asked if he would like his slaw topped with sludge, slop. or slime. But the guy replied, "Plain slaw." "PLAIN SLAW?!" gasped the waiter, "Sir, this is the S & L. Perhaps the gentleman would rather visit the P & L for plain, no?" And next door to the S & L was a small run down building covered with garbage cans called the P & L.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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"S & L" Does anyone remember this Electric Company cartoon? We see a guy looking at the entrance of a fancy new restaurant called the S & L. "I gotta try it," said the guy as he entered and sat at a table. He asked the waiter for their specialty. The waiter replied, "Our Sludge." The guy asked for it and the waiter brought in a plate with the word SLUDGE on it. "Have you got anything else?" asked the guy. The waiter took away the sludge and placed the word SLOP on the plate. The guy asked for something else and the waiter brought in SLIME. Then the guy asked one more time and finally, the waiter brought in the word SLAW. "What kind of slaw?" asked the guy. "Beautiful Slaw," replied the waiter. "I'll take it," said the guy. The waiter asked if he would like his slaw topped with sludge, slop. or slime. But the guy replied, "Plain slaw." "PLAIN SLAW?!" gasped the waiter, "Sir, this is the S & L. Perhaps the gentleman would rather visit the P & L for plain, no?" And next door to the S & L was a small run down building covered with garbage cans called the P & L.
P&L for Plain.
Speaking of P&L, three witches were brewing a potion. The youngest one wanted to try her own recipe.
With P&L, you can throw in Plots, Plugs, and Please. The other two hate the idea, so the young witch takes the cauldron
with her.
"Too many witches spoil the soup!!"