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    The Sesame Street Encyclopedia

    3 and a half years ago, Warrick and I started the Sesame Street Encyclopedia. We, and a lot of other fans, missed a good Sesame Street character index on the internet, so we started a site, where Muppet fans could contribute their Sesame Street knowledge. It's been quite a success, we still have...
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    What kind of action will get SW's attention?

    I won't sign this because of the spelling errors. Petitions like this give us a bad name.
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    What's the deal about Cousin Monster

    No, I think not, it's the same character. As for the SSE, Cookie's Sister will stay there, but will have an annotation in her fact-tag: 'Also referred to as 'Cousin Monster''.
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    What's the deal about Cousin Monster

    Maybe it's the same puppet, the same character, but a different 'name'. The thing is of course that it's not just a name, but a relationship too.
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    What's the deal about Cousin Monster

    So, this is probably the deal: that monster I referred to is Cousin Monster, and Cookie's Sister doesn't exist, and they got mixed up because of the European dubs.
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    What's the deal about Cousin Monster

    I want this case closed forever: that little monster, related to Cookie, who doesn't like cookies, but eats Ernie's vegetables, is that Cousin Monster or Cookie's sister?
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    Look at This!!!!! *shocked*

    Jeffkoe is right, you silly people. Grow up!
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    Miami Mice

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    Miami Mice

    One small question. Miami Mice. Tito and JP. Who is who? Anyone?
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    Who performed these characters?

    To my knowings, Herry's ma was Pam Arciero and Grannie was Kevin Clash
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    SS Encyclopedia offline

    Hi guys, it's online again. And Barry, this time it was no matter of working on it, we had to wait until september. Hope it won't happen again. Enjoy!
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    The Screaming Audience

    Happy Tapping with Elmo!
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    Favorite Honker

    That's it, I am from now on a non-believer!
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    Favorite Honker

    I've always found that whole 'Homer' thing a little bit questionable. has anybody ever seen the episode where he got his name?
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    Same Muppeteer Having Two Characters in One Scene

    Yes, Frackles too I think. They are the lizard versions of monsters.
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    Same Muppeteer Having Two Characters in One Scene

    I believe that grouch is a sub-species of monster.
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    Same Muppeteer Having Two Characters in One Scene

    And of course Fuzzy and Blue, with Grover and Cookie, AND Herry and Frazzle, both Nelson chars.
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    SS Encyclopedia offline

    And we're off again...
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    Name questions

    Yeah, I have to give you credits for that. Interesting. I keep finding it weird that no one has ever seen him before 1979, but if Carol Spinney says so...
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    SS Encyclopedia offline

    We're back, but I don't know for how long.