A little help with naming custom figures

Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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OK guys, I have a few customs that I am currently working on that are totally original and I need some help with names and possible attitudes. Lemme give ya a list and you can do the rest...
All customs are right around Rizzo's height since they use Stikfas bodies as a base, so the species are relatively small ones so far... I also have plans to use TMNT figs (new ones) after I figure out how to shave down the shells a bit. Anyway, here we go

Female Gibbon (who uses Stikfas body with extended arms). She wears "daisy Duke" shorts and has pigtails (there aren;t any farmgirl muppets??? What's up with that!?!?!)
Male Mandrill (TMNT body or bigger, haven't gotten past sketches yet). He'll most likely be on the serious side, like Sam Eagle or something... This is where you all come in. Again.
A Sea Monkey (like the cartoon-ey looking ones on the package of course) using the Stikfas body
A Puffin
A Weasel
A Platypus
An Aye Aye
A Goat (TMNT body)

Other guys on the block include Droop (almost half done), March Hare, Mad Hatter Gonzo... I have alot of free time this week and don't intend to let it go to waste.

Any help with names, attitudes, etc would be awesome. I can't offer any prizes but my eternal gratitude and the knowledge that your entry will go down in history (and my collection) until I am dead and my kids throw them away.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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Have you thought of looking in baby-naming websites? There are a lot of unusual names out there!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK, let's see what we can do to help.

1 There's an actual TMS character named "The Goat" You can find this character listed in my Muppet Listings 9.0 thread, and information about him over at www.kermitage.com

2 The gibbon could be named Leeza or Liza or any other variation on that you ant.
3 There are country girl Muppet characters: the Country Girl from SS, Mary Lou and her Friend from the Steve Martin episode of TMS, and others.
4 The mandrill could be named Clive and have a sort of British seriousness to him, with a bit of a matching put-down wit.
Hope this helps and have a haunted day.

doc hopper

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2002
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here's a start:

spank the sea monkey
pat the puffin
wax the weasel
shake the platypus
jerk the goat
and lenny the aye aye