Absolutely OUTRAGEOUS!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Maybe it IS to help with speed. Aren't spammers (and addicts) the only ones who'd have a shot in heck of even pulling this off? If it gets rid of them, I say go for it.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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250 gigs is alot though. Who could even be able to use that much in a month? Then again, there are probably people and comcast probably has limited resourses. I mean, I find it hard imagine that they have an unlimited supply of gigs to give out to people. If people truely are using over 250 gigs in less than a month, then surely comcast's resourses are lowered, causing other people to suffer from speed cause of people who abuse the system. I mean, your computer gets slow if you use up so much memory and have tons of crap on it.

Of course, this IS just a guess so I dunno if this really is the case or not

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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I'll play devil's advocate :wink:, but maybe I'm just not understanding this. 250 gigs is a LOT of space to attempt to exceed in one month, is this really that unfair? I used to have Comcast when I lived in central Jersey, but now I have Cablevision and they're terrible compared to Comcast. I wish we still had Comcast.

muppet baby

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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comcast is so full of crap , i can not belive they could do something so stupid , i am so mad for everyone who has to do something so crazy , i am with most of u i hope they don't do something to messege bourds .This fourm is just like my second family like i am sure it is for most of you . I mean that is the reasosn that i got a new pc that is portable so i would not miss any time on this forum and a few more wonderful ones that i love .

I mean when i am away from home , my other laptop was just to heavy .

I mean if they limit all so any more things than they would be taking a way a lot of common sense fredom .:smirk::stick_out_tongue:

I mean all that to say that i hope that y

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I think I should point out that 250 gigs is alot compared to many many other companies. most dsl and wifi companies do limit your usage to much less than that...If I am reading these things correctly :embarrassed: