And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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And like D'Snowth, I cannot stand the carbonation and also the taste.
I seriously thought it was just me.

At the same time though, I think my lack of taste for soda probably has saved me in the long run: I mean, I've hardly any sugar-related health problems like most people who drink soda all the time do; just about my only serious health problems are high blood pressure and occasional high cholestoral that are mainly attributed to my weight, but I hardly ever have blood sugar problems, and I really truly believe one of the main reasons is because I don't drink soda.

Also gives me a legitimate excuse to not drink alcohol or even try drinking. Only time I've ever consumed alcohol is when it's been used in cooking, like beer-battered chicken, or seafood pasta that has champange in the sauce.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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I seriously thought it was just me.

At the same time though, I think my lack of taste for soda probably has saved me in the long run: I mean, I've hardly any sugar-related health problems like most people who drink soda all the time do; just about my only serious health problems are high blood pressure and occasional high cholestoral that are mainly attributed to my weight, but I hardly ever have blood sugar problems, and I really truly believe one of the main reasons is because I don't drink soda.

Also gives me a legitimate excuse to not drink alcohol or even try drinking. Only time I've ever consumed alcohol is when it's been used in cooking, like beer-battered chicken, or seafood pasta that has champange in the sauce.
Nope. You were wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yet another mass shooting in a church today. Here's what will happen (may or may not be in this order):

  • Republicans will offer their thoughts and prayers
  • Democrats will say thoughts and prayers are not enough and more action needs to be taken to prevent these shootings from continuing to happen
  • Republicans will attack Democrats for trying to politicize a tragedy
  • Democrats will attack Republicans for trying to politicize not doing anything to prevent such a tragedy
  • Trump will find some reason to blame the tragedy on Democrats while Pat Robertson and/or other Evangelicals will blame the victims for not supporting Trump
  • When the shooter is identified, he will immediately be labeled a terrorist if he's Middle Eastern, Black, or Hispanic, but if he's white, he was be excused as being a domestic terrorist and receive pity for being another unfortunate soul who had a mental breakdown
Just another day in 'Murica.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I truly believe that most Americans only want two choices for candidates. I work in design and illustration and have many clients. The more choices I present them, the more uncomfortable they are and the more indecisive they feel. We are a Coke vs Pepsi, Mc Donnald's vs Burger King, Democrat vs Republican sort of country. Sure, there are always other options, like the Dr. Peppers, Wendy's or the third party candidates of our nation, but they don't ever really amount to enough to count (except to serve as spoilers to benefit the worst of two unattractive choices). Say what you will. I hope this changes, but things like these rarely do. This is the ugly truth. Most designers in my field have been aware of this for their entire careers.
Most people think your only choices are Coke and Pepsi. But I'm that crazy guy that likes the third option of Dr. Pepper and Wendy's. If in 2020 they can get a third party candidate off the ground (not just throwing Kanye West or The Rock to run against Trump), I'm in.

I'm diabetic, so Coke and Pepsi are out, and both of their diet versions are nasty. But gimme a diet Dr. Pepper and I'm the happiest guy on earth.
Actually, when I go out to eat, gimme an unsweetened iced tea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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So far, the first two things I predicted would happen have already happened. See how routine these shootings have become?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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The fact is that most gun owners, including most members of the NRA, support common sense gun control measures. The only people who don't are the NRA leadership because they represent manufacturers instead of their membership. It's all about selling units to them. Any restrictions to gun purchasing will cause them to lose money. So, children, churchgoers, just plain innocent Americans do not matter to those who make guns. Not at all. I agree with the Second Amendment, but we already apply a degree of common sense to it. The Right to Bear Arms does not include Sherman Tanks or Nuclear Arms. A strict interpretation of it, as most gun loving republicans claim, should actually include these things. By agreeing that giving your neighbor nukes is a bad idea, republicans already agree that there are limits to the Second Amendment. It is the belief of most people in the country that these limits don't go far enough. Dems are not coming for the guns. Obama never attempted to remove Second Amendment freedoms. We do, however, need to better apply the laws that are on the books and to devise new ones that will help stem this episodic. The tired old line that NRA leadership uses is that "Gun Murders Don't Follow Laws, So Why Would We Make Any New Ones?" Um, murders and criminals, in general, don't follow laws, but we still have laws against murder and crime. That's a lazy argument. The time for all parties to talk about this issue is RIGHT NOW!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Yet another mass shooting in a church today. Here's what will happen (may or may not be in this order):

  • Republicans will offer their thoughts and prayers
  • Democrats will say thoughts and prayers are not enough and more action needs to be taken to prevent these shootings from continuing to happen
  • Republicans will attack Democrats for trying to politicize a tragedy
  • Democrats will attack Republicans for trying to politicize not doing anything to prevent such a tragedy
  • Trump will find some reason to blame the tragedy on Democrats while Pat Robertson and/or other Evangelicals will blame the victims for not supporting Trump
  • When the shooter is identified, he will immediately be labeled a terrorist if he's Middle Eastern, Black, or Hispanic, but if he's white, he was be excused as being a domestic terrorist and receive pity for being another unfortunate soul who had a mental breakdown
Just another day in 'Murica.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Yup. The thoughts and prayers from the right have commensed, and I see a few on the left already pointing out thoughts and prayers aren't enough anymore.

Routine, routine, routine.