And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


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Aug 8, 2003
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For instance, they'd explain why being gay is not according to God's will, but if you were gay, you could still be accepted (I don't think any came to the church though).
Some churches are like this, however they do impose "conditions," such as if a gay couple comes to the church, they can't sit together, stand next to each other, or be seen together.


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Feb 14, 2007
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To be honest, I never really saw the connection with homosexuality and rainbows.

Unlike many Christians, I for one am all for gay marriage and I just laugh when they try and act "triggered" when it's brought up.


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Dec 2, 2002
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Fair enough. I was angry earlier, I'm sorry you bore the brunt of it. And yes, we can't complain about division but then say "It's the right/left's fault!" Kinda defeats the point. :wink:

At this point, I do think the checks and balances are working to reign in Trump's weirder instincts, so I'm not too worried overall. The division of the country didn't start with him, and won't end with him. And that is ultimately more important to fix. That's why I say the Dems and Reps don't seem different to me. Both so invested in taking sides.

And for the record, rest assured I don't consider MC a nook of racism. :wink:
No offense taken. If someone disagrees with something I post I can take it. I'm more than willing to listen to a different point of view than mine. One can't grow unless they are willing to listen. But ya gotta give me more than "those blankety-blank conservatives." (*And I use the word "ya" not specifically you but in general). And I think it's laughable that anybody thinks that the "conservatives or Republicans" don't care about the general public and think that the Dems do. :news: Breaking newsflash: Neither party gives a :shifty: patoot. I don't trust any politician to look out for the little guy.

And I agree, I'm not sure where the nook of racism exists. Just because every comment regarding a horrific incident doesn't specifically condemn? Because one doesn't specifically condemn it, is the assumption that it is tacitly approved? That's ridiculous. I do think the President needs to be more forceful in his statements. But just because an anonymous poster on some message board doesn't condemn a particular action? My God, we'd be here all day doing nothing but condemning things.

On another note, President Trump scored what many consider a victory today with North Korea dialing back it's threats of attacking Guam. Some might not realize it, but you can give credit to the President for certain things without endorsing everything he says or does. There are things that I think he is doing that are right, but there are also many things that I think he needs to do differently or better. Just because I'm not on here ranting over every screw up he makes doesn't mean I approve of them. And just because one gives him credit for North Korea doesn't mean I agree with his statements on Charlottesville.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Oh, boo-hoo, lil' David Duke is having a mad-on over Trump's speech today.

Muppet Master

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Jan 14, 2014
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Also, I just have to point out that Trump likes his own tweets from his "President" account. I just find that really pathetic and exactly something I'd expect from him. Like come on man, it's not like you're not going to get a ton of likes.


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Aug 8, 2003
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If someone disagrees with something I post I can take it. I'm more than willing to listen to a different point of view than mine. One can't grow unless they are willing to listen.
Really? Because you come across as very condescending quite a bit whenever somebody says something in this thread you don't agree with.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Really? Because you come across as very condescending quite a bit whenever somebody says something in this thread you don't agree with.
Like I said in the next sentence, ya gotta give me more than "those blankety-blank conservatives". Links would be nice. Believe it or not, many of your posts I disagree with but I just about always google what you are talking about and read further on it. In politics there is nothing that is black and white. There are gray areas to every issue. Every issue. But just about 100% of your posts are blaming the conservatives or right for something or other when it is a much larger and greyer issue. I've taken issue with some things the Republicans and President Trump have done. I have yet to see you take issue with anything the Dems have done. Or give credit to any conservative. I've said it before, place blame where blame is warranted. And give credit where credit is due.