Anyone here heard of bitorrent. . .


Jan 20, 2005
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As I begin my quest to get every episode of SS from it's inception to the end of 1989, I realize that there is a better way to go about this. If everyone on this forum who has episodes were to pool there resources over the internet a large torrent file could be created for each season. This way all of the episodes would be available to the public domain without the hassle of trading and spending all of the money for disks and tapes.

There are a few programs that would facilitate this. Any bittorrent tracker could host each persons episodes and then work could be done from there to make torrents of each season. Or, we could just make the files available through something like DC++ or mIRC.

I know this method has been amazing in compiling complete sets of classic cartoons like TMNT, Thunder Cats, Smurfs, and even Fraggle Rock (I know it's not animated).

Anyone interested? If anyone is interested, but doesn't have a clue what bittorrent or any of the other programs are, email me and we can get something started.


Jan 20, 2005
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Well, I've taken my first step in creating a complete SS digital library. I have available episode 1364 from Noggin' available for download through DC++. I tend to hang out in the hub. Anyone who needs this episode can d/l from me. I encourage everyone out there to create digital files of all of their episodes and share them via the internet as well. This will eliminate the trading process and we will all be able to enjoy the classic sesame street episodes! Once again, I'm willing to help anyone who wants to start this.