Appearances by the Guru


Philip Kippel

Which episodes of "The Muppet Show" did the Guru (also known as Brewsters) appear in and what did he do?

The appearances that I know of are as follows:

#1 Juliet Prowse: he dances with the Trumpet Girl in "At the Dance"
#5 Rita Moreno: he participates in the panel discussion
#7 Florence Henderson: he participates in the panel discussion
#8 Paul Williams: he sings in the chorus in Paul's closing number "Sad Song"
#11 Lena Horne: he sings in the chorus in Lena's first number "I've Got a Name"
#16 Avery Schrieber: he dances with a what-not woman in "At the Dance"
#35 Dom DeLuise: he appears in the audience throughout the show
#64 Danny Kaye: he appears briefly in the UK Spot "Jogging"

He also appears in the stock Season 2 audience shots.

Am I missing any? Please let me know.

Other Muppet productions that he appeared in:

-"The Muppet Valentine Show"
-"The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence"
-"The Muppet Movie" (among the crowd of Muppets in the finale)

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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another appearance

I have read an interview with Dave Goelz where dave said that brewsters became The Guru in an appearance on some talk show. I can't remember what show it was, but I think it might have been the mike douglas show. i could be wrong.