Are the muppet movies rereleases worth getting?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2003
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I have been debating whether or not I should buy the rereleses of the 4 muppet movies. I already own the first dvd releases of the movies and I was originally going to buy these ones too in hopes of more great special features but looking at the back of the cases they don't seem to be anything special. Those of you that own these new dvds are they worth buying if you already own the movies?


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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For me, no. No they are not worth the money. I may pick up MCC and MTI just to have widescreen (but I can survive for now, if it save me $20+ in the long-run).

If you own the original releases on DVD already, then here is my advice to you. First ask yourself these four questions:

1) Is having the theatrical cut of “The Muppet Christmas Carol” in widescreen worth the cost of the disc? If not don’t buy the re-release of MCC.

2) Is having a widescreen version of “Muppet Treasure Island” worth the cost of the disc? If not don’t buy the re-release of MTI.

3) Is it worth the cost of the disc to get a 5-minute Pepe profile? If not don’t buy the re-releases.

4) Is it worth loosing the “Jim Frawley Camera Tests”, the “Making of The Muppet Christmas Carol”, the “Making of Muppet Treasure Island”, the “Treasure Island Hidden-Treasure Audio Commentary”, and the “Treasure Island Sing-along”? If not, don’t get rid of your old DVDs.

However, whether you buy these discs or not - we need to tell Disney how we feel. We need to tell them that the reason we didn’t buy is not because we don’t like the Muppets, it is because we don’t like this DVD treatment (and if you did buy them still tell them you’re not happy). So short of sounding like a broken record, I would say that sometime between now and New-Years we all should take some time and send a letter (or two) to Disney saying that you we want these films to get a better DVD treatment. Basically tell them you want better re-releases in the future (and sooner rather than later). I've talked with the companies and letters actually do work with this kind of situation. They can help and can make all the difference. Let Disney know you want better DVDs. 3-4 sentences will do the trick. You don't need to give specific details of disc features (actually getting too specific with a “dream product” will turn them off from listening) and don’t ramble on for pages and pages about the philosophy of what makes a good DVD. Just say you saw these releases and want more in-depth 2-disc collector's editions of the Muppet films (loaded with related goodies and behind the scenes stuff). Tell them you do not want bare-bone discs, you want a proper treatment. Tell them that you will buy such a product, and say you are not happy with these bland discs that are out now. That way, Disney will know what to do in the future to make people happier. If they feel enough people want them (and thus will make them money) they will do it - history shows it. Maybe 3-5 years down the line we’ll get totally awesome collector’s editions of the films (Disney is known for release a bare-bone disc, and then based on feedback and demand produce a better product later one ). Let them know that you want better dvdS. If we don’t tell them they won’t know (otherwise they will think either we’re happy with this kind of treatment and that’s why the DVDs sold, or they’ll think the reason they didn’t sell because no one really likes the Muppets that much – we need to tell them we love the Muppets and want better DVDs.)

Kimp the Shrimp

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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they dom't care we are a small group they are targeting parents rembering this and buying for thier kids

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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You may also want to ask yourself "is it worth losing the Muppetisms?", though I guess those aren't too big of a deal. I think all of the Muppetisms are available as bonus videos (when you unlock games) in the game Muppet Party Cruise, and the muppetisms can also be found on the Best of The Muppet Show DVDs.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2003
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Judging by the lack of special features and what everybody's saying I'm thinking I probably won't get them. It just doesn't seem worth buying movies I already own when mine are in good working condition and have better features than the new ones. I already bought MCC but have not opened it so I'll probably return it. I don't know if watching it widescreen is worth a whole new copy.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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If you really want to see the Pepe's Profiles, maybe you could see if a local video store or library has them and rent them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2003
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I just ended up getting Muppet caper :smile: :mad:

I was looking so forward to getting TMM and MCC, but after seeing how Disney released them in their special anniversary “treatment” they were given, I won’t pick them up and I don't even own previous releases. To treat the release the way they did, especially TMM with it being a so called special edition and anniversary on top of that, its just not justifiable. I REALLY hope we see better edition, especially with TMM. Please Disney, don’t take forever on this.

At least we’re getting good season sets of the TMS!!! Even if they are a bit cut up…


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2003
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minor muppetz said:
If you really want to see the Pepe's Profiles, maybe you could see if a local video store or library has them and rent them.
That's very true. If it's from the library I could see them for free.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I will probably get a new copy of The Muppet Movie because I lost mine. I have the case, but no disc. I have never had GMC on DVD before (only taped off Disney Channel years ago and the quality is awful), so I will want that too. I would also like the MCC too because I only have it on VHS which doesn't have the special features. So I will be getting these at some point whether they have new bonus features or not.