Aristotle finally in action at!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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That is something to think about since I know other Muppets have interacted with Snuffy before. (Ex: Dr. Nobel Price discovering Snuffy's cousin, Oscar and Telly seeing Snuffy before he was revealed) I wonder about Barkley as well. He couldn't talk so even if he did believe Big Bird, he wouldn't have been able to tell anyone. Just a thought that's been running through my head.
In the case of Telly, the adults thought he was imagining Snuffy, and at the end Telly was convinced he did imagine him (and then when he saw Snuffy's snuffle again he wondered if he was imagining). It is a bit sad that the adults apparently had to see Snuffy to know he was real. They couldn't just take the word of the kids or any of the Muppets? And I wonder what would happen if a Honker or Dinger had seen him.

Daffyfan2003 said:
Anyway, back to the Aristotle thing. That was very good. It was interesting those days that not only did they have a deaf character (Linda), but a blind character as well. Plus, I liked his voice, very Scooter-like. It would be nice to see him make a comeback some day. Of course he'd have to have a new puppateer, but still it would be neat to see that.
I wonder if maybe it was hard to write for a blind character. I always thought the idea of a blind Muppet was a bit creepy (though Aristotle is a great character, judging by these two clips). It might be easier to write for a deaf character than a blind character. I wonder what Richard Hunt felt about the character. Puppeteer Gabriel Valez (I think I might have gotten the spelling wrong, but don't feel like checking) was interviewed on The Muppet Mindset recently and said that he once asked Richard Hunt what happened to him, to which Richard replied that he didn't know, but "the last time he was seen, he was walking into heavy traffic".


Active Member
Apr 9, 2011
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That was interesting because I never seen a blind monster before! I hope they add more because I read somewhere that he was friend with Telly Monster (Brian Meuhl perform him during that time).