Bible Study

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I have a question about something:Have any of the Christian users on this site seen the new Matt Groening cartoon Disenchantment? Because I recently started watching it with my dad and he told me that he doesn't want to watch it anymore because he thinks it's blasphemous. Why does he think that? Well, you see there is this character named Luci on the show who is portrayed as the main protagonist's "inner demon". He's this little black cat-like demon character who sits on her shoulder and convinces her to do bad things. My dad's main issue with the character is that he is portrayed as a hero rather an evil villain despite his demonic nature. In fact, the last episode dad was able to watch before quitting the show involved the gang going on a mission to save Luci from an exorcist because the protagonist needs both good and bad in her life to balance things out a bit. I'm kind of surprised that my dad finds that offensive. I used to watch that old Teen Titans cartoon with him all the time and one of the main heroes on that show Raven is supposed to be a demon but yet she has is still portrayed as a hero nonetheless. Believe it or not, Dad never had a problem with Raven and sometimes even stated that she was the best part of certain episodes much to my surprise. Most of the original Teen Titans show from the 2000s was meant to be serious and dramatic with a lot of the demonic undertones used as plot devices rather than comedic gags like they are in Disenchantment. Seeing as how Disenchantment is a comedy show that doesn't take demons seriously in the slightest, it honestly seemed like it would considered the lesser of two evils compared to Teen Titans in Dad's mind. What do you think? I've honestly considered not watching it myself after my dad's reaction to it but it is always important to make my own decisions in life and considering most of the adult cartoons I watch are much more offensive (some of them even feature parodies of God himself), I overall think this one is much tamer in comparison to some of my other favorite shows. Even if you guys haven't seen the show I'm talking about, judging by the way I had described it do you think that's something I should be concerned about? Do you think the idea of having a character like Luci on a TV show is morally wrong? I kind of need the opinions of fellow Christians here because after all my dad did grow up in the house of my very strict uber Christian grandma who is offended by things that my parents consider completely appropriate such as Pokémon, Garbage Pail Kids, The Simpsons, Dungeons and Dragons, Star Trek, Bewitched, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, etc. She only just recently started warming up to Harry Potter after years of deeming it "blasphemous filth". So the fact that Dad and I were raised under completely different guidelines as to what is appropriate and what isn't kind of conflicts things even further for me.


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Aug 8, 2003
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I have a question about something:Have any of the Christian users on this site seen the new Matt Groening cartoon Disenchantment? Because I recently started watching it with my dad and he told me that he doesn't want to watch it anymore because he thinks it's blasphemous.
Well, Matt Groening, as well as Seth MacFarlane and Seth Green are all atheists, and they always take swipes at religion in their cartoons, so why should that come as any surprise?

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Well, Matt Groening, as well as Seth MacFarlane and Seth Green are all atheists, and they always take swipes at religion in their cartoons, so why should that come as any surprise?
It's not a swipe at religion exactly but rather the way he portrays a demon character. I don't really care about the religious jokes on Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, Robot Chicken, etc. because I know the guys who make the shows are atheists and I respect their beliefs even I though personally disagree. The jokes about God and the things like that on those shows don't really bother me but something is a bit off putting about portraying a little demon character who does bad things (he almost outright killed the protagonist a few times out of pure greed) as a good guy character. Characters like Peter Griffin, Roger the Alien, Homer Simpson, and to a lesser extent the Robot Chicken Nerd regularly do bad, borderline evil things for shock value but their actions are never glorified. They never get rewarded for the bad things they do and only get themselves into trouble. But making a character that is literally supposed to be Satan (Luci sounds an awful like a reference to the name "Lucifer" to me) who regularly acts out in horrible ways but the other characters show him sympathy afterwards just seems kind of backwards to me.

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Maybe it's time you started re-evaluating your principles.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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If every show you see is somehow caught in the crossfire because of your beliefs, then either you need to change the shows you watch or re-examine your beliefs.
I guess your right. I try not to be one those people who is overly strict about what shows and movies they watch due to their beliefs like Ned Flanders though. I did just spend half my week seeing a Harry Potter marathon at the theater after all. Some super strong Christians wouldn't get caught dead doing that! :smile:

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Some super strong Christians wouldn't get caught dead doing that!
I really don't think that any 'Christian' should have an issue with Harry Potter, and the ones who do are simply unimaginative people who wish to stifle any form of creativity because OH MY GOD BIBLE!!!!

There is nothing in the Bible that could possibly make Harry Potter a work of evil.

The only reason I'm not a fan of Harry Potter personally is because it's OVERRATED!!

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I really don't think that any 'Christian' should have an issue with Harry Potter, and the ones who do are simply unimaginative people who wish to stifle any form of creativity because OH MY GOD BIBLE!!!!

There is nothing in the Bible that could possibly make Harry Potter a work of evil.

The only reason I'm not a fan of Harry Potter personally is because it's OVERRATED!!
I know right. I respect your opinion about it being overrated but I also agree with you that it is by no means anti-Christian. I and pretty much all my Christians friends think Harry Potter is awesome! In fact, one of my very strong Christian friends has this quote on her Facebook page,

"If you don't like Harry Potter then I completely respect your opinion even though your wrong!" :big_grin:.